How come , and why didn't anyone country in the world , nor individuals seriously go to the source and criticize the Arab kingdoms , Sheikdoms , and princedoms , of the Gulf ?? Quite the contrary , countries praise them and cherish their alliances with them , protected them for long decades and continue to do so .
All for their oil and wealth !!! As well , individual people , Arabs and Westerners kept obedient and respectful silences , as many of them and their growing kids worked , benefited and made riches in these countries and deserts , and keep doing so .
Today we wonder about , and criticize fanatic Wahhabi Musslem hordes , conceived , funded , trained and indoctrinated , then left to create havoc and chaos , in most of the Levant and various parts of the Arab world . all for political and ideological hegemony , and naïve pride-related reasons that are beyond the scope of this blog .
The entirety of the Levant is being systematically destroyed and changed by these hordes of barbaric Islamists that carry , think and apply , classical Wahhabism in all it's historic origins , and it's modern nowadays version . They were created by these Gulf countries and their Western allies , and are still being funded and armed by them .
We all kept silent for long years , while we were benefiting , and we keep silent nowadays, while we cry , shed tears and beg for sympathy for our dying populations , whether Christians, Yazidies , Musslems or any of the many other ethnic groups covering the area .
These medieval and archaic Kingdoms , have waged , and continue waging their by-proxy war , mainly to rid themselves of inobedient hegemonic dictators , that kept for decades annoying both , the Gulf rulers and their allies interests , so the Islamisation of these countries was a way to bring obedience and compliance , to these troublesome bordering countries . A repeat of a previous similar affair in Afghanistan . Iran had an indirect hand in it , by supporting failing rogue regimes for their own agendas . The Israelis who benefited tremendously , were and continue to be encouraged to apply the same tactics over their own occupied people and territories , benefiting from an unequalled complicity .
The West in general and Western-Europe specifically , are almost openly consenting , as these displaced impoverished and docile populations from all over the Levant , Christians included but not necessarily the entirety , could result in a convenient relocation , filling their own population and labor gap and shortages , leading possibly to an eventual exchange and transfer with their own very bothersome Musslem communities .
From a historical perspective it could eventually constitute a win-win situation to all concerned . My usual many thanks for listening .
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