Tuesday, January 23, 2024

2024 “could” be the end for Biden and Netanyahu


I don’t see how they’ll come out of this.

Aiding and abetting a Genocide vs losing a war you promised your people to win and then on top of that committing genocide. 2024 looks to be the end of both these horrible men.

Joe Biden, his administration, in the last few months have probably created one of the biggest blunders in American history.

They have exposed how deeply Zionism has entrenched itself within the American government, the congress and any place of power within America. They have exposed how long this entrenchment goes back.

His inability to reign in Netanyahu risks an all out regional war in the Middle East that will threaten to disrupt the global supply chain, increase to record breaking levels of inflation and in short plunge the war into a decade of recession.

That’s not even counting the fact that he has allowed a genocide to take place. Whenever calls for ceasefire takes place at the UN. America would be the one to vote against it. Can you fathom that?

America, voting against stopping a genocide taking place.

Already his chance of re-election are extremely slim. Especially now that he’s lost the support of Muslim voters for his support of the Genocide

Now, he’s gone a step further and risks isolating much of his core voter base, which are anti-war, by risking another war in the Middle East. Not to protect global shipping lines or any bullshit that’s coming out of the White House. But just to protect Israeli ships.

Houthis have repeatedly said that they will only stop ships bound to Israel and they will stop on the condition that Israel stops the genocide. By attacking the Houthis, he’s telling the global south and the rest of the world, that they will abet and stop any opposition to the genocide in Gaza.

He has also sent a message to the Americans, his own people, that for Israel he will risk starting a war bypassing congress. Any pre-emptive action that needs to take place which could risk starting a war needs congress approval. His blatant sidestepping shows how desperate he is and you don’t want a desperate man who leads the United States.

His actions speak louder than words and with that, I don’t see chances of his re-election. Half America has turned on him and don’t want him back, even the most ardent democratic supporters.

His chances of coming back into power are very low. Unless there is some sort election engineering.


Netanyahu hasn’t won any strategic battles for Israel, since the past 3 months. He’s only won a PR battle by taking a Hamas leader, Arouri in Lebanon.

Mass protests against him are increasing daily. People, his own people, are losing patience with him as they want the hostages back and some sort of win. Instead, they’re being hit economically, their cities and settlements are going barren, especially up north, as the battle between Hezbollah and IDF carries. People up north are scared and many have fled down south to get away from the fighting. It is expected that the north will blow up soon as several IDF senior officials have come forward saying that the north cannot being contained anymore.

The war cabinet, that Netanyahu leads is in disarray. There are reports of shouting matches between the members, rifts being created. There are stark rifts between Yoav Gallant and Netanyahu. According to their conversations, Netanyahu seems be micromanaging him and most of the other people in the cabinet. People from his cabinet like Ben Gvir and the opposition party leader Yair Lippid have come denouncing him, criticising his leadership and his approach to the situation. This is all reported in the Israeli Media, Maariv and Yedioth Ahronoth.

With the mounting losses and the crisis at home. Even more than Biden, I don’t think Netanyahu can make it through the end. Personally, in my opinion m, the chances of there being coup is high and it’s based on two things.

  1. Netanyahu prefers to listen to the ultranationalist Orthodox Jews, compared to his own war cabinet.
  2. Biden and Netanyahu allies and rivals in the war cabinet are increasingly frustrated with him. Biden especially is looking for new possibilities to replace him with someone like Ben Gvir.

However, Netanyahu has backing and a lot of support of the ultranationalist Zionists behind him. Removing him won’t be so easy unless and until his backers remove him as well. However, as it stands, Netanyahu is finished if this war ends. Either he ends up in a jail cell or he runs way. His career has a politician is over.

Same can be said for Biden as well, with how he has handled the genocide and going to war with the Houthis.

Thanks to all for reading.

Saturday, January 13, 2024



By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 13, 2023

On December 13th the New York Times promoted 10 paths to peace in Gaza. I had been wondering where the pretense had gone. We teach our children to be honest and responsible, and they watch COP28 lie and destroy like COPS 1 through 27. We teach them to talk rather than hit, and they watch Genocide Joe oversee mass murder. Aren’t we a-bit-more-than-usual at a point where we need either a revolution of values or a big delivery of grade-A horse manure? The latter was of course more likely. Here it is.

One of the 10 paths to peace — this one from Ehud Olmert — is for Israel to complete its “campaign to remove Hamas from power and destroy its ability to fight” and then send in NATO troops. Since this would fit perfectly on a list of 10 paths to violent chaos, I’m hopeful that when the New York Times publishes a collection of paths to war it will let me contribute some paragraphs on ceasing to arm, fund, or veto-protect Israeli genocide.

A second path to peace — this one from Diana Buttu — is to let Palestinians govern themselves. Well, of course, but how can they do that when they are dead? Are they supposed to do it while the bombs are still falling, or only after they happen to stop?

A third path to peace — from Raja Khalidi — is to provide actual aid, funding for food and medicine and reconstruction. Indeed, that is the urgently needed Step 2. It cannot even wait and needs to accompany an immediate Step 1. But isn’t Step 1 to stop killing everybody? And doesn’t that require that the United States government (and to a much lesser extent some other governments) cease shipping weapons to Israel and cease vetoing the will of the world at the United Nations?

Not to worry. A fourth path to peace — by Bernard Avishai and Ezzedine Fishere — focuses on Joe Biden. But the advice to Biden is to pretend that Palestinians respect him, and to repeat as if brand-new and brilliant the generations-old idea of halting settlements and achieving a . . . wait for it . . . Two State Solution. And he should make sure it’s heavily militarized and create a “sort of Arab NATO.”

