Monday, April 23, 2018


Back in time during the G.W. Bush era, when the invasion of many countries were staged, and we ended up in Afghanistan, a short time later in Iraq, later Libya, and now Syria, while the Palestinian saga continues with full blast, back then president Bush top adviser told journalists how his people had no time for "What we call the reality-based community, in which people believe the solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality" Rather "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality, and while you're studying that reality judiciously, we'll act again, creating another reality and new realities, which you will study as well, and that's how things will sort out in the future." 

This same attitude is adopted and enforced, it continues with our actual administration, the mentality of imperial reality-eroding, and anti-rational discourse forced upon the public . This anti-rational reasoning is being used to further divide the country, and render any discussion between its intellectuals and its rural population, mostly white Christianized people, quiet impossible. As one side aspires to a great and gone past, and the other to a present leading to a different and better future. 

The same goes in many places of the world, Russia, Turkey, all theocracies and surely Israel, they are all living the same majore divide of rational reasoning . Objective reasoning and governing must be interest-free, and neutral, not serving any particular interests, values and desires of the living self proclaimed  emperors .

Actually in America both parties reps and legislators, have been approving openly, and with great largess, the administration's every demand for funding any and all military new adventures, plus our few allies crazy colonial adventures, while both sides of the isle keep hinting and denouncing the president and his administration as very dangerous and aimless. 

Our inhabited world is becoming more coherent, and unified than at any time historically, it shouldn't be allowed to attempt destroying it for the sake of some pseudo-imperial dreams, imperialism or colonialism, or some stupid feelings of superiority, and definitely not for the sake of any one religion or race or nationality .

My usual many thanks to all .                        

Friday, April 13, 2018


Indeed is it an irrational duplicity and blatant hypocrisy or an American case of pragmatism and ingenuity . While the US is totally backing the Israeli hegemony, and its military snipers, shooting down innocent unarmed Palestinian civilians, protesting the illegal occupation, the mass deportations and the dehumanizing of millions incarcerated in their concentration camps, while the Israeli snipers arrogantly are posting videos celebrating their cold blooded sniping and murdering spree .

Senior US politicians, prominent commentators, and mainstream media are all condemning in all words the alleged chemical attacks in Syria, but not so when it's Israel doing the killings by professional snipers against fenced in population .

Russia with its unwavering support for the Assad regime , ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting countless civilians, and the suffocating of Syria's most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons, said State Department spokesperson Nauert. The president called Assad an animal, and heavily blamed Russia and Iran, for supporting Assad's aggressions. All possibly correct accusations leading to justified reactions from America and few of our Western allies, if the barbary is proven correct .

But no one questioned, accused or condemned and threatened any actions as to Israel's brutal, even barbaric behavior toward all Palestinian citizens of the land . And lately Ghazans being sniped in total cold blood, for their peaceful protests behind their imprisonment fence, most killed were young men and kids, women and well marked journalists. The toll of killed and injured is far greater on the Ghaza strip than it is in the alleged chemical areas of Easter Ghouta, the siege of Ghaza and all under occupation towns and villages are far more brutal and inhumane than the East of Damascus scene. In America, our politicians and media, not only refuse to condemn Israel, we punish those who do !!!

Our great Ambassador to the UN, even blocked several attempts to investigate the killings by Israeli army snipers of innocent civilians in Ghaza. While the White House is busy elevating John Bolton to the highest post advising the president, and our esteemed ambassador to Israel is donating big money to illegal settlers building their futures on stolen lands, whom original owners will surely be pushed into some sort of new Ghaza concentration camp. This duplicity, double standards, of ours in dealing with two adjacent countries is appalling to say the least.

The State Department meanwhile, issued a very strong critique of Russia in a statement after the alleged chemical attacks, accusing it of "Breaching its commitments to the United Nations" and called into question Russia's commitment to resolve the overall crisis in Syria and the area. Seriously !! who's kidding who ?? we're blaming Russia for something we've been blatantly doing for over 50 years, and continue doing on daily basis, covering for Israel's aggressions and unparalleled brutality, theft, annexation of lands, colonization, apartheid, annihilation and dehumanization of an entire population .

Practically every politician, lobbyist and war machine advocate--with the exception of Bernie Sanders,who just today was questioning Israel's policy and ours toward israel,  they all have been pushing and demanding harsh measures against the Syrian army and Russia, not one word was uttered for the by now third week of brutal killings and coldblooded sniping by army professionals against unarmed civilians.

No one could question that Mr. Assad , ought to be held fully accountable for his war crimes against his people in Syria . But to overlook and keep total silence as to what is happening across the border in Israel is equally a war crime. The problem of pro Israeli politicians in the US , the lobbies behind them, and the newly awakened fervor of literal Evangelists, is always between their Americanism, the American people and their interests and welfare, versus Israeli hegemonic interests and policies, they don't always coincide, and it creates big problems for America .

My many thanks to you all .                      

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I sometimes seriously wonder, what is the real logic behind the huge radical fight against woman's freedom of choice and abortion in general , even with a fetus 3 to 4 weeks old, is it just respecting the supposed will of God or a facade,  while keeping a closed eye about the cold blooded mass killings at schools left and right in the US. the killings of black youths, Muslims and Jews, Arabs and Latinos, as well as anyone from different minorities. And the annihilation of entire populations all over.  Is it really to satisfy the will of God and our conscience ? and nothing else !!!

If so , Maybe America should honestly play it differently, and forbid any type of abortion , at any stage , for white Christian Evangelicals , and other extreme right blue eyed blonds, thus totally pleasing our politicians, clergy, and good old white second amendment's fanatics. And only allow abortion to others , to all unimportant humans and races mentioned earlier, if they so choose , and strive to decrease their numbers in existence. We should call it "The good riddance plan."

I've just read today in the international press, about Mr. Netanyahu's alleged comments to the germans and Italians, and both vehemently denying such requests,  about receiving the unwanted African asylum seekers in Israel, as does Mr. Trump every morning tweeting about his different controversial issues, and blasting all media that doesn't start with an F.,  who among the two is the better creator of fake news , while they both pretend to believe that whatever they utter is the truth , I wonder !!.

Back in 1925, in America, a popular song verse initially for the KKK , went like this ;
I would rather be a Klansman
In a robe of snowy white,
Than to be a Catholic priest
In a robe as black as night
For a Klansman is American
And America is his home
But a priest owes his allegiance
To a Dago Pope in Rome .
It comes handy after the latest great speech by the Pope for Easter, and the rhetoric of our, Evangelical pleasing , oligarchy in Washington nowadays .
Let's not reenact this mentality and fanaticism, as it will only and strictly weaken and dehumanise America .

It's honestly sad to see, in our times politicians and preachers alike, using constantly Christian rhetorics, and the rather newly invented Judeo/Christian phraseology, verbs and acts, to enforce some narrow concepts of nationalism and phobias, and a white only Christian Evangelical visions of supremacy in America and the world .

In the 2016 presidential elections, approximately 78% of the white Evangelical voted for Mr. Trump, today the numbers of his supporters from the same group are slightly below . For many white Evangelical Americans, and especially their leaders, faith didn't moderate their drive to hold onto political supremacy over all others, and maintain control by any means necessary, and that suits Mr. Trump perfectly. As well as the U.S. and international Zionist NeoCons .

As always my profound gratitude for your time .