Tuesday, February 23, 2021



Traditionally and through historical discussions the process by which the wish to create and or defend God or the gods with reason, would turn invariably into a wish to displace god with the same reason , further on, the world's ability to continue making new discoveries and the advance of sciences in general were proof of more order in the universe, backed by our ability and confidence in our own powers. The fit between those powers and the natural world, looks more confidently to a future without the injustice and misery of the old regime, that someway or other, science and our intellect and morality would find the hidden link between happiness on earth, and in our lives, and virtue that past and current theocratic experiences failed and continue failing to materialize. 

Isn't the world acting more intelligently all the time ?? Isn't it clearer that the gods whose only basic task was to create a perfect world might be in real and serious danger of disappearing from it, as well as from our lives. Shouldn't we fear an incompetent God as much as an omnipotent and omniscient and omnipresent one. Sapiens throughout had the tendency to assert the unbroken goodness of creation as it stands, through the various prophets and messengers, accepting through rote learning the existence of an order behind the appearances which assures that unbroken goodness. And a presumption of a disastrous ignorance of anyone who dares to suspect or suggest the world could be improved on its own. 

For long centuries, humanity, through theodicy devoted a great deal more attention to divine freedom, rather than human freedom and liberty. Claiming that only faith can resolve our problems of evilness, and denying us the power of understanding ourselves, our passions, our morality, brutality and our possibilities. Many philosophers argued that a world which works according to general natural law and rules, is better than a world requiring constant interventions in its affairs. As it would turn the place into a chaotic situation, as indeed it was and is in our present times. The world historically lived and still lives in a state of permanent anarchy and irrational brutality and greed governing our lives. 

We generally observe only two forces governing our lives in this universe, one of good and one of dark evil, and we don't always have sound explanations, Augustine gave humankind responsibility for evil, it seems more appropriate to assume he gave humankind the blame for evil. If humanity introduced evil in this world, and not God, then it might also be eradicated. We cannot deny that human beings developed over time, both as species and individuals, human nature has been altered, but not so much his or her behavior. We should work toward making our actions more intelligible without being totally determined, and we could aspire to a different world, where we are the authors of our own suffering and could and should be the source of our happiness. 

God is benevolent, but we do not need him in our daily lives, we should be able to manage our own affairs and govern our lives all by ourselves, our morality and our laws. The need for god was when we relied on him to control the world and nature and even our bodies and instincts for us. God's role in the world is in decrease, he is more of a shadow than anything else, and as the Muslim prophet intentionally restricted the divine and humanity of coming up with a new messenger by declaring himself the last prophetic messenger, it is high time we end the entire message as well, and start anew on our own. It is time to admit that God would have had to arrange the world differently if he had been concerned about his creation and man. 

Let's start by looking at and condemn some of the bigger actual problems threatening our world peace, harmony and advancement in this 21st century of our existence and beyond. Let's condemn all aspects of colonialism, fascism, apartheid, hegemony, let's condemn hatred and racism based on color of skin or ethnic origins, religiosity and different sects and denominations. Let's openly criticize adventurism and unnecessary wars and futile killings and mass stealing. Let's condemn dictators and dictatorships, and stop encouraging them and allowing them to increase in numbers, we have so many of them around our small globe, here in America, in Russia, in Hungary, in Israel and Syria, in theocratic Iran and Saudi Arabia, in Turkey and half of Africa, in fascist corners of Europe and south America, in Korea and elsewhere, plus of course all the aspiring ones mushrooming here and there. 

Let's regulate and put limits on corporate power, and their uncontrollable ownership of the system and entire countries whereby they are the real political governing institutions and the real profiteers of the common wealth.

If we can eliminate these 21st century political and social ailments and deceases from our world, I'm sure we will attain and achieve a much better world, a more peaceful  one and a happier future to us and many generations to come. Why is it that most of these serious illnesses are invariably hiding behind Gods and religious dogmas, and seriously trying to convince their populations that they represent somehow the Divine, and get their messages and policies from above, if it's only a coincidence, then what a damning coincidence it is. 

                As always, my many thanks to all, stay safe.                     

Saturday, February 13, 2021



Below is an excerpt of an article written by David Swanson on February 4, 2021, although I'm not at all a fan of the Iranian theocratic regime, which resembles many other regimes in the area, in their colonial ambitions and hegemony, in their narrow minded brutal religious superiority,  this article portrays very well the historical American relationship with Iran and its responsibility to Iranian behavior.

 All regimes in the area of the Middle-East without exception, are and portray a wave of colonial fundamentalist terrorism I'm hardly inclined to accept or excuse, but it will not be uprooted without a thorough understanding of the ways our own policies contributed to its growth. 

