Monday, September 23, 2019

9/11 ... LOOKING THE OTHER WAY .....

Less than two weeks ago, was what we label as the anniversary of the 9/11 carnage and ugly massacre in NY city against some of its huge office buildings and roughly 3000 of their working civilian inhabitants. Plus the US Pentagon in Washington, and presumably a third airplane that crashed in Pennsylvania.

We insist on calling it anniversary even if the word denotes a bit of a happier occasion of what happened that day. But the essential idea remains, of ever convincing ourselves of the reason behind the act, of the one perpetrator, one and only one motive, one method and absolutely nothing else is truly amazing, frightening and very immature .

Why are we, the majority of American people, politicians, media, intellectuals, academia etc...etc... why are we all so afraid of confronting the possibility of a different scenario to the 9/11 massacre, why do we all, without exception officials and civilians, adamantly keep the one and only one story alive and in full thrust, although there's enough and reasonable proof of other different possibilities. Very different theories indeed, with very different perpetrators and very different motives .

There are almost flagrant proof of different execution theories for the multiple NY towers, the Washington Pentagon, even the vanished airliner. Some official organizations in NY and elsewhere have repeatedly and officially asked for a new investigation, a multitude of books including detailed pictures, studies and engineering quotes have disputed even the basic official version of events and the scenarios behind them.

The impact of airplanes against the steel structures, the non finding of aircraft parts at the sites, the amazing implosion and collapse and its preceding several explosions in the towers, the same facts at the Pentagon, all totally ignored, even fought against, ridiculed and smeared, so why are we so comfortable sticking to the one and only one story, presented to us practically on day one, with its weird scenarios, details and motives.

Fixed and well rehearsed methodologies, intentions and motives, while no other story or possibility that could constitute a very different affair, the exact opposite and the dirtiest conspiracy for the 21st century !!! To only serve some hideous and frightening ideals and serve very few entities, backed by Neocons, perpetual war machines and few countries behind them. We have proudly created the perfect enemy for us and our closest allies for the foreseeable future. I can only hope the latest missiles against the Saudi Aramco facilities do not follow the same reasoning, planning and motivation.

Subduing and brain washing the entire American and Western population against an entire segment of the globe's population, only to serve the very few, we are all bathing in our comfortability with the well fed official story, refusing even the possibility of actually looking or reexamining the facts, or any other proven or unproven possible scenario of the reality.

Is reality so hard and cruel to look it straight in the eye ?? Have we reached the age of total complacency and submission to the Orwellian world ?? Where do we go next, I wonder , our total surrender to the official verdict, and our absolute blind trust in big brother's methodology and indoctrination is indeed frightening, and it's only increasing and becoming a real part of our lives.
                                          My, as always, many thanks indeed .....                           

Friday, September 13, 2019


Any situation in life involving humans has basically two sides to it, positive and negative. When things are good they should be seen and recognized as such, even named so, and when things turn  bad we should recognize them to be so, and clearly identify them as bad or ugly or unacceptable .

Pessimism is not appropriate when the situation calls for optimism, and optimism is misplaced when a situation is bad and pessimistic. Even in some seemingly nice events as when science prolong our lives or attempts some basic form of immortality, as the body is doomed to aging, and aging beyond certain limits is miserable and deplorable and generally unwanted. So why would anyone in his or her right mind want to live to 150 years, with the last 50 in deformed states of health and mental deficiencies and deformities .

But death has always been frightening, maybe because of its finality, because of its annihilating tools and effects, the only time that death is not considered so bad, or not bad at all, is when one faces annihilation before death closes in . For example in the case of confirmed terminal illness, or some advanced state of dementia, or a vegetative condition, or even in cases of total loss of hope or decency, of honor and self esteem, of loosing every material good of her or his, loosing their homes and lands, actual death sounds better, even good, or at least agreeable and better than life.

Humans inflict colossal amounts of suffering and death on other humans, it has been an essential part of our long history, and it is still happening in our actual world and times. Racism, apartheid, annihilation, deceit, greed, degradation, betrayals, exploitation, rape and torture, murders and cruel imprisonments are all aspects accompanying our actual lives and times in different stages and localities. We inflict it on others, when we simultaneously deny it on ourselves and close ones.

