Sunday, June 23, 2019


The Middle-East is living these days some dangerous and serious possibilities of renewed total chaos, even after the last couple decades of civil and regional invasions and wars, regime change and various other events of brutality and hegemony. All states and peoples of the entire region suffered dearly as well as the U.S. Europe, maybe the exception was Israel, that helped orchestrate and had a hand in all events, and helped execute some of them .

Unfortunately now we are witnessing through part two, a revival to all types of fanaticism and a renewed form of radicalization, new divides leading to new conflicts and very bloody wars, by the direct involvement of the U.S. against Iran and it's allies in the region, all leading directly and rapidly to a renewed religious sectarianism and turning into a growing radicalization .

Whatever started couple decades ago in more than one spot of the M-E, as internal youthful and peaceful protests, emanating mostly from impoverished and unemployed youth, and poorly managed  economies, plus deteriorating social and environmental conditions and weak executive brutal governments, was quickly exploited by outside forces, and turned into very bloody religious and sectarian conflicts.

The Palestinian territories, Jordan and Yemen, Iraq Libya and Syria, Sudan and Egypt, and now the entire Persian Gulf area are all victims and now are reliving it all again, the world and all players will eventually pay the price of this chaotic scorched adventure, including Israel and the U.S .

Conflict begets more conflicts, leading always to loss of life and destruction, the new American  regimes clearly pushed by Israeli upcoming possible adventure against Iran and its proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and some major chunks of the Shiaa population in all the States of the area, is reviving the Sunni/Shiaa fault line that divides several nations through the M-E, and the new conflict will increasingly take on a sectarian hue, further separating the two major Muslem sects and all main minorities like the Druze, Alawites and growing portions of the Christian communities, empowering all salafists militants and Al Qaida inspired jihadists.

It's all clearly turning into a proxy war for Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran, plus the fully played by all of the above, and against its own interests the U.S of A. and its own neocons and the war machine, adding to it all our own dreams of reelection of our actual administration as well as the Israeli one. The Saudis have their own agendas of a total supremacy of their blind Wahhabi Sunni doctrines, versus the Shiaa and Israeli fiction dreams championed by Iran and Zionist Israel , and some of our everlasting dictators and ascending paramilitary groups and parties.

All these factors and factions are being replayed and revived for the sole benefit of the very few, and to further destroy any serious prospect of peace and a fair revival of the entire area. The risks of igniting a new hugely destructive world conflict for the benefit of few psychopaths selfish individuals who have absolutely no right to drag the entire world into such possibilities.
                                    As always, my profound thanks to all my good readers.                            

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Yes his bankruptcy lawyer and now his envoy to Jerusalem is harming the peace process, with the quick developments of the situation in the Middle East, and more so the Palestinian issue versus the Israeli aggression and deliberate theft of lands and wealth, the failure of PM Netanyahu to form a government and hide his corruption scandals, The American side is working quietly to help him and itself electorally by implementing their agenda of annexations and reallocation of the Palestinian populations.

The deal of the century as the American administration calls it, which is already refused by many concerned parties, including the Palestinians themselves, is considered dead before birth. Haaretz the leading English Israeli newspaper published an editorial commenting on an interview in the NY Times by Mr. Friedman, the Trump appointed American Ambassador to Israel, and known fund raiser for the Israeli settlers of the West bank.  The article goes like this ;

"The remarks by U.S. Ambassador David Friedman last week implying that the U.S. is giving Israel's government the go ahead to unilaterally annex parts of the West Bank, are tantamount to spitting in the face of Palestinians. And they augur ill for anyone who seeks a just solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict based on the division of the land and the recognition of both people's right to self determination.

For two years Friedman has been helping draft the "Deal of the century" along with the son in law and senior adviser to president Trump Jared Kushner, and Trump's special representative for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt. Friedman said in an interview with the NY Times; "Under certain circumstances, I think Israel has the right to retain some, but unlikely all, of the West Bank." He did not specify what those circumstances might be. He also declined to say how the U.S. would respond if PM Netanyahu moved to annex West Bank lands unilaterally , "we really don't have a view until we understand how much, on what terms, why does it make sense," Friedman said.