" Why would I say such an outrageous, treasonous, delusional, OBVIOUSLY-funded-by-Putin thing? Am I hoping to enrage war-crazed sadists who’ve seen too much television “news”?

Not at all. I want them to still be around when I say that it would actually be preferable for the United States to pay reparations to the entire rest of the earth.

Well, then, why would I say such a thing, and exactly what type of mental disorder would allow me to believe the Iranian government to be saintly perfection?

Ah, that’s the key question, isn’t it? Because, as we all know, in every court that has ever ordered anyone   to compensate someone else, it’s been necessary to prove that the someone else was a flawless embodiment of paradise. Proving that someone was harmed has never been relevant at all. Nope. The burden of proof has always been on the victim to show that they have never once done any unpleasant thing to anyone. This is why reparations and compensation and restitution never ever happen. In fact these things don’t even exist as concepts. If they did, the following story might matter.

In the 1720s, the newspapers of the colonies that would become the United States wrote positively about the Persian Empire, that place that 2500 years ago held some 60% of humanity. Various U.S. “founding fathers” like Thomas Jefferson sought models in Persian history. From the 1690s to 1800s, based on their school books, U.S. children were unlikely to think of “xylophone” with the letter “x” and likely to think of “Xerxes.” In a staple of U.S. education for generations, Abbott’s Histories, four non-Westerners were included. Three of them were Xerxes, Cyrus, and Darius. Examples from Persian history were tossed around in Congressional speeches. U.S. towns named themselves (and they still are named) Media, Persia, Cyrus.

From the 1830s to 1930s Presbyterian missionaries from the United States lived and raised families in Persia with the goal of converting Christians there to a preferred flavor of Christianity. In that, they largely failed, but they succeeded in providing schools, medicine, and generally positive ideas about the United States.

From the 1850s to 1920s Persian newspapers promoted the United States as a model. Right up through the 1940s the Iranian government generally sought greater U.S. influence in Iran, and the U.S. government usually refused, usually contemptuously."

To continue reading the entire very interesting article, click on this link:


As always, my usual many thanks to all my good readers, stay safe. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021



In a paper released Jan 12, 2021 the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem broke with its own tradition of keeping a low profile or completely avoiding the issue, now they stated unambiguously that the entire area compromising Israel, the West Bank, the occupied Golan heights and the Ghaza strip, is an apartheid regime of Jewish supremacy. 

B'Tselem status as a leading Israeli human rights organization is inviolable and untouchable both in Israel and America, while their research, reports and papers are regularly and often being used by other human rights groups and governments agencies including the U.S. rendering their last paper about the apartheid nature of the state of Israel and the occupied territories very significant, and it cannot be overstated nor ignored, at least by officials of our State-Department and new administration. 

B'Tselem has since its creation in 1989, focused almost exclusively on the problems of the occupied territories, mainly the West Bank, the Golan heights and Ghaza. Reporting mainly on problems regarding the military total supremacy and occupation of vast portions by a supposedly democratic country. As well as the settlers huge impact on its policies, the stealing of lands, water and wealth of Palestinians and Syrians. The combined voluntary efforts of both, settlers and army, in humiliating, destroying and imprisoning thousands of civilian defenseless indigenous people weekly for years against all civilized norms and in flagrant violation of international law and human rights accepted rules. 

The statement states: "The Israeli regime which controls all the territories between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea, seeks to advance and cement Jewish supremacy throughout the entire area. To that end, it has divided the area into several units, each with a different set of rights for Palestinians and other under occupation populace, always inferior to the rights of Jews and Jewish settlers. As part of this policy, Palestinians and other non Jewish people are systematically denied many or all rights, including the right to self determination, or even basic judicial equality & fairness. 

The international criminal court in defining apartheid states clearly ; "The heinous crime of apartheid means inhuman acts...committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racially motivated group over any other racial group or groups, and committed with intentions of maintaining that regime and state of affairs."  

Within the borders of the West Bank, Ghaza or the Golan heights, conditions on the ground clearly fit the definition of apartheid under international law, and it only gained momentum after many tens of thousands of settlers families have been given a green light and free hand to brutalize, annihilate and usurp their native neighbors, and treat them all as inferior beasts. While the governments of Israel and the U.S. are still trying in all possible ways to portray Israel's acts and the state itself as a modern liberal democracy, a country of laws, and a country that passes as a less racist society. 

Both countries, and their administrations and political supporters, will have to accept and seriously consider  the reality that the country they have admired and blindly backed for long decades, has been labeled officially, by its own agencies and people, as an apartheid state. 

Watch the mouth, it reveals what the eyes try to ignore and hide, if and when you tell the truth, people tell each other about it, word of mouth is very powerful. 

                       My usual thanks to all, please stay safe.