Wednesday, December 2, 2015


1-- Any entity , country , their leaders and rulers , when their power , wealth or sheer force grows significantly , would eventually spread themselves , and inevitably try to subvert their weaker neighbors , always under headings of self-preservation to which morality , fairness and equilibrium are irrelevant .  This is nowadays the case , clearly witnessed , of the three major theocracies in the Middle-East ; Sunni Saudi Arabia , Jewish Zionist Israel , and Shiite Iran .

2-- Many Lebanese individuals lately , after the twin bombings of one of Beirut's suburb , were complaining bitterly that Western in general , and more so American medias did not give them their fair dues on their pages and screens and their radio reports , at least in comparison to the Paris bombings few days later .
Few days earlier Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington for an official state visit , where he was the guest of the White House and many other Jewish political organizations , whether intentionally or not , the visit was the least covered by American media , the least mentioned and talked about of any Israeli visits , especially Mr. Netanyahu's last few flamboyant visits .
Who orchestrate such media coverages , and how much coverage  certain news should get , at least in countries were the media is considered  free and independent , who gives the sign of more , or less coverage about any story or political event , involving local or international events ??

3-- One would be surprised , that the United States and the Western world , champions of human rights in all poor and weak third world countries , did not ever for the past 70 years , and presently do not mention at least once the word of human rights abuse toward Israel and its under occupation territories and peoples , its brutality , apartheid regime and evident hegemonic plans . Is the world and more so the West including the U.S. so scared and blinded by this entity and its Neocons brutal leaders ? Many Israeli columnists have strongly criticized the present heading of the Israeli politics , while not one politician or reporter here in the States dares even mention it .
Who was it that said ;" We live in a wondrous time , in which the strong is weak because of his scruples , and the brutal is strong because of his boldness and aggressivity ." Many in the Middle-East  share these traits though .

4-- Listening to Mr. Netanyahu lately , and some of his closest allies , members of his cabinet , who are openly stating , that the aim is to annex the occupied West-Bank territories , and the occupied Golan heights , expelling the remainder of their original  inhabitants . Gaza , the south of Lebanon and the Sinai peninsula would be next .
While their is no real immediate or serious connection between Palestinian youths and Islamist extremism and terrorism , if the under occupation territories are not dealt with seriously by the international community and the U.S. and given some sort of real viable independence , we will see hundreds of thousands of young Palestinian join the likes of ISIL , Al Qaida and their sisters , and literally spill over from Israel to the entire world , mostly our world though . 

As always , my many thanks for your time and help , spreading the word .             

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