Thursday, December 23, 2021




How Do Some Catholic Priests See What Most Evangelical Pastors Don’t See?

By Chuck Baldwin 
December 16, 2021

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One of the most mysterious paradoxes of the modern church is how most evangelical pastors can be so deaf and dumb when it comes to the Biblical Natural Law principles of Liberty. And nothing illustrates that reality any more graphically than the way most evangelical pastors have rolled over and played dead regarding the antichrist Covid narrative. As I have said before in this column, most of the resistance to Fauci’s fascism is coming from outside the church. On the whole, the evangelical church has submitted to the beastly Covid Empire lock, stock and barrel. 


By submitting to the beastly Covid narrative, evangelicals have demonstrated that 1) They have zero awareness and discernment regarding all things antichrist and 2) They have zero resistance to all things antichrist. This means that in their heart of hearts, they have already submitted to the spirit of antichrist.


This is in spite of the fact that evangelicals claim a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ, which if true, would mean that they would be indwelled with the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus said would “guide [them] into all truth.” (John 16:13) Certainly, this Holy Spirit instruction would reveal the system of antichrist to them.

I have brought several messages over the past 21 months showing from the Scriptures how the Covid narrative is a devilish, beastly, antichrist system.






And here.


In my mind, any pastor or Christian who does NOT see the antichrist nature of the Covid narrative is more than blind; he or she is spiritually blind, which casts much doubt on their spiritual confession.

To make it even more perplexing, there are several outspoken anti-Covid narrative priests, bishops and cardinals from the Catholic Church who are courageously resisting the draconian Covid system.

It is a very strange and very sad day when leaders from a false religious system have more understanding regarding the God-given Natural liberties of man than do leaders from within Christian orthodoxy.


Story Number One


A German cardinal has sparked controversy by claiming that the coronavirus pandemic has been used by the likes of George Soros and Bill Gates to create a global “surveillance state.”


The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked “chaos” and “turmoil” stemming not only from the “lacking knowledge” about the transmissibility and danger of the virus itself, but from the will of the super-rich to “snatch an opportunity to bring people in line,” Gerhard Ludwig Mueller said in an interview with Austria’s St. Boniface Institute last week. He is a high-ranking judge at the Vatican court.


The world’s financial elites are now using the pandemic and the measures governments take to fight the spread of the virus to subject people to “total control” and establish a global “surveillance state,” he added. The St. Boniface published a video showing a small part of the interview and the cardinal has since confirmed to the German dpa news agency that the footage is genuine.


“People, who sit on the throne of their wealth,” see an “opportunity to push through their agenda,” the cardinal said, naming Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, billionaire George Soros and the head of the Davos Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, among those behind the alleged global control scheme.

The cardinal then accused the global financial elites of an attempt to bring forth “a new man” created “in their own image and likeness,” adding that he would not wish such a fate on himself. “That has nothing to do with democracy,” the former Regensburg bishop, who once headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said.


Ask yourself, dear evangelical friend, have you heard your pastor say anything like this—even once? If not, why are you still attending a church with such an obviously politically controlled and spiritually silenced pastor?


Story Number Two


A Catholic priest has slammed vaccine mandates from the pulpit, saying that “no earthly king or president…gets to dictate what we must put into our bodies.”  

Addressing his congregation at Christ the King Church in Towson, Maryland, Father Edward Meeks of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter used Catholic doctrine to defend the right of bodily autonomy through his homily.


Speaking on the feast of Christ the King, November 21, Meeks reminded the congregation that “you and I belong to another realm, another kingdom. This earthly kingdom, this earthly realm is not our home; it is part of our journey.” 


Mentioning the “ongoing conflict” within the human being, Meeks noted that in saying that “Jesus is our Lord and King, what we’re saying is that we owe our allegiance and our loyalty first and foremost to Him and to His kingdom.” 


“So then how does this principle work itself out in our daily lives, practically speaking?” he asked rhetorically. 


Drawing from Scripture, Fr. Meeks defended the right of individuals to refuse forced medical intervention, saying that the body must be cared for since it is a “temple of the Holy Spirit”: 


Our King tells us in His written word that our bodies … are temples of the Holy Spirit. First Corinthians, 6:19: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body.” 


Do you believe that? Do you believe that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? Do you take it seriously? 


Among all the other things that that implies – if you do, if you do take it seriously – is this: that no earthly king or president or public health official or billionaire technocrat gets to dictate what we must put into our bodies – into these temples of the Holy Spirit. 


