Monday, July 23, 2018


A democracy, any democracy is in very serious trouble when opportunistic political opinions and tactics replace facts, and plain evidence as the basis for political debate, influencing policy making and opinions of its populations. Both Israel and America , and of course some other totalitarian regimes are quickly drifting in those directions .

Israel is a minor player in itself, albeit very dangerous to all its neighbors and the entirety of the Middle-East, but who cares. But America drifting in this direction is a major concern to itself and the world. Yes America is surely moving toward a populist, Orwellian type of totalitarian state. With its very distinctive populist narratives of exclusion and polarization and a fixed structure of  us-versus- them . 

According to politifact, 70% of Mr. Trump's statements during the election campaign were false, versus 26% for Hillary Clinton, for the same period. In Britain in 2016, a claim that 350 million pounds dispatched weekly from the U.K. to the EU, would be reversed and redirected to the national health service when Britain leaves the EU. Nigel Farage used this slogan practically on every campaigning occasion to topple the union. He later backed down on his promise the very night of the Brexit victory calling it "A mistake". 

In today's world,  America is still called upon to lead the world in championing Democracy, and global governance, and fairly solving the pressing problems the world faces. And I stress on solving the problems and not coming up with dubious and suspicious deals.

Our elected oligarchy, guided or misguided, by couple examples of world manipulators, ie. Israel and Russia, are manipulating and systematically brain-washing a certain disheartened portion of the simpler American electorate into a certain path of orthodoxy and fixed ideas and slogans, resulting in a not thinking group. And a no need to think independently mentality, we're being told and tweeted daily of what to accept and what to refuse, in total unconsciousness, ignoring sane reasoning on our own, and creating continuously some other side, just to demonstrate how awful people on the other side really are . 

Now tens of millions of people can be classified and labeled as good or bad, all over the world. Placing the faithful followers and new allies beyond good and evil. To advance the oligarchy's interests they are using Jewry, Islam, and Christendom, the white race versus all other shades and colors, it is becoming the norm of our policies and tactics.

Turning the masses against each other, to prevent them from recognizing their common conditions,    changing positions and words every day and on every meeting, I call this, Orwellian fascism and totalitarianism, worthy of a 1984 utopia , and not our 250 years old Democracy .

My very thanks to all my faithful readers.          

Friday, July 13, 2018


We should worry because the American president is slowly and surely being cornered in his failures, and he is the type of person who can easily turn very ugly, nasty and irrational, instead of reflective and smarter . He could invent any excuse to create a big mess, even if it turns stupid and destructive later, just to cover-up his isolation and policy failures .

Meanwhile it's the entire world stability, security and economic constancy and soundness that could be paying a heavy toll for more major failed adventures by the US. and all only to benefit very few war industries and entities basically .

The Korean supper advertised deal seems to falter, and is already almost a fiasco. The great wall and the whole immigration theatrical scene is embarrassing and coming to ridicule. The relations with traditional allies, neighbors or close to home or across the oceans, is at a historic low, and not improving. All our trading partners in the world are retaliating big time, and together they could be a major damaging force to our economy, manufacturing sector and workers employment .

On the domestic levels, tax cuts practically only benefited a rich class, corporations and Wall Street . And didn't trickle down as promised and publicised, adding to the general malaise. Not to mention the blind hatred of any and all previously instated social benefits, as in medical and social security, student's loans, housing and public schooling and many others.

The president's most loyal appointees in all political domains are nowhere near successful in their creative destruction of the past, be it Obama or even previous administrations . I could say it could all lead to some sort of fascistic reign, as our greatest ally Mr. Netanyahu is ready to declare for Israel, but even that is failing here, and not so original anymore. Most aids are resigning, running away and abandoning ship and its skipper. The investigation into corruption and collusion with Russia is slowly advancing, and it seems they do have things under their sleeve after all .

All this and other failures are very worrisome as the man is not used to acknowledge failure, his temper plus the few hawks around him suggest more defiance against all odds. But what worries many, more than all the preceding is the bad fix America pushed itself in the Middle-East.

We went half way already with Israel's Neo-Cons and extreme right adventurers, we are facing now a serious possibility of total refusal of the Kushner/Netanyahu engineered deal by all Palestinians. we have absolutely lost all positions on the grounds and political credibility,  in Syria, Iraq, Libya and we declared bankruptcy.

We did pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal, against the wishes and requests of the entire world, except  Israel of course, and now that the world is acting to preserve the deal and keep lifting the sanctions, our Mr. Trump is further badly cornered, his and Netanyahu's only escape against the world seems to be to bomb and start a war with Iran, with all the risks it entails to the region and the world. And that's the seriously worrying part.

Previous dictators throughout history found themselves in similar corners, very few knew how to retreat honorably, and save their people and countries, most went on with suicidal endeavor, burning everything with them .             

My usual many thanks to all .              

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Generally speaking, the U.S. economy has improved greatly, at least since the great depression of the last century, but it's not resulting in good or better situation for everyone. As and for many decades now, household incomes have stagnated, for a very considerable segment of the American population. Slogans of the present administration and Mr. Trump himself are playing big time over these and similar facts .

For a while now, and more so under the actual administration, the concentration of wealth at the top is becoming a clear feature of our society. Whereby most Americans keep struggling to get by . The bottom 90% of the population own 22% of the nation's wealth, while the top 1% own approximately 40% according to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, and while wages stagnate for most, most CEOs and presidents of all corporations are now earning in brackets of thousands times their employees salaries .

Even health care, education and basic social services and securities, as well as infrastructure maintenance are all inferior to those available in most first world nations. And things are not improving with the Trump reign. Not to most ordinary Americans including his own base and supporters, things are regressing rapidly.

Mr. Trump exposes Americans to only one side of reality, his side. And it's frequently based on lies and or false information, but it becomes people's realities. And the more we see the concentration of the media in the hands of a few rich men, the easier it is for the Trump oligarchy to market its ideas  and policies .

Our foreign policies, and dealings with the world is slowly crumbling, as we are conducting a total war of hate and isolation against the entire globe, and more so our allies, whereby 3 veteran ambassadors and many senior State Department diplomats resigned lately, amid frustrations with Mr. Trump and his policies . We are reversing every policy the US. has adopted for the past 70 years, befriending our standing enemies and angering our traditional allies. 

The Trump machine is simply a version of our human tendency to ignore reasoning pragmatically when it leads us to conclusions we dislike. Our history has always been and more so nowadays, a story of privileged exploiters, rather than exploited victims . except for Mr. Trump, whereby all our trade partners, be them allies or enemies the world over, they are all exploiting us in terrible ways. And Mr. Trump is in to fix 100 years of American victimization versus the world. We are starting measures to destroy it all, and create worldwide economical chaos, and totally isolate ourselves economically and physically .

 My thanks to all .