Sunday, March 26, 2017


The Arab world in its majority is living nowadays another huge deception, and a very big loss of pride and self esteem . It's not obviously the first one in its long history, many previous defeats and derogatory instances took place in the last centuries, be it at the hands of Mongols, Turkic Ottoman rule and European colonialism, to end it all with the implantation of the state of Israel and its biased protectors.

What I'm focusing on today are the latest two major blows , the first was in 1967 when Arabism and Arab sentiments and unity was at its highest with Nasser of Egypt at the top, and an Arab feeling of power and indestructibility unparalleled for many centuries, against Israel and the whole world, mostly the Western world. Although a repeat of the huge defeat of 1948 war against Israel and its humiliating consequences .

67 was different with rhetoric of self reliance and absolute faith in a pan Arab force, backed by a Musslem undefeatable pride and confidence. They lost big time, Nasser died soon after, and Arabs mostly Musslems were in disarray , left to the mercy of adventurers and political profiteer novices .

Years later, the feelings of pride and superiority started rebuilding at the hands of Islamists, at the expenses of all pan Arab slogans of all leaders,  ie;"An Arab nation united with an eternal glorious message." , "From the ocean to the Golf " was fading and giving place to "Allahou akbar", his Prophet and a strict literal interpretation of the holly book. Again the feeling of pride and indestructibility was gaining ground albeit under religious slogans .

 Pseudo intifadas started in many Arab corners, culminating in what is called the Arab spring, socio-economic reasons were responsible at the start, camouflaged by religious fervor and religious pride. How can we loose with Allahou Akbar and the Prophet backing us ??? We are after all the greatest nation produced to the world !!!

Hard core Islamists quickly took over, backed by organized fanaticism , fervor , and political special interests, North Africa, Egypt, Syria and Iraq and elsewhere got again the resolve and pride of the original Musslem wars, always with the help and guidance of Allahou Akbar . Only a few years down the line , the Arab and Musslem world are facing again a humiliating defeat , and are being crushed in every feature of their dreams .

Few serious efforts are under way for rational explanations, and whether Islam and Arabism are necessarily compatible, complimentary or even helpful to each other. Who's more responsible for the present situation, Arabism under all its forms, or Islam under its literalism and archaic doctrines and laws. Some serious questions facing the Arab Musslems all over, questions that have to be answered within a generation if survival of the peoples speaking Arabic is contemplated .

Well !! what can one say, maybe Allahou Akbar gave up on his people, or maybe he's not as omnipotent as he once was, maybe it's high time for Arabs and Musslems to rethink the whole approach and strategy like many other people before them did all over the world. Islam like any and all other religions in the world share the strong tendencies of invigorating its adherents, giving them the feelings of invincibility and overblown pride, often leading to imploding and destroying themselves . Musslem Arabs in their majority are starting to feel and realize it .

All my ,as always, thanks for your patience , time and help propagating the blog .          

Saturday, March 18, 2017


It is important, even essential to keep bringing up, analyzing, critisizing and talking about some events in our planet's modern life. Some political scenes, some anomalies, some injustices,  major injustices, some very threatening emerging political trends and phenomenons, like the birth of a dictatorship or a fascist regime, Nazi Germany comes immediately to mind, and many replicas of it in our actual era .

Yes, there is a continual need to keep talking and criticizing these rogue politicians, and irresponsible regimes. Whether they are in Russia, Ukraine, U.K. the U.S. or any rogue regime holding its country captive ; Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and behind them Saudi , Iran, and Israel with their creations and definitions of apartheid, occupation and colonialism.

We need to keep questioning what's happening and what's taking place on the ground in all of these entities and regimes, more so in influential and dominant countries like Russia, the U.S. and Israel, and lately Saudi Arabia and Iran, the rest are minor second and third degree players .

A good deal of responsibility for the Middle-East chaos, falls on Saudi Arabia and Iran, the planning and execution of plans dating some years now , always with the help of regional and international superior powers, proves continually that both sides are the exact two sides of the same coin. The Shiite and Sunni, the Wahhabis and the Mullahs, their fighters and their patrons, from all countries carry all exactly the same, even identical tactical agendas and goals.