Meanwhile, in a fifth path to peace — from Jerome M. Segal — Gaza should be made into a nation. There’s nothing particularly wrong with that. But when the Nazis were gassing people in camps, and the U.S. government was pretending it could do nothing to evacuate future victims — the world at least had the decency not to declare the path to saving them to be making Auschwitz an independent state. It would have been a great thing — don’t get me wrong — but it would have been a state surrounded by a state seeking the elimination of its population. The root of the problem would seem to have been missed.

A sixth path to peace — from May Pundak and Dahlia Scheindlin — is a bit better of an idea: the two-state solution but with a confederation making it a little of a one-state solution. But there’s nothing about stopping the mass-murder or making this solution happen.

In a seventh path to peace — from Sulaiman Khatib and Avner Wishnitzer — projects should bring Israelis and Palestinians together to develop a culture of peace. Yes. Absolutely. But the Palestinians should be alive for the occasion. Any Israeli brave enough to make it into Gaza and announce a meeting for developing a culture of peace is brave enough to lie down in front of the next doorway Netanyahu has to walk through. I think it’s clear which is more needed right now.

An eighth path to peace — from Limor Yehuda, Omar M. Dajani and John McGarry — would put the UN in charge, as would a ninth from Emma Bapt and Adam Day. But why imagine the UN — post-war — doing something it’s never done when the UN needs desperately to abolish the veto and work to end the killing, and thus far has proved incapable of even that?

A tenth path to peace — from Peter Beinart — says essentially that Israel should stop the slaughter and treat the crimes of October 7 as crimes rather than excuses for larger crimes, free prisoners, and allow self-governance. “Will Benjamin Netanyahu’s government do any of this? Not a chance. But polls suggest that his Likud party may suffer a historic collapse when Israelis next vote. The Biden administration should make it clear that America’s relationship with Israel will depend on its next government pursuing a different path.” But how can Biden make such a thing clear while shipping over endless weapons, pushing grotesque propaganda, and vetoing any accountability to international bodies? He cannot.

I’m reminded of a school board member here in Virginia who wanted to approve recognizing the International Day of Peace as long as it could be made clear that he wasn’t against any wars. Everybody’s for peace, from the let’s-make-friends people to the send-in-NATO people. But nobody wants to be against war. Of these 10, only Beinart says to end it. Of course, some of these authors are in fact against the war. But that doesn’t make it into the New York Times’ comprehensive guide to achieving peace, almost all of which simply assumes that peace will come, and most of which is slightly hairbrained schemes for what to do after that.

I’ve got ten better ideas:

  1. Much bigger marches, rallies, protests, demonstrations, banner drops.
  2. More nonviolent blocking of ports, trains, factory doors, and of everything needed to get the weapons to the murder scene.
  3. More disruption of media broadcasts, stink-tank seminars, state-dinners, and profiteer gatherings.
  4. More pressure on educational institutions, from elementary schools to universities, to find the courage now that even children’s books will celebrate others having had decades from now if we are still here.
  5. More sharing, spreading, broadcasting, and highlighting of the videos, photos, and voices from eloquent laments to inarticulate screams coming from the site of the genocide.
  6. Organized pressure on every government on Earth to actually go beyond remarking that a genocide is underway and invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice.
  7. Pressure on every nation on Earth to engage in BDS and to extend it to include Israel and the United States.
  8. Smart strategic willingness to not stupidly support violence, and to not counterproductively use any words that backers of genocide will find it easy to misunderstand or to pretend to misunderstand as supporting the sorts of things they support.
  9. Smart strategic messaging and educating on the need to abolish all war and all militarism, not just one war in particular, if we are going to be able to address the non-optional crises that COP28 is pretending so absurdly to be taking on.
  10. Send this to the New York Times.

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David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of WorldBeyondWar.org and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Swanson was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. Longer bio and photos and videos here. Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook, and sign up for: Activist alertsArticlesDavid Swanson newsWorld Beyond War newsCharlottesville news.
  •  As always, many thanks to all my good readers....

Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Good journalists, editors, commentators, as well as the general public, and finally the politicians and public servants, and yes politicians and elected representatives, all should not seek "Balance" between truth and lies, between good and evil, they should all be unambiguously on the side of the truth and good. 

And in covering democracy versus fascism, oppressors versus oppressed, perpetuators of apartheid versus living as inferior human animals, even enabling colonialists versus colonized, everyone must not normalize the situation, and definitely not try to balance between the truth and the obvious false lies. 
Under the guidance of self imposed impartiality, we all should not normalize nor balance good and evil. We all have certain responsibilities to expose evil, and show how it is not from the bedrock human values of the world, of humanity, of Western and American values, of our times. 

We are approaching the ends of the first quarter of our twenty first century, with more than eight billion human Sapiens on board, and humanity is still alive, but we still cannot prevent few lunatic fascist leaders from enabling and perpetuating atrocities the world hasn't seen in many decades, where most of us thought we were definitely beyond these barbaric acts and actions, using religions, patriotism, bewildered colonialism, racism and supremacy, plus any game seen and played in human history. 

We are mostly hiding behind false ideologies, and obsolete  religious dogmas, accompanied by high doses of selfishness, hypocrisy and indifference,  surely forgetting  or knowingly abstaining to condemn and stop horrible situations that are endangering our entire civilization and humanity. 

Funny, but it's not what any and all religions supposedly called for, except few instances that called for; kill, kill, annihilate and enslave. nor did humanity or sane leadership or democracy. But it seems it is  our sort and destiny in life. 

It should be stopped, humanity cannot afford such barbaric behaviors any longer, our human fate is in the balance. 

As always, my profound many thanks to all... Stay safe and well.