Saturday, November 26, 2016


Generally  speaking, we were headed into a world of more development , into a world of social improvement and possibly more equitable distribution of wealth , a world of better morality and plurality . In all appearances , the new headings of our post elections times, indicate greater possible decay, and larger fanatical neo-conservatism policies, under a Alt-right banner, slogans and headings.

In some periods of any nation , men and women, could be busy building and enlightening themselves and their descendants , while in other periods they could  busy themselves destroying . We may reasonably expect that in the immediate future , a new state of affairs will arise , ideas and ways of behavior will be resurrected and brought up , some new forms of civilization or anti modernization , will be attempted .

That some new/archaic generations are and will be rebelling against the intellectual and cultured intelligentsia , trying to stop and regress,  from serious social and revolutionary times , from rebellious times against the old traditional and established old ways , norms and thoughts , that is undeniable . Regress into conformity and classical conservatism , trying to conserve fundamental orthodoxy .

Modern morality , plurality, will be abandoned for some deep rooted xenophobic and a white religious male misogyny , and for some more traditional stereotyped ways of instinctive responses . Who was it who said  "Great empires and little minds go ill together."

The results , politically , economically and socially are less predictable . There is no certainty that the immediate or long term future will repeat and continue the present progress . Every year from now on could be an adventure of its own . Social economical equity , or more fair equitable systems of distributing and living , plus the preservation of our natural habitat and environment , we cannot leave for our children and grand children to solve and deal with .

Things are far worse in our world and times now than previously thought, we need all our intelligence and resources to continue improving to reach safe shores . And not stopping or reversing courses for reactionary and old times thinking , living and fears, Definitely not religious dogmas where their only solutions were doomsday and  apocalyptic solutions .

Finally, and on a different note , it's funny to watch the game of calling among people in power ; Mr. Trump addressing the late Fidel Castro as a brutal political dictator , while many would call Trump a brutal and cruel business dictator, president Assad of Syria would be the humanitarian savior of his people dictator, minus few millions of them, As Mr. Netanyahu would be classified as the ultimate injustice dictator, All share the same ugly dictatorial tendencies,albeit of the different twist , and the world keeps rotating .

My usual gratitude for your time and help mentioning the blog and its ideas .         

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