Wednesday, December 23, 2020



We live in a world today where power, strength and aggression are valued way more than mercy and compassion. Mr. Trump has confirmed that strength and fear can get things done, so it seems everything looks well with the world where the strongest would continue to rule and dominate the world. Many adhere to this formula, Zionist Israel has been applying it for long decades, so is Kim Jong-Un of Korea and many others, new wave fascist leaders. 

For the world and America, this year has arguably been one of the most bizarre and destructive of our collective lifetime, to say the least, coupled to a very strange and dangerous 4 years presidency, both crazy events are not completely settled yet, the Trump presidency will have ripples for sometimes as the Corona virus pandemic will take longer than anticipated to go away and a return to normalcy would occur. As we are in the midst of the holiday season marking the end of 2020, I'm sure holiday celebration and its accompanying gift giving is not at the top of everyone's list, nor a priority to many struggling families and individuals. 

One of the first things to look for as a result of the Trump administration acts would be to reexamine most if not all of Trump's appointees, not the official political ones like the cabinet members, but the appointed to the different agencies, like social security, the post office, health agencies and internet regulatory, plus immigration, cyber security and many others, whereby most Trump appointees are in these positions because of donations to the Trump election campaign, personal loyalties, friendships and business partnerships. But no consideration to their corrupt past history or their incompetence, these people shouldn't be allowed to stick after Trump leaves office. 

Extension of unemployment benefits, urgently needed PPE for hospitals and frontline health workers, and tougher anti virus measures, ought to be top priorities at this time and not disputing falsely fraudulent election results, dreaming of martial laws or preparing for his 2024 elections. 

I, like many Americans believe that now is the time for some major and radical change. Now is the time for Medicare for all and a universal healthcare covering all Americans. Now is the time to guarantee everyone in this country the right to a quality education without going into colossal debt. Now is the time to reform our broken criminal justice system and hold police accountability for unjustified violence and misconduct, especially toward minorities. Now is the time for leadership to answer to the will and needs of the majority of the people, and not only to billionaires and corporate powers who are systematically rigging and corrupting elections, representation and the rule of law. 

Of course we should all demand immediate better infrastructure, better minimum wages, less permanent war machine and armament spending, but more security for our seniors as well as a more equitable wealth distribution through a fairer tax system, and a responsible approach to climate change. 

But to achieve all these, Americans need to be together every step of the way, forgetting stupid rhetoric and propaganda slogans as in labeling all these modern times basic requirements as socialist, communist or Marxist, anti religious or anti personal freedom. I don't think most of Western and northern Europe, Japan and many others are all communist etc. etc.....  It's time Americans sober up and look at their problems collectively, soberly and objectively. 

 Now is the time to listen to the global movement for climate justice, and with the recent election of the Biden/Harris ticket, maybe, and only maybe, we and the entire world with us could suddenly depart from the 3000 years old habits and ways, wars and cruelty, superiority and aggression, maybe Mr. Biden sobering and mature age, is an enhancing force for Americans and Sapiens all over, to switch modes of behavior and thinking, and seriously go into an age that will insure continuity and prosperity to us all on this small planet of ours, and not just to the few.

                     My usual many thanks to all, stay safe.   


Sunday, December 13, 2020



Finally an intelligent voice, in Saudi Arabia and the region, Prince Turki Al Faisal, who led Saudi intelligence for more than two decades, and served as ambassador to the United States and the United Kingdom, said lately; Any normalization deals needed to help the Palestinians obtain their own independent State. 

While attending the Manama (Bahrain) dialogue security conference, on Dec. 5th 2020, he said; Israel is a western colonizing power. Incarcerating Palestinians in concentration camps, for the flimsiest of security accusations, young and old, women and men, who are rotting there without recourse to justice. They are demolishing homes as they wish and they assassinate whomever they want. The Prince also criticized Israel's undeclared arsenal of nuclear weapons, estimated to be into several hundreds of nuclear warheads. 

