Friday, November 23, 2018


Less than two weeks ago , the world and some of its leaders were commemorating in France the 100 hundreds anniversary of the end of  WW1, with its many millions of victims, military and civilians, innocent bystanders or fighting soldiers, why does it seem today as if the world didn't learn anything at all from this episode or other similar brutal barbaric wars, before and after .

Meanwhile in Europe , the latest calls of president Macron of France and chancellor Merkel of Germany, for a unified European army and a European security council, are clear indications of  the general worldwide insecurity, panic and highly contagious aggressivity, contrary to the unified European message of tolerance and acceptance, and cooperation in fairness in an open world. It's mostly addressed to Superpowers, their leaders, and their future plans and strategies .

Inspired by few words of the brilliant Yuval Harari ; We need a global identity , as national institutions are obviously incapable of handling global predicaments and challenges. Looking at most of our actual political leaders throughout the world, will confirm this idea. We must globalize our minds and politics. The same when most people are loyal simultaneously to their immediate families, tribes, to their neighborhoods and their professions, to their countries and nations, and their skin colours , we need to add loyalty to humankind and planet earth to the list. It surely complicates a little our life and obligations, but it's a necessary price for the survival of the planet and its speeches .

Some political acts, even intentions, are punishable as crimes under international law.  Planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, are crimes. As well as murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts like unmeasured brutality, torture or flagrant apartheid, perpetrated against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds. All of the above, are defined and listed as crimes against humanity, and are punishable by international law and standards.

Meanwhile, and in a bitter and sarcastic irony, several world leaders, were commemorating in Paris France, the 100th anniversary of the end of  WW1, including Mr. Trump, Netanyahu, Macron, Putin and May. These same leaders are responsible directly or by continuity of atrocious wars, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Libya, Yemen and several other spots. They and their predecessors, are considered war criminals under international laws !!!  All have blood on their hands, they all have future plans of wars, and are actively preparing for it.  Iran, North Korea, Palestine, South Sudan, and several other unfinished and unsettled conflicts, like Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Africa and South America.

What on earth were they commemorating ??? All of these leaders are guilty of preparing and embarking upon perpetual and ultimate worldwide adventures, and horrific weaponry for it. Dragging the entire world into unpredictable destruction which threatens the future of humanity. What on earth were they commemorating in Paris ??? 

My as always, many thanks to all ....                 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Most of my writings, come as a conversation, a talk, a simple discussion from one Sapien to another, for as long as we can talk, and freely express our ideas and aspirations, before the curtains go down on humanity .

As humans and humanity, will eventually have to, and rather sooner than later, decide on the real meanings of life, where are we heading , as historical events and traditional religious stories and myths, only answer in parts old life questions and dilemmas, and are not valid to our modern life's problems and questions. Nor to our technological achievements, and our philosophical inquiries.

Today's major problems of global wars, and mutual destructions and deliberate annihilation, terrorism, imperialism and land grabbing, global and national wealth distribution, universal social benefits by governments and organizations,  colonialism, apartheid and brutality, all existential problems for the continuity of the globe and its inhabitants .

The biases and hatreds that spark such conflicts, need some different levels of cognitive resolutions , where Sapiens are required to keep their fear a little more under control, and keep more humble about their views, opinions and acts. Simply to make better sense of the world they have created, and live in. Given everything they know nowadays, and don't know, about Gods, religions, politics and social achievements, Sapiens have to be clearer on the various options for survival of the species .

Our days are running out of time, with our present threats of mass destruction, ecological deep crisis, threatening technological advancement resulting in mass employment or rather unemployment, generally speaking our philosophers and intellectuals are patient enough about finding and creating solutions to our environment, our scientific experts and engineers are less so, and more pressed for quick advancement of any kind, and the worst are always our investors who will not give anyone any chance of waiting for intelligent solutions to existing problems, but keep pressuring always for more.

Dealing with our modern world challenges, requires Homo Sapiens to adopt new methods, and improve its current levels of thinking and strategising, of governing and pursuing power and wealth, changing its focus from thousands years old ideas and dogmas, to different perspectives of finding solutions, if they want to secure and insure their survivability and future existence.