For decades, I have been flummoxed by the inability (or unwillingness) of evangelicals to understand the evil, conspiratorial nature of our Enemy. If God would warn the prophets, priests and people of Old Testament Israel of the evil conspiracies of the Enemy in that day (Ezekiel 22:25 – 29; II Samuel 15:12; Jeremiah 11:9) and if evil conspiracies are noted taking place against the Early Church (Acts 23:13), are we to think that that same diabolical Enemy has abandoned his evil treacheries in our day? Such a proposition is utter foolishness!


For the past 21 months, our Arch-Enemy has been manipulating the medical and pharmaceutical industries, including hospital officials, local health boards and health officers, educational systems, including school teachers and principals, the major media, Big Business and politicians from both parties to launch the most diabolical and devilish antichrist system of our lifetimes. And the vast majority of evangelical pastors don’t even see it.


Then again, these same evangelical pastors do not see the diabolical, devilish nature of Zionist Israel either. Maybe that explains it. I am willing to bet that the Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals referenced in this column also understand the sinister evil nature of Zionist Israel. That is not a coincidence.


The blindness of evangelicals to the antichrist system known as Zionism has blinded their eyes to many things, including the antichrist nature of the Covid Empire.


P.S. I am introducing a brand new message DVD entitled Christian Zionism Has Taken Bethlehem Back To The Days Of Herod.


I began the message with a detailed description of the wickedness of King Herod and his family. I showed how the evil family of Herod constantly intersected—in a very menacing way—with the life of Christ and the apostles.


I also relayed my visit to Bethlehem (and Palestine) and told of my preaching in a church in the city of Christ's birth—comprised mostly of Palestinian Christians—and the fond impression I had of those wonderful people.

I went into some detail to show how the rise of the Religious Right in America back in the 80s (which I was much a part of) has enabled the Zionist Israeli government to torment and terrorize Palestinian Christians for many decades now.


(I, again, urge readers to get the powerful book written by renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe entitled The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine. This book tells the true story of how Israel became a state off the murder, rape, genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. I consider this book MUST-READING.)


I also gave a somewhat graphic description of the kind of life Palestinian Christians are forced to endure under Zionist domination and how evangelical Christians in America are facilitating Israel's persecution of Christians because of their acceptance of the false prophecy doctrines of Scofield Futurism.


I urge readers to get this brand new DVD message: Christian Zionism Has Taken Bethlehem Back To The Days Of Herod.

In my opinion , it's a fair and bright analysis of the indoctrination and attitude phenomenon within a large part of the American population, even spreading to other western countries, it couldn't have been said any better or clearer.   Thanking all my good readers for their time and appreciation, stay safe and well.

I'm including a link to the original article, for anyone who might be interested to dig further. of a growing indo

Monday, December 13, 2021


Americans who pay attention to international affairs - a category that surely includes Kissinger and the authors of the Intelligence Report - are growing fed up with Israeli intransigence and fanaticism. Netanyahu's bizarre, widely-ridiculed performance at the United Nations, where he brandished a cartoonish caricature of a bomb in such a way that he himself came across as a caricature of a “mad Zionist,” was the latest in a series of gaffes by Israeli leaders who seem prone to overplaying their hand.

A second factor is the festering resentment many Americans feel over the Israel Lobby's imperious domination of public discourse. Every time a well-known American journalist is fired for going “off-script” about Israel, as happened to Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez, a mostly-invisible backlash, like a tidal wave rippling beneath the surface of the ocean, grows in power. And every time the Israel lobby slaps down someone like Maureen Dowd, who recently observed that the same Israel-fanatics who dragged the US into the Iraq war are now trying to do the same thing with Iran, the more people begin to wake up and realize that people like Dowd, Thomas, and Sanchez are speaking the truth.

A third reason for complacency in the face of Israel's impending demise: The American Jewish community is no longer united in support of Israel, much less its Likudnik leadership. Sophisticated Jewish journalists and analysts like Philip Weiss are recognizing the insanity of Israel's current leadership and the hopelessness of its predicament. According to recent reports, it is no longer fashionable among young American Jews to care about Israel. And despite Netanyahu's frantic attempts to sway Jewish voters toward the Mormon Likudnik Mitt Romney, polls show that Obama, who is on record saying he “hates” the “liar” Netanyahu, will easily win the majority of Jewish votes.