Death is considered bad not only to the person who dies, but also for many loved ones who survive the person. We are programmed to always keep some optimism about our earthly lives, giving it some meaning from our limited terrestrial perspective, but we're not always so optimistic about it, we always have to keep convincing ourselves with some open windows, and for some, hanging tightly to Divine Godly ropes.

But coping and accepting and handling the vast amounts of suffering and misery in the world while pretending everything is just fine, or putting it all in the hands of a superior will governing our worldly affairs is not a satisfying attitude or answer. Invariably, all religions are carriers of false optimism , and built to falsify human realities.

We all know that it is only a matter of time before all existing humans will face death, although we keep struggling for meaning between birth and death, as well as our pretended attempts to avert and limit life's suffering . It's a major failure in human existence and intelligence.
The human interaction and the mixing of the individual with the collective, helped forge a certain reality, a sort of immortality, whereby " I die, but we do not ". 
                                              My usual gratitude for your time and patience ...                     

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Historically certain countries around the world boosted their imperialistic ambitions and colonialism by accelerating and inflating their armies budgets, invariably it was always called defense spending, their very offensive armies and strategies are generally called defense forces. 

The U.S. is nowadays a leading example of these policies, in competition only with Israel, both countries have systematically through there history made it a top priority to sanctify their defense armies, troops, and defense departments to degrees whereby any hint of questioning or auditing or criticizing is tantamount to high treason, a crime in itself, even suggesting some justified limits or drawing a ceiling are big no no, liable of destroying a political career, and labeling anyone of being anti defense, and not supporting the troops, destroying the country and being a traitor.

In America the political-military-industrial alliance has developed a system to perpetually increase the money flow, and eliminate any type of meaningful auditing or even checking. President Eisenhower warned the nation of the military industrial complex, and the permanent armament industries, always leading to permanent war economy. Thus always creating permanent enemies.

Since WW2, the U.S. as with our dear ally Israel, have been continually involved in one war or intervention or some other form of military adventure, Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria are all only the most obvious, and now preparing for some new ones with Venezuela, Cuba and of course Iran.

The U.S. regularly maintains over 800 military installations and full bases across the globe, maned by hundreds of thousands of soldiers and private contractors. all these permanent warfare spots, are backed by fraudulent claims of imminent dangers, attacks and threats to the country and our national security.

In the past few years, CEOs of the top 5 military contractors, earned an average of 20 million $ each annually, their armies of lobbyists and retired active generals and senior military personnel, make similar earnings with every successful sale to the military and the war machine. The U.S. defense spending is truly out of control, current immediate budget for the Defense Department exceeds the one trillion $. 750 billions for the Pentagon, new equipment as in advanced and sometimes failed aircraft,huge and sometimes ineffective battle ships, sophisticated missiles  etc... etc... are exceeding the 250 billion$ mark. Intelligence agencies serving mostly the military outlook plus home land security take a further 150 billion $, the veteran administration and more so after our great adventures, currently uses 200 billion$.

Our last 5 presidents and their administrations including the Trump close advisers, have all kept on increasing defense budgets and armament expenses, every adventure of recent times add few trillions to our over 20 trillions national debt. and no system of audit could penetrate the walls of Pentagon or related agencies. Our major competitors maintain one military installation each round the world, China has one at the horn of Africa, and Russia only very recently acquired air and naval facilities in Syria. Our nuclear arsenal with its treaties that we keep popping in and out of, producing and maintaining them cost American taxpayers over 6 trillion $.

If the U.S. opt to decrease all these expenses and budgets, by a mere 15 to 20 %, and we will still be spending on defense as much as the world combined, we could save ourselves roughly 400 billions $ annually, solving most of our social and economic ugly realities. Unemployment, medical care, social security, education crises, homelessness, gun violence, suicide and drug addiction. plus that it could lead to fixing the enormous faults in wealth distribution and taxation, and our chronic capitalist greed.

We are deliberately, intentionally and willingly pushing the country to a total economical and monetary collapse, we laughed loudly when we thought we imploded the Soviet Union with our armament race back in the eighties, well !! we are doing the same to ourselves now, and we have only ourselves to blame for our continued blindness .
                                                        As always my many thanks to all .