Monday, May 30, 2011


In many Arabic countries nowadays, we are witnessing upheavals of large segments of the population, whether it turns more Islamic or more secular, young or older generations taking control, depends on each of the countries, i.e. Egypt and Tunisia are showing different paths from Libya, Yemen , or even Syria. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and some gulf states are different cases from the rest.

The causes that led to these upheavals, produced by degrees a sort of relaxation in the different constitutions of these regimes, those for whose interest it was to maintain this constitution held to it less, while those who had an interest in modifying it became bolder and stronger.

The rule of some regimes was therefore reconciled with that of the city, while some others reconciled with the heads of tribes, but these were in reality two antagonistic forms of governance which men could not hope to ally forever, and which must sooner or later be at war with each other.

The family regime, indivisible and numerous, was too strong, rich, and too independent for the social power not to feel the temptation, and even the need, of weakening it or even destroying it. Either the city or the tribe could not keep their side of the alliance, for it must in the course of time break up the family regime.

When authority ceases to appear just to the subjects, time must still elapse before it will cease to appear so to the masters. But this happens after a while, and then the master, who no longer believe in the justice of his authority, defends it badly, or ends by renouncing it.

An invincible necessity obliges the masters of different regimes, little by little, to relinquish or obliterate some or all of their omnipotence.

In some countries like Libya, Yemen and Syria, the regimes did no more than to preserve their authority and omnipotence, and in this alone was their gravest injustice; they maintained these laws and constitutions beyond the time when men accepted them without complaints, and maintained them against the will of the people.

It is therefore wise for these family regimes and masters to satisfy these men, their own interests united with humanity recommends concessions.

thanks as usual for your time and patience, and salamat.

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