Finally, we come to the least obvious - but most powerful - reason for Kissinger's and the CIA's complacency in the face of Israel's implosion: The inexorable trickle-down of knowledge that Israel and its supporters, not radical Muslims, carried out the 9/11 false-flag attacks.

Increasingly, it is not fringe anti-Semitic groups, but high-level responsible observers, who are saying this. Alan Sabrosky, the half-Jewish former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, has come on my radio show to say that he has discussed with his colleagues the “100% certainty” that Israel and its supporters did 9/11. And Alan Hart, the former lead BBC correspondent for the Middle East (and personal friend of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat) has also come on my radio show to break the story that he, too, knows that Israel and company orchestrated 9/11.

Today, we even have a presidential candidate, Merlin Miller, who is on the record stating that Israel, not al-Qaeda, carried out the 9/11 attacks. The chief purpose of 9/11 was to “seal in blood” an intense, unbreakable emotional bond between the US and Israel, in a desperate bid to assure Israel's survival by launching a long-term US war against Israel's enemies. As the “dancing Israelis” arrested for celebrating the 9/11 operation tried to convince the police: “Our enemies are your enemies. The Palestinians are your enemies.”

But more and more Americans, including the US intelligence community as a whole, now recognize that the enemies of Israel (the entire Muslim world of over 1.5 billion people, along with most of the non-European world) do not have to be the enemies of the United States. In fact, the US is going broke and sacrificing thousands of lives in wars for Israel - wars that damage, rather than aid, US strategic interests. (One of those interests, of course, is buying oil and gas from stable, cooperative governments.)

As the recognition grows that 9/11 was not a radical Islamic attack, but an act of dastardly, bloody treason by supporters of Israel, it will become ever-easier for American policy makers, following in the footsteps of Kissinger and the sixteen intelligence agencies, to recognize the obvious: Israel has reached the end of its shelf-life.


 This is part two of an article by Kevin Barrett, part one was copied in my November 23 blog, an excellent analysis, albeit a few years old
 As always, my many thanks to all my good readers, keep safe and well.

Friday, December 3, 2021



Don’t expect much – the cover-up has already begun!

By Philip Giraldi

Jeffrey Epstein procurer Ghislaine Maxwell is finally in court going through the juror selection process and opening arguments after a 17 month stay at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. Given Epstein’s somewhat suspicious departure from this earth in what may have been a murder rather than a suicide, Maxwell has been jailed under a somewhat more intrusive regime, with constant surveillance and only limited ability to do anything but sit on her concrete bunk and contemplate her future. She has complained frequently about her isolation, abuse by jailers and the terrible food. She was undoubtedly correct about the food. Her offer of as much as $28 million in bail money in return for her freedom while awaiting trial was turned down by the judge who observed that Maxwell had more than fifteen separate bank or investment accounts as well as multiple passports. She suggested that Ghislaine might have much more money and other assets squirreled away outside the United States, making her a flight risk, presumably to flee to Israel which has no extradition agreement with the US.

There is significant back story to consider when examining the Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein saga. The suspicion that Epstein was working for Israel’s external intelligence agency Mossad or for its military intelligence counterpart is based on considerable evidence and that he was being “protected” has also seemingly been confirmed through both Israeli and American sources. Indeed, there already exists some evidence that Epstein was granted unusual leniency when he was convicted in Florida of sex crimes in 2008 involving 19 underage girls and received a sentence that was little more than a slap on the wrist. After the fact, the US Attorney for Miami Alexander Acosta, who was involved in the case, reported that the arrest and sentencing were above his pay grade, that he had been told that Epstein “’belonged to intelligence’, and to leave it alone” a comment that apparently was never been pursued by investigators.

Also, a recent book Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales written by Ari Ben-Menashe the former Israeli intelligence officer who actually claims to have run the Epstein operation, described inter alia how Epstein was blackmailing prominent politicians on behalf of Israeli intelligence. Epstein had been working directly for the Israeli government since the 1980’s and his operation, which was funded by Israel and also by prominent American Jews, was a classic “honey-trap” which used underage girls as bait to attract well-known politicians from around the world, a list that included Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. Clinton reportedly flew at least 26 times on Epstein’s private 727 the “Lolita Express” to a mansion estate in Florida as well as to a private island owned by Epstein in the Caribbean. The island was referred to by locals as the “Pedophile Island.” The politicians would be photographed and video recorded when they were in bed with the girls. Afterwards, they would be approached and asked to do favors for Israel.

