Friday, July 17, 2015


The fear , even paranoia  of Israeli leadership and many of its staunch supporters in the States , was steadily growing for the past year , more so now , after reaching the nuclear deal between the U.S. it's international allies  and Iran . Of course a scary affair to some as such a deal will result in a certain future rapprochement with Iran , and the most feared is the American and Western economic and political future engagements .

Many in the U.S. hide strictly behind nuclear armament possibilities and threats , their supposed danger on America itself and of course Israel , a false and totally untrue argument , as even a nuclear armed Iran will never pose any real danger to Israel nor the U.S . Historically it is proven , nuclear countries don't nuke each other , it's only and strictly a deterrence between the nuclear haves , and  these avoid and circumvent new aspiring members . Especially for Israel , as a nuclear powered  Iran  will only render the country unassailable  and indomitable .

It's the rapprochement strategy that is bothering many, mostly the neocons of both Israeli and American side , each strictly for his benefits . To look at the same scene from an Iranian perspective , will tell us immediately that Iran is in a win-win situation with the West and America , vis-a-vis its increasing partnership with Russia , China and Turkey to a lesser extent .

Iranian Musslem populations sentiments , resent a very close Russian or Chinese partnership and alliance , mostly for religious differences , as religion is of minor importance in both countries , Shiism and Turkic Sunnism divide , will always fuel a natural barrier to a strong partnership . The West in general and even the U.S are by far favored and accepted as possible partners for future prosperity and for the entrepreneurship of the Iranian people .

Provided the U.S. and its Western allies , realize and work with Iran as the descendant of Persia and not as a modern Shiite hegemonic theocratic Iran , lies the key to success of the whole plan , and the continued American domination over most of the Sunni Arab world . After all economic hardship and prosperity dreams brought Iranians to the negotiations not force .

Iran as well fears its northern borders , increasingly becoming Sunni fanatics and militant , and turning more antagonistic toward Iranian ambitions in the mostly Sunni Arab world , its policies and presence in Syria , Iraq , Lebanon and ill fated Yemen , are not helping extinguish the Sunni hatred. 

So possibly the American rapprochement with Iran , the toning down of Israeli antagonism , and the strong American ties and alliances with the Sunni countries , can facilitate defusing some of the impossible situations in the area , and help create a new order under the direct influence of the U.S.  An arrangement not necessarily beneficial to the strategic advantages of Russia , nor China , and surely not serving the present Israeli leadership's hegemonic views .

I hope that American politicians opposing  the mentioned deal , mostly influenced by Israeli short sighted policies , will not predominate our decisions , interests or foreign policies . Let us willingly give Mr. Netanyahu another one of his beloved standing ovations in our Congress , while asking him to stop tampering in our foreign policies and interests . let us keep on the track of safeguarding our future and the world's , avoiding stupid profiteering war games and tactical hegemonic policies .

Finally as a last thought , isn't it high times after the latest win for America , the West and the world , over unchecked nuclear proliferation  and dangers , to start seriously pressuring defiant Israel over its nuclear arsenal estimated at more than 300 warheads , all mounted on ready to launch missiles . The International Atomic Agency must have some access and Israel must adhere to some accountability to the world and its neighbors including Iran .    My as always many thanks for your times .                  

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