Sunday, May 24, 2015


Scientific truths do not rest on the  word of their discoverer ;  gravity  does not function   because  Newton said so . The same would be true of all Godly religious doctrines . Confirm them by experience , by rationality and sound discussions , and not by whether Jesus insinuated  acted or spoke them , or the followers of the Kor'an  recited them and later put them down in a book , nor  because the old  Hebraic Bibles writers imagined and  inscribed  rules , doctrines , covenants and promises .

Religious doctrines and Godly rules should therefore not only bring and repeat fixed  ideas of ancient times , rather the sentiments and actions of our times , reflect the nowadays perceptions , reflections and needs . And judge them by modern universal standards . Any God , king or ruler who is responsible for everything , is in most cases if not always , a God or ruler of violence , pain , misery , injustice and cruelty .

If everything must have a cause , then God too must have one ,  if there is anything without a cause , it might very well be " us/me  as gods , or in his image ."  Early  metaphysical  and theological thinking and behavior , was done at a time when rulers , kings or their equivalent , ruled  with despotic authority  over property , behavior , ideas and all practical  aspects of life . Consequently  people thought about  absolute doctrines , always reigned  by a male and an almighty .

 The most obvious actual neighbors of mine nowadays to come to mind and who answer those archaic modalities and applications of governance tactics , are clearly, The Syrian regime , and Israel's neo-cons orthodox  rulers , today's Syria looks as if out of place in the modern world , like a ruined temple of classical antiquity , with some of its shattered columns still erect and visible to outside viewers , exactly as does most parts of the Palestinian  under occupation West-bank  and Ghaza .

As the good old saying goes ; " If  God  is  God , then God is not good , if  God  is  good ,  then  God is  not  God . he  can not  be  both  God  and  good ."

Indeed , from  the  lands that  invented and promoted the Gods and the one and only God , one has to observe , admit  and  conclude .

My usual  many  thanks for your patience and time.    

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Many or most dictators and their regimes , are permanently reborn with some of the darkest legacies of the human character . Narrow mindedness , provincialism , anti-intellectualism , cold heartedness , bigotry and a false continual feeling of supremacy . Surely all leading to cruel oppression and suppression  of any type of liberty or democracy . The Syrian scenario is definitely no different .

Arab populations in general and more so Syrian people , lost forever  the confidence in their capacity to govern . The notion of government itself  has turned into an eternal enemy of the republic  and its citizenry , a notion very familiar nowadays in modern Syrian history .

The Syrian leader , its regime , armies and security apparatus , versus their adversaries from the different factions of the opposition , mostly scattered  in all parts of the country and the world , plus the many turned speechless in the various jails and dungeons , do not share any common language or future view .

Both sides with time , proved mistaken in their predictions , false in their analysis , wrong in their advise , that led through the results of their interests and  armed conflicts , to highly injurious and deadly scenes to the country and its people .

The unmendable policies and interests of both the regime , its leader and his thugs , and the different opposition factions , is taking the country into the abyss of small enclaves , totally run by their local warlords . Where no government exist , no law , and definitely no freedom or democracy will ever be achieved .

Leading us into a situation where , all the politics of our times  including the politics of war , be it in Syria , Iraq and many other Arab countries , and for decades to come , will only be the politics of the crises . No one side or party can safeguard the interests , needs and rights of the entire population .

Of course external forces and influences are there to arm , inflame and  strengthen all these destructive internal forces , Saudi and Gulf , plus nowadays Sunni Turkey are a side , hopefully declining due to their internal fears , problems and worries , plus on the other camp , the growing tensions and changes between liberal and conservative factions , becoming more acute in Tehran , these internal disputes could dampen Iran's foreign aspirations , as it could happen on the Arab and Sunni side .

Hopefully this alleged fatigue , could affect directly the progression of the Syrian war , and others as well , and the fate of their ill-fated regimes .

Sad , sad situations indeed , only benefiting greed , hegemony and colonialism , and of course the international arms dealers and cartels . My as always , thanks for listening .         

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


In fact today's writings could be the perfect sequel to my previous " law enforcement " on Feb 12- 2015 , we hear nowadays more of police activities and ..... , lately an almost daily news event .

The police !!  Almost a sacred institution , an untouchable one , and surely rarely if at all scrutinized ,  that is in most of the world's countries on all continents . But the words sacred or untouchable etc... have different meanings to different geographical areas of the globe .

All dictatorships , absolute rulers , Musslem monarchs  and emirs ,  and many other wealthy and industrial countries like  China , Russia and Israel  and many others , understand  these words as total , literal , absolutist , only applicable through ruthless apparatus , violence and brutality are  always the only hand to play , and surely no questions ever to be asked .

The same words to a European , and more so to a western European , ultimately to a Nordic or a UK ear , have a different interpretation , civility , less or no brutality , and more interest in the people's social problems . Canada is a slightly modified version of the European West in general .

The US , has always taken a much stronger , and more rigid attitudes in applying the rules and tactics of law enforcement , use of arms has of course always been with the forces , the sacredness and untouchability were always present , albeit in semi hidden ways , but American police were never far from brutality and homicide in their history, and more so in the past century , on the contrary it's a  constantly  increasing  trend  with the years , and lately to alarming levels .

Some funny statistics came up lately whereby the American police killed more people in one month than the entire UK police have killed since 1900 , in March of this year 111 people were killed by police . Funny heh.... I have to admit though , and very openly , that the country is turning into a more brutal , weaponised , and ruthless , at all aspects and echelons of the population , the younger ones are more prone to gangs and drug distribution circuits  , the Black youth even more so than others , but everyone is following including Whites .

Could it be now the awakening call , coming through this spree of killings writely and wrongly , meditated or not , against special races or not . The call for more scrutiny , transparency , and humanity in the training at all  police academies , a half way of meeting our European counterparts , surely not our greatest  Allie though . we could start by applying some more efforts of limiting the militarization of our law enforcement's agencies , of easing the racial tendencies of most of our law enforcers , and modifying the processes of  training and indoctrination at all levels of police forces .

Thanks as usual to all for your good monitoring , and propagating my writings .