THE ideal man of religiosity is the man of faith , total and blind faith .
The question is one of where the centre of the human personality is to be located in our modern times , in absolute and blind faith or in reason .
Are we , making our centuries old second amendment and maybe some other constitutional rights as sacred and untouchable as Musslems are doing of their 1400 years old , archaic ways and laws , trying to implement and make them work in our actual times . The same would be as trying to apply some 2700 years old fabricated Hebraic stories and sacred laws , and putting them to govern our twenty first century times and lives .
Are we so absolutely stuck in time and creative legislative power , that we only have the hundreds and thousands years old rules and regulations to govern our life in today's modern times ??
Do we really have to own , individually , war-toys and heavy killing machines , to feel safe in our houses and around our communities and schools ??
Why don't we safely store , in one place , enough weapons for each of the willing communities , across the country , to be used in self-defence if and when our government attacks us , or the commies and Russians arrive , or the musslems and Jews invade our streets ??
In the United States today , while "religiosity and conservatism" has become an icon , the great tradition of liberalism , which for centuries has given meaning and purpose to people , liberalism that for so many decades was iconic for most of the people and societies in the west , lacks outspoken champions , slogans and courage .
WE are forced to take the side of Ivan Karamazov , who says that he "has to decline the ticket" the ticket of admission to a heavenly cosmos where so much evil has to exist as the necessary precondition of good .
My usual thanks to the readers , for their time and patience , salamat.