Thursday, August 25, 2016


Historically , as well as in our present times , societies proved they can live without Godly influenced religions . Confucianism , Taoism , and Buddhism  have been proving this for long centuries , and they all were and continue to be great societies and civilizations , they all follow a mixture of spirituality , ethics and philosophy , rather than our models of Abrahamic  monotheistic accepted religions .

Generally Believers are as liable to be non virtuous and crazy fanatic Zealots as atheists are liable not to be . People's real worth is never measured by faith  or rituals , but by the amount of love , compassion , tolerance and justice of which they are capable .

In a previous blog , sometimes ago , I once quoted Dostoevsky's Ivan Karamazov ; "If God does not exist everything would be allowed " I totally disagree , on the contrary , looking to situations like Syria , Iraq , Israel and Turkey , Afghanistan and Pakistan , Yugoslavia and Ukraine  and many , many other areas of extreme violence and horrific injustice and intolerance , we can safely conclude that all these problematic spots exist because of too much God .

I keep more or less referring to Abrahamic religions as I was born and raised in a monotheistic world , with the same God and his several messengers , prophets , sons et al , recognized and approved by some , disapproved and bitterly resented by others , all in various degrees of hate .

These imbibed and assimilated religions , with their dogmas , temples , and folkloric rituals , their sacred and purportedly supernatural  origins , and forces and promised later lives , over the thousands of years of their existence and manipulations, where all people have done nothing but share and follow blindly their parents religions since early childhood .

Monotheistic religions teach their adherents to throw themselves into the literal study of their books , committing them to memory , reciting and quoting them endlessly . The world , the universe and humanity are far more interesting , mysterious and challenging than all religious books combined , holy books that are untouchable and literally rigid , incomprehensible and full of unexplainable brutality to most modern minds.

Thousands of religiously dominated years , only proved the linkage of the religious system with the horrors  in the world , the suffering , brutality , the injustice , versus too little happiness and tolerance . what a pitiful result for the concept of its creation by an almighty . We have always sacrificed the almighty God for our earthly selfish needs , and more so in our world today , and only managed to cling to the mediocrity and pettiness of it all . What a poor result for omnipotence !!!

Our life , future and destiny cannot and will not be left at the mercy of Mullahs , Rabbis or sheikhs and priests , ignorant preachers or pseudo theologians , nor to any form of fanaticism and blindness , as the separation of church and state proved to be more than precious and successful , we should consider the next steps , separating religion from our daily lives , thoughts and acts .

We have all turned into some sort of blind fidelity, rather than faith . Action and stupid obedience more than contemplation and meditation , fanatically defending ourselves against all others , trying to annihilate all others , mostly believers in the same God , and all in the name of God .

All my thanks for your times and help spreading the blog .                   

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Fanatics are a permanent and everlasting part of all religions , there's no argument there , but our words today are about Musslem and Jewish fanatics , their acts and behavior toward humanity , neighbors and compatriots , simply prove that they have not made the crossing from old religious dogmas of hegemony , supremacy and brutality to modern concepts of democracy , human rights and the separation of religion and state . As well as multiculturalism , pluralism and religious tolerance .

The modern Islamic hold on Europe is only equaled and paralleled by the Jewish hold on America . Whereby the Islamic folkloric fanaticism spread and militarization throughout the world and mostly in Europe and some parts of the greater Middle-East , again is only a reflection of previous and actual Jewish spread and attempts to grab all aspects of real power within Europe historically and later the U.S. continuing till our actual days. Manipulating it all for their narrow religious views and political  hegemonic aims .

One group though has been and is operating and manipulating through high power , and control of media , as well as smart effective political pressure groups and lobbies , and direct financing of top politicians from all walks of life . While the other operates through sheer numbers of narrow minded folkloric believers leading to individual terrorist acts , both impacting and influencing their host countries .

