Thursday, October 16, 2014


WE  have  lately  been  inundated  with  many  clips , you tubes  and  articles , all  commenting , criticising  or  explaining ,  the  Bill Maher/Reza Aslan/ Ben Affleck/ Sam Harris   several debates , all  in  defence  or  against Islam , specifically  arguing  its  brutal  ways , and  influence  on  Musslems .

My  addition to  these  debates ,  would  be  that  all  religions  with  no  exceptions , were , and  still are  in  some  sense , brutal  and  hegemonic , deep  in  their  core , especially  if  threatened . Islam  is no different ,  a  perfect  replica  and  an exemplary  inheritor  of  many  other  religions , more  so , an almost  perfect  imitator  of  Jewish  ways , doctrines  and  brutality . 

In  trying  to  emulate  and  match  European  Christian  history , and  a  hopeless  striving  to  revive  Islamic glory , through the  conquering  and  colonization  of  many  continents  and  peoples , many  a  Musslem  group , and  a  failed  Musslem  youth  from  all  over the  world , and from  all walks  of  life  are  acting  and  trying  to hide  their  deeply  embedded  crises  of  identity .

It's  helping  fuel  certain , other wise generally  silent  young  people ,  especially  those  who  were  oppressed  and  frustrated  within  their  communities  in  the  last  decades ,  to  reform  and  reincarnate a  lost  distinctiveness ,  a  uniqueness  and  a  certain  particularity if  you  like , replacing  other  forms  of  failed  nationalist  aspirations , and  an  all  embracing  globalization .

A  strict  crises  of  identity .  As  many  or  most  nationalities  in  the  world , in their  strict  or  broader meanings  are  fading  away  and  withering . Giving  way  to  some  global  uniformity  and  cohesion .  We  have  seen  European , American  and  Asian  smaller  groups  and  cohorts  behaving  in  very  similar  brutal  ways , killing  and  hurting  many innocent individuals  and  groups , mostly  under anarchical  ideologies ,  so  how  about  adding  some  hatred - imbibed  religiosity  to  it , under  the  form  of  Islam  or  any  other .

The  mixing  and  inter living  of  many ethnically different  peoples  around  the  world , is  pushing  some , especially  Musslems  and  Jews , to  regroup and  re energize , and  in some cases turning themselves into beastly  cruel  prototypes  of  fanaticism , regularly imitating  European  classical  fascism at  its  worst , and  dreaming  of  reincarnating , preserving  and  living  a  certain  past  in  all its archaic  scenes .

A  defacto  analysis  of  some  brutal scenes of our daily lives . As usual  my  many  thanks to all .


  1. Your analysis of the situation is correct - in that if a culture or religion is on the brink of being ousted or is receiving constant analysis and threat from the rest of the world - then it will strive to rally and make an effort to remain and not become extinct.

    My thought however on why the rest of the world is very much against Islam is that it still practices the old tenants of inequality among its followers. This is more or less pointed at the inequality of women in the religion, but nonetheless Islam has not progressed as society has around it.

    Catholicism for that matter lives on many of their older and basic tenants - but there isn't such a strong distinction of inequality that is public facing to the rest of the world (even if there is at the core).

    You do state that Islam (and Judaism) is at a point in their rally similar to the brute forces of Fascism, but don't forget that the war against fascism was won by the western/progressive ideals of today. So while the youths of Islam are trying to rally their religion into the future - if they continue to do it in such a harsh fashion that alienates the rest of world and people from them... then they will sure enough face the same end as Fascism did in the 20th century.

  2. Very well put my dear reader , I couldn't but agree with all of what you said , but and as you've mentioned , even Catholicism , under the newer Pope , is trying to make progress on many an issue , both other religions are totally stagnating if not regressing , for religious and political reasons , again thanks for sharing your comments and salamat.
