Saturday, November 15, 2014


Throughout the human race modern history , some 6000 years , man  had always this fantasy of creating  a superior and higher than himself creature , a god  he later called it , an Omni entity that would be responsible for all and everything , that would be our creator , inspirer and our salvage , responsible for the salvation of our actual world and the one after .

Man gave and described his  created gods in the most  desirable and dream-like fantasies , filled  with  terrestrial  pleasures  and wishes , mostly  unobtainable here on earth by the majority  of mortals . Living as well with his wrath , anger and brutality , perfectly reflecting and mirroring ours .

Originally  mythical gods  were  more  civilized , as they  mostly attended to their own affairs , pleasures and brutal  fights and mutual destruction , thus  giving us  men  here on earth  a live example  of how to behave and conduct our lives .

Then  appeared our actual only one  god !!!  The only  and sole creator of everything with his rigid rules and ethics , the Pharaoh Khufu  had a strong hand in shaping the idea , a god that fulfilled  the aspirations of many by force or through the influence of time , spreading into larger areas , and different peoples . Eventually into world wide arrogant dogmas and creeds , rules and ethics . Into hatred , into pseudo love and forgiveness , that never lasted long as human nature was never compatible enough .

This same Omni all and everything  god , managed to steal man's  imagination for centuries , mostly with his brutal ways and behaviors , commanding and asking for the annihilation of everyone not within its grip or sect , contradicting himself in his eternal messages more often than not . Man was always his faithful and blind executor .

Why do we keep at it , and so blindly  and faithfully , whether Pharaonic , Hebraic , Christian or Islamic , it is the same  Omni and ominous one . As expected ,  gods and their disciples flourish mostly in troubled areas , take actual or whatever is left of Syria for an example , where the cultured secular , modern democratic figures of society , were the easiest to beat and eliminate from the game , only the godly religious remained  on all sides , all under a perfect umbrella of politics , Sunni  Musslems majority fighting Shiia Alawite Musslems and some other scared minorities . Iraq , Libya ,Yemen , and  many other hot spots of the world , not excluding the ex Soviet Union  nor Israel and Palestine ,  are all having their godly moments with  all its brutality and blindness .

Everything  about our lives , our understanding of mater and mind , of ourselves , is more or less maturing and advancing , except our core religious beliefs and behavior unfortunately . Isn't it high time we  seriously reconsider that old Divine Spark , dating thousands of years back in antiquity . Humanity is getting better, smarter and more accomplished over time , we don't need Sparks to direct and guide our actual times and lives , whether Divine or self made .

My usual  appreciation and thanks for your time with me .   


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