Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WHY .... ??

We  all  know  by  now  that  we  -- Homo sapiens --  are  by  far  the  youngest  and  latest  species  on  planet  earth .  Plants ,  other  animals , small  and  large , bacterium ,  etc...etc... , are  all  and  by  far  older  survivors , millions  and  millions  of  years  compared  to  our  short  existence  of  maybe  twenty  or  thirty  thousand  years  among  them .

BUT ,  and  for  reasons  special  and  peculiar  only  to  ourselves , we  always  felt , and  from  the  very  beginnings , the  terrible  urge  to  create  our  own  superior  gods , later  one  God ,  or  be  created  by  them , then after , him ,  almost  always  him  and  practically  never  her  or  it .  A  very  bizarre and  pompous  male  egotistical  attitude  all through .

Later  as  we  all  learned   from  history  books , we  had  to  involve  him  in  all  and  every  detail  of  our  practical  life , asking , and  attributing  to  him  ,  every  possible  piece  of  legislation  to  our  simplest  desires , worries  and  needs .  Slowly  and  surely  making  him  go  into  more  complex  schemes  ,  with  Jewish  fertile  imagination  and  egocentricity ,  and  later  with  Christian  love  and  fraternity , later  intrusted  to  church  politics ,  to  end  up  with  Musslem  narrow mindedness  and  impossible  social  demands . 

ALL  leading  us  to  a  total  impasse  and  non  adaptability  for  our  modern  times  and  future  survival  on  planet earth ,  with  claims  forbidding  women  from  driving  modern  machines  for  the  safety  of  their  ovaries ,  to  the  unexplainable   God's  hate  for  female  hair  in  all  its  aspects  and   colours , and  the  terrible  conducts  of  ethnic  cleansing  of  all  other  and  similar  God  creators  under  the  headings  of  purity  or  exclusivity , whether  in  the  Arab  world , Israel ,  and  or  in  many  parts  of  the  world , to  give  just  a  few  examples .

WHY ???   indeed , why couldn't  we  (Homo sapien )  simply  suffice  ourselves  by  being  created  or  creators  and  live  happily  ever  after ??  or  better still ,  by coming  up , like  every  other  species  on  earth  , with  our  own  social  rules , attribute  them to  ourselves , again  like  every one  else , improve , add  to them  and  adapt  to  the  passing  of  times, and  live  possibly  in  peace  and  harmony  with  our  environment  and  every  other  species  for  ever , instead  of  our  doomed  predictions  for  our  future , under  the  auspices  and  patronage  of   God .   indeed  WHY .

Just  a  thought  from  the  la la  lands .  Thanks  and  salamat.       



  1. I know that your whys are sort of rhetorical questions, but I will take a stab at answering them literally.

    Social rule system theory is pretty much a human endeavor. it is the organizing and regulating of human social activity by a socially produced system of rules. These rules come from norms, laws, taboos, customs, and also to a smaller extent, specially in modern times, from superstitious religious beliefs and scripture. The rules impact how we interact socially at many levels such as family, community, and business enterprises to name a few.

    I think we have a much bigger axe to grind if instead we ask the question: why do we allow religion to highjack morality? religion attributes basic morality to the Decalogue that allegedly God inscribed and gave to Moses on mount Sinai. Well excuse me, but did humans think it was alright to kill, steal and commit adultery before the commandments? The answer is obviously no.
    In fact these laws were socially (or humanly) produced by Mespotamian and Hittie societies and predate Judaism.
    I think that religion actively pursues and indoctrinates young children and evangelizes the very young or the immature and uneducated with their fantastical claims and superstitions (who needs proof when you have faith?), and through traditions this is passed from one generation to the next without the chance of mature examination. I guess my point is that this brainwashing of the very young plays a big part in why religion gets away with so much.

    ps God bless the la la lands. lol

    1. Thank you anonymous , for a nice and comprehensive sequel , I'm going to add something that might put both our ideas in perspective ;
      A learned man once said " For thousands of years God and poverty kept man disciplined , now , in our modern times , God is dead and poverty is disappearing , how will we be disciplined ???

      Again thanks and salamat.
