Sunday, September 23, 2012


Today in many parts of the  Arab and  Musslem world , science , arts , and modern social concepts , are largely unknown or ignored , and of little  interest to them . Truth about  religion , the soul ,  eternity and early Islamic  modes of living , they believe , are incomparably more important than truths about the body, nature , or contemporary sciences , since these  pertain only to the darkness that constitute this world .

Only a handful of individual  Musslems across the Arab world gained  fragments of new scientific knowledge . No Arab or Musslem thinker of the last few centuries produced or even upheld  a theory of the physical world as a whole , not even  in rudimentary terms . It is an era without scientists , without artists or creators  of futuristic and human  progress ideas .

Whereas the world is striving to produce more of these inspired futurists , the Musslem and Arab world in general , is condemning  what little they know of it  as immoral , to them , it is not insignificant , but a threat , such worldly interests might provoke God's wrath , endanger  one's salvation , and is not  compatible with the  prophet's own times and way of life .

Although man in general  in our modern times , cannot claim to understand  much about  God's plan , the Musslems and their salafists , often refer to it .  Explanation of most events , they believe , is one that identify , as far as possible , the Divine's will  and hands in these events , whether it's political , social , family issues or the well being of individuals and or whole societies .

Some sad reflections on the situation governing a large segment of the world population . thanks for your time and patience , salamat.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's  and unto God  that  which is God's . On this all brilliant thinkers agreed through out history . But how much is God's , and  when is it due ?? on this , the mixed-up men , being  very mixed-up , could not agree .

Many  confused - very confused and mixed up indeed - men and women in the Arab world , and the general Islamic world , are now facing and living this dilemma , of how much  is due to God , and how to render it .

How to live their lives , progress through life , raise and educate their children and prosper economically , and build stable and happy societies ,  and at the same time please their God , with offerings , rituals and principles , thousands of years old , only favored by Gods thousands of years old .

I say and repeat Gods , but I only mean the One God of most of our worldly religions . As most , or dare I say, all  followers share these same exact feelings of being  extremely mixed up  as to how , and what to do , regarding the ;  " how to please God in our actual times ."

The Christian who burned Korans not long ago in Florida, is trying to please his God, as the Jewish or Copt or whatever , who created that retched video were trying their way to please their God, or those barbaric attacks on diplomatic missions an the killing of diplomatic staff perpetrated by Muslim mobs who were all trying hard to please their god .

Some reflections on the not too inspiring events of the Arab and Muslim world , again thanks for your patience and time .

Thursday, September 13, 2012


WE all  admit that most Americans can be safely categorised as conservatives and religious  , or at best religiously conservatives . Following most religious sects or different denominations , most or all answer to the same higher authority .

All these religious denominations without exception  ask men to sacrifice themselves  to a transcendent entity , such as the One , God , or the state whether religious or civil . The good life , therefore , consists for the groups and individuals alike ; for each man's renunciation of personal , worldly desires in order to serve a higher truth , and a better community here on earth .

Religious leaders , thinkers and congregations are often described as advocates and proponents of faith over reason , and thus as non  or anti rationalists .

The American people , in good numbers , nowadays are turning and more so than ever before , as anti establishment and/or anti government and higher organising bodies in their lives , with more evident disrespect toward leaders of any kind .

In trying to relate the one and the many , it seems that our solution  is to write off the many as unwanted , undesirable  and unreal , and interpret literally the one as a self-sufficiency , championing  the one   without the many .

So as  Americans, represented by tea partiers and ultra conservative write wingers , are we turning away from religious substance and core principles ? are we reinventing new social/religious dogmas or a new creed to suit our modern selfish temperaments .

Simply some observations from our times, thanks for your time .

Saturday, September 1, 2012


THE point of life nowadays in the Arab world and more so in Syria, is the daily living of it.

When one reads about the Syrian revolution , you smell smoke , pictures of fire , accompanied by images of death , bad death  ,  somber pictures of carboniferous towns and cities , villages and the country side . You get a sense that fire  and death  are elements of destruction and rebirth .

  Syria  didn't just fall to the revolution in March 2011 , it burnt slowly ,  and keeps burning , slowly and fiercely . Revolutionary events do not just happen , they ignite .

Such historical outcomes , do not happen according to any grand  historical design , nor to well orchestrated conspiracies from other forces , not even from well designated enemies .  They are  merely  collective acts of  countless  individuals who at a certain point , for a moment , were struck by a moral purpose in their lives . Their dignities .

The obligation to resist and uproot a regime that had been fed on the appetite for domination , subjugation  and  extermination , is the essence of it all . This is exactly why , the images of fire and death in Syria are elements of both , destruction and rebirth .

Syria has been lately a lot on my mind, it's people , their revolution , and it's  desolate and hopeless regime . As usual , thanks for your attention and time . Salamat .