This religious cabalism from whatever side it comes , are all inspired and conducted by the same God of Abraham and its auspices . Both  Europe and the U.S. as most of the Western world are and will pay a heavy price for accommodating  the various Allahs and Yahwehs  of these intolerant and fanatically brutal tribes . All enjoying and abusing the West and its enlightenment .

The inconsistent West , its security , pluralistic and tolerant societies , harboring the same elements of the tribal religious states that keep nourishing their people with notions of hate of the other , and intolerance toward the different other . Israel as its neighboring Islamic kingdoms , Caliphates and autocracies and theocracies , are all behaving in ways that perpetuates these archaic principles of false superiority , brutality and hegemony , and intolerance toward the different .

They all share the firm belief of "We are right , we hold the truth , and the whole world is wrong" and these false slogans give their adherents the right and power to burn and destroy the world , the other's world .

The mind set of many Jewish in America as are the Musslems mind set in Europe and their ever growing grip of all aspects of liberalism , pluralism and tolerance that suit nicely their people's life style and agendas in the host countries , but never in their respective countries .Where in America even a , Merry Christmas wish , is becoming politically incorrect and almost taboo .

These groups are strictly playing their religious distortions of history toward each other , and the world . It's a dramatic saga repeating itself every few decades , under different names and labels and for different manipulative aims . But continually serving and shaping the same goals and policies nonetheless , while their own territories and countries are exclusive heavens for their own faithful and their Gods , politicians and preachers , who are totally intolerant and only preaching brutality .

All my thanks for your patience, time and help spreading the word .

Monday, August 8, 2016


Are the GOP so bankrupt , to cling to Donald Trump with such fervor and desperation ?? If it's as bad then someone should recommend , declaring bankruptcy , or as a highly respected business act and maxim ; stop and cut  losses , it would be more honorable and grand of an action than clinging to a mad suicidal impulsive track , and candidate who is going to further drag down the Republican party as a whole with it .

I hope that Republican middle classes as well as richer upper classes , and professional politicians are not fooled by this apparent actual obstinacy of his disenchanted and naive base . These will form eventually on election day not more than 15 to 20 % at best , of the general electorate force in America , and will be the first to abandon ship when serious signs of implosions show themselves . It already started .

It is obvious nowadays in our mixed and complicated world , that it is not enough to oppose and insult a broken system or your opposing candidate . A coherent and sound alternative , practical and applicable alternatives have to be proposed and adopted .

""I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican party , its officers or candidates."" Said Sen. John McCain , in a recent statement condemning Mr. Trump's latest bad gaffes about several issues . It did end up in a non endorsing  comical saga .

When will the majority of Republican electorates decide openly to cut losses and not endorse or vote for Mr. Trump ? A man whose views do not reflect nor represent them or their political views . On the contrary , a man showing himself everyday more of an embarrassment , and a lonely foolish insolent star .

Donald Trump might say a lot of ridiculous things , and fewer not so ridiculous ones , but he shouldn't be treated or taken as a joke , not even thought of as one little passing phenomena . He is a sure threat to American establishments and foundations , to American well-fare , and economical as well as political stability . He is a clear threat to his base as he is a threat to all Americans and more so the entire hard working middle classes .

Americans in this election year , are behaving as if they are having the hardest of times , they are trying to bond together in believing that the greatest misfortunes have taken over their lives , and their children's futures . Taking themselves to the streets , becoming violent , arming themselves beyond reason , doubting and hating all signs of diversity , following leaders or pseudo leaders , that only know how to  fuel these fears , parroting stupid slogans and unreal fears . Wishing for illusive dream like days of greatness , only found in Hollywood's movies of the sixties .

America is far and very far from all of this , Americans still amount to be the number one in most aspects of modern life , economically and politically , the country remains surely the envy of the world . It is very silly to succumb to such cheep demagogy and despair while the whole world looks at the country for future guidance and assistance .

My full gratitude for your time and help spreading the blog and its ideas.