Monday, February 20, 2017


No doubt that historically and even lately in our modern times, theology has taken over, even eclipsed most original texts of all religious dogmas, especially within the three main monotheistic religions, Christianity in all its various denominations, Islam with its two major ones, and to a certain extent Judaism in its multi  politico/religious theological influences and various rabbis schools .

Moreover, theological approaches, be it at the levels of schools, madrassas, churches, synagogues or mosks, Universities, big live religious shows or TV talk shows, are all denominational and openly calling for the doctrines of justification rigidly by faith alone, and not reflecting in any way the original religious figures or doctrines.

Theologians historically and today, have allotted themselves a sort of monopoly on reading original texts and interpreting their meanings strictly according to certain very narrow views, reflecting old ages and archaic times. They became the mother-tongue of any religion including its various denominations .

Believers from all religions may choose to reject a certain theology and its implications, but in most cases he or she won't be accepted in her capacity of a good believer or member of her religion or denomination. Refusing to think blindly about one's religion, being simply just good, tolerant, truthful and loving, if one only does that, does one still belong ?? Would our respective god or prophets or theologians still accept us ?? Some considered bad or poor Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Confucians, Musslems and atheists are surely better than most strict adherents playing under the spell of their time's self appointed theologians.

Most people follow their traditions and their upbringings, as it is mostly geographical and their social status that drives them into a theological area and denomination. Theology moves no mountains, it rarely in fact moves people, mostly people put up with it for social reasons.

Most prophets originally said things like ; Isaiah " Bring no more vain offerings, incense is an abomination to me. Cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow"  And Micah ; " What does the lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your god." Love, justice, tolerance and humility appear to be all that is asked of man .

In all religions with no exceptions, its theologians have become at the other end of what religions originally started and demanded. That believers should be loving and tolerant in matters of religious applications and truths. That believers should not consider their religion the only one right and other religions wrong. And that all religions are mutually compatible . But all theologians nowadays as in the past considered their religions superior to all others .

No religion today, whether godly spoken, inspired or formulated by prophets is a more favorable light, or more of a beacon to show its believers the true pass to heaven or the afterlife. To add a little note here, consider the arbitrariness of theological methods and ways, consider that on the basis of the same body of scriptures in all religions, led the religious world to a great multitude of different and sometimes hating and killing denominations.

Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Calvinists, Greek Orthodox, and Unitarians, not to mention the dozens Hebraic theological schools, and the famous Musslem divide between Shiia and Sunnis, plus some other half a dozen minor theological denominations .

There is no doubt, of the comprehensive, rigorous, stubborn refusal of all theological systems to be fair, it never practically attempts acceptance , nor tolerance, theology is based on a devout commitment to a double standard . And it's taking so many forms and influences, in all of our increasingly religiously influenced and run world .

As always , my thanks to you all , for taking the time and helping spread the blog .              

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