Ghislaine Maxwell is in fact the daughter of top Israeli spy Robert Maxwell, who received a state funeral in Israel after his mysterious death in 1991 which was attended by the prime minister as well as by all the former and serving heads of that country’s intelligence services. Ghislaine is presumed to have been an active participant in the Epstein operation acting as a procurer of young girls and on at least one occasion has hinted that she knows where the sex films made by Epstein are hidden. She also has claimed that the tapes featured both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

It doesn’t take much to pull what is already known together and ask the question “Who among the celebrities and top-level politicians that Epstein cultivated were actually Israeli spies?” And, of course, there is a subplot. Assuming that Epstein was in fact involved in recruiting and/or running high level American agents in an “influence operation” that may have involved blackmail it is plausible to come to the conclusion that he was killed in prison and that the suicide story was just a convenient cover-up. The Epstein case remains technically “open” and under investigation though it doesn’t seem that anything is actually happening, the sure sign that someone powerful in the Establishment is making certain that nothing incriminating surfaces. That is sometimes referred to as a government cover-up.

So, given all the drama and possibilities, one might plausibly ask why the media coverage of Maxwell, for all its allure of deviant sex combined with possible espionage, so much less in the media spotlight than were the recent Rittenhouse and Arbery trials? And even less than the ongoing trial of Elizabeth Holmes. Well, the answer is actually quite simple, even ignoring the liberal media’s desire to inflame racial passions whenever possible. We are in an era of government control of information and are witnessing selective management of what Maxwell is being charged with to eliminate any possible damage to senior US politicians or to Israel.

Television courtroom dramas notwithstanding, the fact is that people are only tried in court once they have been charged in advance with specific crimes. And the crimes they are charged with depend on what emerges from the police and other law enforcement investigation. The result then goes to a frequently politically biased district attorney who, if he agrees there is a case, then passes the case on to an elected or politically appointed judge for trial. That means in practice that trials by jury go through a winnowing process before they reach the courtroom and what comes out at the end is often only what the criminal justice system regards as “winnable” or desirable in terms of prevailing political viewpoints.

Or to put it another way apropos of Maxwell and Epstein, in spite of considerable evidence suggesting espionage, there is absolutely no suggestion that either the New York City police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation ever seriously interrogated either party on their relationships with IsraeI and with Israeli intelligence. Nor is there any indication that “celebrities” who might have been targeted like Bill Clinton were ever even questioned. That is no coincidence, as Israel almost always avoids any scrutiny. Indeed, Israel, in spite of its demonstrated and well-documented history of massive spying in the United States is unlikely ever to be confronted in a court of law because there is a bipartisan consensus that such an embarrassment to the world’s greatest friendship between Jerusalem and Washington should never be subjected to any serious examination. That is why Maxwell has only been charged with helping the convicted sexual predator Epstein traffic and sexually abuse four women, three of whom were underage, as well as lying in a civil suit. She has denied the charges and is heavily lawyered-up to make her defense which will likely involve debunking the nature and closeness of her relationship with Epstein. A suitable plea bargain after a few weeks of court room jousting is a likely outcome.

Maxwell’s eight count indictment was issued on March 29th. If her defense fails to convince and she is convicted on all the charges, which relate to sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy, Maxwell could receive as much as an 80-year prison sentence. Epstein likewise was only arrested and charged with sex trafficking and abuse of minors when he died while awaiting trial, not with being involved with a foreign country in engaging in espionage directed against the United States as well as other nations. There are, by the way, laws against such activity, including the Espionage Act of 1918 and the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938, the latter of which has recently been enforced against Russian media outlets. If anyone expects the espionage angle to surface even implicitly during the Maxwell trial, they will be terribly disappointed because Alison Nathan, the Obama appointed j udge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and, appropriately enough, a Lesbian, will not allow it, the prosecutor will not seek it, and the defense attorneys will not use it in their arguments.

So do not expect anything dramatic to happen in the New York courtroom. One has to suspect that a tale of Mossad running a major spy ring in the US using a pedophile and young girls might just be too much for some folks in power to tolerate and they have made sure that that aspect of the story will never see the light of day. That is the real story that is being conveniently covered-up. Israel yet again spies and Washington denies.

     Copied from, a very informative analysis of a current affair and court case in the U.S. My as always many thanks for my readers, stay safe and well.