Unfortunately we're only to sit and watch the new geopolitical mapping and divisions take place, and the new Middle-East reshape itself and reemerge based on new ethnic borders and patronage, including seemingly peaceful entities like Lebanon, Israel and north African countries. A sad ending for an area many cherished and believed in .

It is not enough that America and most American politicians, till now keep pretending that America has never done anything wrong to others, to Arabs, to Palestinians, to Latin Americans and Vietnamese and most of there neighbors, we are nowadays experiencing a new combination of American//Israeli politics and hegemony, that intensify and amplify the old masked policies, and dwarf everything we have done so far. What a show !!!!

Many of our present leaders in the world, and just to name a few, I'll mention Mr. Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Assad, Erdogan, the Ayatollahs and the Saudi leadership, plus of course all the new self appointed Islamist chieftains and the European extreme right aspiring young politicians, are all without exception using hate, fear, and false extreme nationalistic and religious tactics, and not once a moralistic, civilized, globalized approach .

All sensible and intelligent people of the world should rise and fight these trends, and prove them backward , stupid, and ineffectual in our modern times, on the contrary, very dangerous to worlds stability, prosperity and a future vulnerable survivability . Turning American or Philippino or north Korean presidencies and politics into a comedy-show could turn frighteningly dangerous. Meanwhile unfortunately the show goes on .

As always , my sincere thanks to all , for reading , mentioning and spreading the blog .             

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


In modern times, narrow faith is returning to many spots of the world, in different shapes and headings, eclipsing morality and civility.  Faith and morals are quite different things, as men of different faiths can live together in peace, provided they agree on some standards of behavior. And without moral agreement men can not and will not live together in peace.

Surely no faith can claim higher morality or betterness than other rivals. Throughout the Middle-East, Israel and now the new waves of Islamism and Islamists , and fascist dictators in the world prove that less faith and better morality and civility is what's needed .

One of the few conceptions of justice, coming from old religious dogmas, in this case from Moses, and still considered as a great advancement to modern humanity and civility says; " You shall have one law for the stranger and for the native." Unfortunately our modern descendents of Moses whether in America, in Israel or in many spots of the Middle-East are all totally writing it off, and behaving exactly in opposite ways , while segregation and apartheid are flourishing everywhere.

Through various Islamic waves, in established countries and in war torn countries, and the Israeli colonialism, apartheid and theft, and American recent elected political inclinations, Europe's , Russia's and Turkey's rising blind ultra right and oligarchies , all fit the same paradigm . How much hypocrisy , self deception , irrationality and dishonesty would it take to apply and conduct one's life in accordance with segregation and apartheid .  To live together peaceably, men need rules, and these rules may even have to be enforced .

Historically it was always more factual and true to call a Judeo-Islamic trend and culture, and not Judeo-Christian tradition, the early Christians in the Greco/Roman world were heavily confronted with all Jewish laws, philosophies and rules of conduct, and Jews never accepted the whole Christian story nor Jesus, while Jewish dogmas survived well with initial Musslem expansion under Muhammad, and even later with califs and communities in different continents, and there's no denying of the too many resemblances and influences of Jewish laws over Islamic rituals and laws.

As a mater of fact, the coining and origination of the  Judeo-Christian concept, coming from the idea that the Christian covenant supersedes and eliminates the Jewish one, the words have been around and in use for  a century more or less, I have in a previous blog talked about it at length. Even Eastern Orthodox churches are less reliant and less accepting of the modern partnership and the very convenient to Zionism  Judeo-Christian misunderstood concept.

While both Judaism and Islam insist on a set of rules, laws and practices affecting every aspect of life. It has gotten to a degree in our times where both religions are practically reduced to a set of rituals devoid of spirituality and morality, civility and justice , and both share a total accepted will of non critical study of their respective religions.

My usual many thanks for everyone's time and help spreading the blog and increasing our readership.