Sunday, August 28, 2011


My mother used to tell me for years, that when very young, I refused milk, her milk, or any other from different animals, a doctor at the time advised her to try and feed me with yogurt as a trial, it worked, I'm not sure whether it was the sour taste or the fermentation that I must have liked, but, that was the beginning, I'm still hooked to fermentation,

Everyone knows someone who has a so called eating disorder,and everyone knows about the the huge numbers of people in the world who are starving. Excess is everywhere now, excess of wealth and of poverty, of sex and greed, of violence and of religious belief.

When people are being extreme they push things to their limits, when they are being excessive they push things beyond their limits.

When we are excessive we depart from custom or reason, we overstep limits, we go beyond our rights, we involve in what the dictionary calls extravagant violation of law, decency or morality, we are guilty of outrageous conducts. When we are excessive, in whatever way, we depart from what is considered appropriate behavior, we go out from custom or reason, we abandon, the version of ourselves we are supposed to be.

And where do we get our standards of appropriate behavior, our pictures of ourselves as we are supposed to be ??? from societies, tribes and families we grew up in.

We should be able to enter into the minds and circumstances of those with opposing views to our own.

It's all a matter of balance, as A. Phillips worked hard to express, again thanks for your patience and time and salamat

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