Monday, June 20, 2016


When religions evolve into requiring their adherents to hate other religions believers and persecute them for what their beliefs are , then religions are of no use to humanity .  When religions become essentially rigid and inaccessible to change , then the law of God cannot become the ruling laws by which people lead their life .  Consequently  when religions become an identity , the notions of  pluralism , secularism and real democracy are negated by definition .

Religions cannot be democratic nor pluralist or secular, all essentials for any democratic society, unless many restrictions are implemented , usually by force in societies opting for such options. Most people of religious faith , are making a statement of identity , not an affirmation of belief . All religions with no exception share this mode of being and belonging , rather than real societal , cultural , spiritual and political plurality . Thus in all different one religion-majority countries , the public and the private are more fogged and ambiguous , modern theocracies are a perfect example.

Islam , Judaism and Christianity are being used to rationalize and justify brutality and oppressive totalitarian regimes and politicians . Like the Afghan Taliban , the Wahhabies in Saudi , the Iranian Ayatollahs , Israel's right winged religious/politicians and new waves of settlers/immigrants , all are proven examples of non applicability of religious democracy . The foundation of a real and genuine democracy has to take root in secularism and plurality .

Turkey , and until recently was a progressive secular country , where most signs of religiosity such as women's veils among others , were non existent , now with the newly emergent religious fervor at all levels , are rapidly making it resemble Iran or certain Gulf Kingdoms .  Consider Israel , a country founded upon exclusive Jewish frame work , aspiring to hold all the world's Jewry within its ever expanding borders , the same principals used by Sunni ISIS , or some similar Shiite groups . One while visiting flourishing religious neighborhoods in Jerusalem or Requa in ISIS Syria , would think himself totally in medieval times , or even antiquities , all sponsored and subsidized by state funds .

With schools and madrassas indoctrinating and brain washing young maniable minds , there can simply be no such thing as religious democracy , tolerance or pluralism , no matter how many think it possible , the Musslem Brotherhood were clearly attempting to implement Islamic dictatorship and exclusivity in Egypt before the last military coup . Religions by nature are expansionist and domineering , other wise they will fade away and perish , they have great interest in maintaining oppressive and archaic theocracies , who rely totally on brutality , violence and terror for survival .

People who seek to reconcile their faith and its traditions with modern world realities , invariably face impossible and unbridgeable walls , and end up admitting that ; religious parables and concepts are only looking to the past and its traditions and glories , while the next chapters of history will be written by different people .

God's will and rules , all fixed in past terms and times , does not qualify them to decide and govern the future .  The next chapter in the history of humanity , will be written strictly by those willing to look freely to forward times , confronting the whatever lies ahead .

As always , my profound thanks for your times and help spreading the blog .                

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