It is considered the harshest criticism of Israel coming from a high ranking member of the Royal Saudi family, or of any normalizing relations countries with Israel, in the hope of countering their common rival Iran, and boosting foreign investments in their areas of the Persian Gulf. Few days later Morocco  followed suit, so as to gain in exchange American recognition of its dominance and sovereignty over the Western Sahara. Mr. Trump obliged with no hesitation, plus that he created another headache for president elect Biden. 

Prince Turki's comments come as neighboring UAE, and Bahrain recently moved to normalize relations and establish ties with Israel, a deal brokered by president Trump's son in law Jared Kushner and part of the Trump oligarchy in Washington and Jerusalem. 

While Saudi Arabia has maintained its position insisting that any normalization between the Kingdom and Israel can only happen along side a lasting peace deal involving a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The kingdom publicly continues to state its unwavering support for the Arab peace initiative, a 2002, Beirut conference that offers Israel full ties with all Arab states in return for Palestinian statehood on all territories captured by Israel during the 1967 war, and totally refused, snubbed  and shelved by Israel till today. 

Although the Prince does not hold any official position within the kingdom, his stance is seen as closely mirroring that of king Salman, contrarily to crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman. Israeli foreign minister, general Gabi Ashkenazi, who attended the conference virtually, spoke directly after prince Turki and said; I would like to express my regrets on the comments of the Saudi representative, I don't believe that they reflect the spirit and the changes taking place in the present Middle-East. 

Maybe and hopefully prince Turki's words and comments and his entire statement will put the entire normalization process into some more equitable and rational path, whereby the Palestinians will not be the only and major losers, but unfortunately, the latest Moroccan move leaves us clearly with only one conclusion, everyone has a price, including leaders, brokers and countries. 

                    As always, my profound and many thanks to all, stay safe.     


Thursday, December 3, 2020



Perpetual war, endless war, or a forever war, is a lasting state of war with no clear conditions that would lead to its conclusion. Few countries in the world made it their primarily target and main economical engine, and always a way out of trouble to its leaders. 

A week ago Israel resumed launching air raids against what it called a wide range of Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria, while hinting of a severe strike against Lebanon and Hezbollah, another Iranian offshoot. Meanwhile president Trump, who lost his election bid on Nov. 3, reportedly asked his White-House advisers few days ago for options to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, until he was persuaded against it for fear of a total war in his last month in office. Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal 2 years ago, and continued his warlike rhetoric and targeted assassinations of Iranian generals and hitting military targets, Israel is on the same path, assassinating Iranian scientists and researchers, risking a very dangerous and destructive war for America, Israel, the entire Middle-East and the world. 

As P. Giraldi observed; In truth, the United States has become Israel's bitch, and there is hardly a politician or journalist who has the courage to say so. Congress and the media have been so corrupted by money emanating from the Israeli lobby that they cannot do enough to satisfy America's rulers in Jerusalem. And for those who do not succumb to the money, there is always intimidation, career-ending, weaponized accusations of holocaust-denial and anti-Semitism. It is all designed to produce one result, whoever wins in American elections or control Congress or the White-House doesn't matter, as long as Israel gets what it wants, and it almost always gets what it wants and wishes. 

Both the U.S. and Israel are the absolute leaders of creating and funding conflicts and wars just to invigorate and revitalize their insatiable military-industries complexes and selling their arms to the world. I will quote C. Johnstone when she commented; The fact that war plutocrats are happy with either candidate tells you more about the reality of these presidential or prime-ministerial races. 

It is so unspeakably insane that people can become unimaginably wealthy by using campaign donations to help war mongering politicians rise to the top of the political system of the most bloodthirsty governments on earth, and then selling the weapons used in wars those same politicians start. What's uniquely evil is the murderous globe-spanning empire which dictates the fate of our species fueled by human blood, while posing as nice and peace loving guys.

Only depraved people are capable of serving such a deeply depraved machine. Trump, Netanyahu and even Biden are not unique in their depravity, they're not even original or remarkable, they are just the next in line to serve at the front desk of the smiley faced murder factory. We will always have them, we always had them. It's a completely comprehensive system governing both countries, and more leaders and countries are striving to follow suite, to follow our example and embrace the economical benefits of continual warring. It's becoming an accepted mentality and trend. 

                My many thanks to all, stay safe and well.