Saturday, February 23, 2019


In Palestine , it was decided that a wall was needed, to separate the two sides, the Lebanese did the same, thinking they could keep Israel out, although Israel paid for both walls, they never worked. As a matter of fact, yes, walls finally prove to be a futile exercise in preventing different sides from moving into the other territories, and creating havoc, crimes, theft and perpetual brutality, so dear President Trump, don't feel bad if those obstinate and wretched Democrats wouldn't give you your wall.

Let us look at some other walls, historically and from different parts of the world, considering their effectiveness and results. The Palestinian wall, was built within their lands, in the hope to separate themselves from intruding brutal and greedy Zionist settlers, Israeli army, police and secret services, private militias, even the Israeli Judicial system, it was a big, tall all concrete wall, high enough to shield all of the pre 1967 lands left to them to live and cultivate, they even decorated their side with nice colored graffiti, did it prevent the Israeli Zionists from invading the palestinian side, stealing their lands, killing and imprisoning them?? The Palestinians made the Israelis pay for their wall, did it prevent Israel with its hegemony, apartheid and colonialism from crossing over to the Palestinian side ?? clearly not .

The Lebanese, and after an Israeli brutal bombardment and invasion of their territories that lasted more than two decades, finally managed to push back and defeat the trespassers. They forced the Israeli side to pay and build another big, tall concrete wall, did it prevent Israeli incursions into Lebanon?? Did it stop Israel's American fighters from flying over Lebanon on daily basis?? Using Lebanese airspace regularly to bomb Syria and other Middle-Eastern countries, as if the big wall didn't exist, Israeli forces even kidnap on regular basis Lebanese farmers and shepherds exactly where the wall is highest, as if nothing could and will stop them.

To look at some other walls, historically, let's remember the famous Berlin wall, East Germany at the time thought it would prevent the evil West from polluting their paradisiac achievements, and protect them all the way to Russia, well !! it failed, the West demolished the wall and took over the entire country and its allies.

Back in history, the Mongols made China pay and build a wall, they even called it the Great Wall, it worked for a while, but at the end it failed as well, and now China is all over the place as you very well know, even here in our America.

So if we're to learn anything from other fantasy dreams, if we are to learn from history, the one lesson would be ; That walls don't really work, some side will always find a way and a will to breach the wall and its symbolism, to destroy its sanctity, they will always be an aggressor and an aggressed, no matter how tall the wall is, no matter how we look at it we will always be the one side or the other. Walls generally benefit the weaker and poorer side, the side that cannot defend itself against the aggressivity of the other side, but it always proved itself an exercise in futility .

Mr. President, all Americans know for sure that your proposed wall is not a good answer or even a reasonable solution to our immigration situation, it will have a zilch effect as a matter of fact. The whole and only story is about your own ego, about having a long and great wall, standing there for eternity, and proudly called "The Trump Wall" An addition to the failing Trump towers, Trump hotels and Trump golf-clubs. It might turn into your greatest monument carrying your name, outdoing all other US Presidents with their petty libraries and other insignificant creations, that will be a knock out to Obama.

Mr. Trump, walls do not constitute a replacement to sane policies and valid strategies, walls are pure cheap political tactics, pure show and publicity, ask our greatest allie ever Mr. Netanyahu. In Israel/Palestine they know it, in Lebanon they know it, in Germany they knew it, and the Chinese now use their wall for postcards pictures and tourist attractions. The wall on our southern borders will never replace intelligent and reasonable immigration reforms and proper immigration policies.  Let's all wise up man!!!!                                                                                                                                                  All my gratitude to my readers .       

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


For more than a week now, I've been debating if I should send this letter to the honorable Senator representing my State, or just publish it directly on my blog spot, I opted to do the later.

Mr. Senator, yesterday the Senate, including you, voted in a good majority for a bill called  S1, the bill authorizing and encouraging States to punish entities and individuals, for exercising a clear non violent constitutional support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice, and equality, to live with minimum dignity within their own lands, homes and trees, Senator, I can't in all honesty believe that any person, be it a politician, legislator, administrative or judicial, in America or elsewhere, be so willingly blinded, of the daily atrocities and injustices in those lands.

Be blinded of the atrocities and brutalities, the apartheid, the explicit and deliberate annihilation of an entire generation of native Palestinians by the army, police, the judiciary system, and finally by the newly empowered colonial settlers. Senator, the daily videos and clips, on practically every social media, and online interaction, could not be hidden nor avoided, I'm sure you have seen and witnessed more than a few, describing the intentional humiliation, the vicious daily killings, the incarcerations and the brutal torture and the deliberate breaking of limbs, of innocent children, women and elderly. for no reason whatsoever, except that they exist, and continue to live on these very desired lands.

Senator, you couldn't have missed the special roads and highways for Jews only, the denied access to hospitals, schools or work sites, the transportation reserved strictly for the Jewish masters, while totally denied to all palestinians including children, Senator, you couldn't have missed the language of all official Israeli politicians, legislators, judicial and parliamentarian colleagues of yours in Israel, the plans and tactics could not and should not have been hidden from your desk.

So Senator, why on earth did you so proudly vote Yea, approving and backing all this, while even your honorable colleague representing our great State, voted Nay, wouldn't it be an excellent window for exercising some neutrality, at least in an obviously very wrong and misguided issue. Running against all sane judgement, plus the fact that our own Constitution clearly forbids such illegal restrictions on the citizenry.