These statements, which are identified with the position of Israel's annexationists right, destroy Friedman's legitimacy as an honest broker and retroactively justify the Palestinian's apprehension about Trump's peace plan. After such remarks, it's hard to be surprised by the Palestinian suspicions, which are expressed in part by their stated intention to boycott the Bahrain preliminary conference, where the U.S. is expected to disclose the plans economic section.

In the interview Friedman even accused the Obama administration for allowing passage in 2016 of UN security counsel resolution 2334, which states that Israeli settlements violate international law, of giving credence to Palestinian arguments "That the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem belong to them." Certainly Israel's entitled to retain some portion of the West Bank Friedman said.

Friedman is wrong and deceptive, Israel has no such right in international law, because this is occupied territory that cannot be annexed, that was also the position of all U.S. administrations up to now. The retreat from this position is also the reason that five Democratic Senators introduced last week a resolution supporting a two state solution, and opposing the annexation of any part of the West Bank.

The Democrats know what Israel's peace camp knows ; Only a two state solution can guarantee the rights of both peoples. And the unilateral annexation of territories runs contrary to Israel's interests. If the U.S. is sincere about wanting to hold a peace conference with Palestinian participation and to act as an honest broker between the two parties, its representatives must be neutral. Friedman represents the interests of the settlers right, and he does not meet these conditions.

The above article is Haaretz' lead editorial, as published in Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel, I wish some of our Western and American media would be as candid and truthful about the whole issue.                               
                               My usual many thanks to all .         


Monday, June 3, 2019


The question of having moral beliefs at all or not having them, is decided by our will, said W. James. If your heart does not want a world of moral reality, your head will assuredly never make you believe in one. Gods and religions are the first and major negaters and destroyers of free will.

The worst part though, is when humans try to bluff themselves into partial or part time on demand morality, you can not be moral only to white skinned and immoral to other colors, you can not be moral and righteous and fair to Jews, Christians or only to Muslems or factions of them all, while exercising hatred and theft and apartheid and racial superiority toward other religions or races.

What is happening today in our world, in several places, like the American manipulation of politics, social and economical affairs, threats of wars and annihilation, or in Israel against whole segments of the population under their illegal occupation and control, or the ascendance of many fascist and ultra right political groups, all under a curtain of religious, ethnic and patriotic facade, while still claiming by all parties high morality and humanity is a total falsehood and a blatant arrogant lie.

Historically, for the last few thousands of years, all different peoples of the world worked hard at creating their own imaginary deities, they were always enough smart men who obliged and exercised high imagination to shape and institutionalize these Deities and their worldly universal demands, and the people went into the frenzy of pleasing them, men and women, young and old, started subjecting themselves to all sorts of meaningless restrictions, like voluntary fasting, tormenting themselves by celibacy, wasted their time and money on long pilgrimage journeys, created fantastic rituals, reiterated daily and weekly prayers and so forth, even went on invasions and barbaric wars, all in the hope pf pleasing their God, and getting his forgiveness at some future date, as well for a promised other future life in the clouds.

Many, new deep down that it was all for nothing, a hoax, and simply an act out of ignorance and naivety. Even today most intelligent people know the futility of it all, but persist behind a minority to play the game, no sane educated person in our times take the whole story seriously, we even mock fanatics and zealots of all religions for their outdated models, acts and interpretations and fatwas.

Still, in many or most parts of the world religious influence plays a big role in politics, and the daily life of many, manipulating it for all sorts of gains and political grabs and extortion. As a matter of fact, for the last few thousands of years, the Gods didn't fulfill nor achieve much in rewarding or satisfying the human race, nor to show any compassion toward our worldly miseries, wars, famines, natural disasters, or our own cruelty and brutality.

Our wars, adventures and acts of brutality, are qualifying and prove how far we really stand from our presumed Gods and Deities morality, and how far and detached they are from our lives and actual problems here on earth. Still we all continue to play our games of putting gods as the source of our morality, and the inspiration behind our acts.

Whether it's all for electoral purposes power grabs, annexation of other's lands, or even the simple theft of entire populations' wealth and well-being, always at the exorbitant prices of annihilating entire races and populations. 

So let's all collectively admit to our present situation, who we are and what we would like it to be, and how we envision our life together on earth, individually and collectively, let's keep Gods out of it, out of the games of pseudo morals and blind total faith in the abstract and imaginary, only to find excuses and justifications for our own acts, motives and immorality.
                                            As always, my profound thanks to all for following my blogs.