Our world is changing rapidly, requiring less dominant powers, and less domineering countries and leaders, we are surely headed into the era of global thinking and global strategizing, unfortunately they will always be some setbacks, where rogue politicians will attempt to drive their countries to pre-modern ideas and tactics, to archaic forms of imperialism and domination of others.

Imperialism takes many forms, it could be in a form of forceful and brutal settlers, manifesting itself by an overt rule over natives of a country or continent, or colonialism and apartheid, driving the natives out in despair, and replacing them by their own. Sometimes it's purely economic domination, directly by governments or through specific conglomerates, mostly armaments cartels that only strive for perpetual wars.

The world today, and its population's survivability requires serious rethinking of these archaic methods of creating more wealth and power, masking it all with needed employment and phony and arrogant notions of nationalism. We simply cannot afford it anymore, time is running out .

My deep gratitude for your time and patience.                         

Saturday, November 3, 2018


A good and deeper look at Mr. Trump's supporters, and his electorate bodies, will show a very distinct and close correlation with strong authoritarian personalities, like those representing cults of all types and kinds, or religious ritualistic entities, patriarchal, authoritarian, racist, ultra nationalist, with strong rhetoric and less fundamentals, and so on and so forth ....

The large white working class, the angry class one would call it nowadays, and rightly so, as they've been dumped by practically all politicians, excluded from both parties interests, for the sake of rich donors and election contributors, whereby their salaries and real wages have stagnated for decades, and more so lately after the 2008 depression, where they have been declining, vis-a vis the huge and extravagant buildup in wealth in very concentrated few winning and influential and very arrogant hands.

Indeed, they thought that turning to Trump, would answer their concerns, but unfortunately Trump's solutions, and proposed wealth distributions, and his social offerings, are totally off the mark, and will only aggravate and make problems worse, people of all walks of life, all over America are starting to realize that. Only certain fascistic norms and slogans are in the air for now, and for the foreseeable future .

For decades now, Republicans, and lately headed by Trump and his close oligarchic machine, and Paul Ryan, and their like, have been working scrupulously and meticulously, at scaring the general American population, not segments of it, but all of it . All ages, all wealth strata, they have used terrorists, gays, transgenders, immigrants, drug cartels and gangs, even new born on American soil babies, and every shade of darker colored skins, of course it's strictly to prevent them all from destroying our wealth, well being, liberties and our glorious pasts.  But enough to  Make us all fear  fear itself . 

It was implicated like many other political instances, that the pipe bombs addressed to prominent opposition figures, were a Democratic setup, to deflect Republican midterm brilliant agendas, it turned totally different.  Even the Anti-Semitic Pittsburgh attacks, proved not to be a Democratic plot, but an extreme right-winger full of hate. The new presidential and Republican motto is now ;      "Republicans will totally protect innocent Americans, with our old and past glorious preexisting traditions, Democrats will destroy it all, So vote Republican."

Unfortunately , all these comments and facts, are generally being ignored in the main-stream media, while it should be the head-lines, as it clearly illustrate the real dilemmas the country's political system is going through. Take the newly created immigration and refugees problem and crisis all over the world, and mostly from countries directly affected by our adventurism, and our allies imperialism.

Take a country like Lebanon, harboring over 40% of its population as refugees, on top of hundreds of thousands from the 1948 Israeli Nakba and transfers. Jordan, Turkey, and others, all suffer similar fates. As N. Chomsky puts it ; "I'm not a fan of Mr. Erdogan, and he is not my favorite person, but when he refers to American, European and Western hypocrisy, it's hard to argue with him, or even disagree."

Latin American refugees into American borders, are as well a direct result of our past adventures, in subduing and destroying these countries, and rendering them failed and unlivable. Yet we pay all of our attention to Mr. Trump tweets, and hardly a factual word on our medias. We are turning nowadays into a frightened, intimidated, inactive and fearing society.

Let's not kid ourselves, It's all about power, wealth, money, and more money.   All my thanks to my good readers .