Senator, the plan for S1, is obviously initiated by the different Israeli lobbies, the White House, and some Zealots in the Senate. Why on earth did you succumb to it. Is it for the love of Israel ? For defending all the world's Jewry ? For Mr. Trump's dubious plans relying on his son in law, family and oligarchy ? or is it strictly a financial transaction ? Are payments reserved for election and voting days, or anytime a decision and a vote for more aid and military donations to Israel are needed. What funny combination of all of the above influenced your judgement and vote.

Senator, you know as well as all of us do, that the divide on this issue, and the ugly effects of the Israeli hegemony and tactics are creating a widening drift, separation and isolation of American constituencies and their politicians, a new generation of younger and more progressive representatives are sprouting everyday, everywhere. Mostly in reaction to old blinded policies.

Money funding is still unfortunately the number one reason for our politicians obstinacy and nothing else, I would wish to see you as my representative be a leader, a first in intelligently separating yourself from this ugly and cheap political trend, Senator, 19 of your colleagues understood and voted honestly, for our great States' sake why don't we wisen up.

Finally Senator, please don't resort to the classical retort, telling me that Israel's Zionism is defending itself existentially, please don't tell me that their hegemony, colonialism, their apartheid and disdain to the original population of the land, their endeavour to dehumanise and exterminate a whole segment if not all Palestinians within and outside of Palestine, please don't tell me that the Bible asked for all this injustice to fulfill some weird and obscure prophecy, please don't tell me that it's anti Semitic to criticize the state of Israel or its politicians. Please respect our intellect and intelligence as we respect yours .

This goes beyond supporting Israel or not . This is about American liberties, this vote violates every constitutional civil liberty, forcing people to think and behave in certain specific political ways, or be punished, let those tactics to the other party and their administration . I hope the house will reject it, and ridiculise the Senate's futile vote and act .                                                           My many thanks to all my readers .                          

Sunday, February 3, 2019


There is a general consensus that the US administration is frustrated that their campaign and efforts to wage a total destruction and a regime change in many hot spots of the world, where the US for many years now pursued a certain policy. Iran comes to mind and is leading in the US failure to convince the world of its wishes. Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are all good examples of our failing hegemony.

Even efforts to bring some sort of a solution to the continuous Israeli aggressions to anything and anyone in its way of unquestioned total supremacy and ugly colonialism and imperialism. To its methodical and deliberate annihilation of its under illegal occupation population, and its neighbor's lands and people. Trade-wars, sanctions and tariffs against practically the entire world, allies or not, is failing drastically, and definitely not yielding any positive promises advanced by the administration.

So what would make a smart diversion of all these failures? a new crisis, a new war, a new adventure? preferably a winnable war, unlike the many previous adventures we engaged in, or were forced on us by Israeli's interests and hegemony. A war that could be swift, decisive and rewarding. While not too annoying to the population internally or to many around the world.

I would call it Venezuela, in the heart of Latino Central America, while holding the richest oil reserves, would ultimately be the ideal target, perfectly kept simmering for years now , waiting for the right moment, for our next successful diversionary adventure, eliminating all previous failures and difficulties, and proving once again our supremacy in what lives and what doesn't .

Venezuela, that obviously do not represent any real or substantial threat or danger to the US. no economical, trading or military comparison, still we've turned it lately into the biggest ugly and evil entity, and a real danger to world order, and against all of our interests. Is it all really for the sake of pure democracy, human rights and the Venezuelan people mismanaged wealth that is driving us to forcefully impose fairer elections, impose justice upon the region as we did to other parts of the world.

So how do we proceed?? We start by orchestrating a nice coup, we repeat what we started in 2002, under the Bush junior presidency against Chavez, later as it failed we instated economic sanctions, we strangled their oil industry, and now we're preparing the general population for military action.  lots of deja vu, in Iraq and elsewhere. The Vice President, the Secretary of State, the National security adviser all issued various threats and tactics in a very well orchestrated and timed planned policy.

The US has tried similar scenarios in the past with Cuba and other Central American countries, some worked, some failed miserably, it seems we're ready to reenact the same policies and tactics again in our much needed new adventure and diversification plans. Few allies and some cold neutrality from the world, but also some serious objections, mostly from Russia, China, India, Turkey, Cuba, Bolivia and Iran. All condemning and denouncing US unilateral actions and intentions.

While we're sure to get Israel's backing and full approval, our State Secretary Warned Venezuela officially, that since America considers Maduro no longer the legitimate president, he has no authority to severe diplomatic ties with Washington, thus "All options are on the table," meaning military options. Sending of thousands of troops to neighboring countries and playing with medical and financial aid has already started under various forms.

The administration, as previously played in Iraq, is escalating its tone, and inciting a civil war, to save the country from its brutal dictator. Are we really ready for another adventure that could cost the country some further trillions, and possibly the loss of thousands of our young boys and girls, are any of the present Washington establishment ready to send his or her kids for yet another ill fated adventure ?? While all rich profiteurs and war manipulators and their families sit and watch, while calculating how to maximize their profits from such adventures.

We are already well into the 21st century, with its advantages and worries, Isn't it high time we change our mentality of policing the world , and imposing our views, ideas and ideologies on everyone, are we not just emulating the failed policies of some of our nasty small allies, in allowing ourselves to destroy everyone who happens to not agree with our policies and interests, the entire globe needs a different approach for the 21st century and beyond.

My usual many thanks to all for their time.