Monday, July 3, 2017


All religions are based more or less on some degree of faith. The three Abrahamic monotheistic religions ; Judeo-Christian-Islamic, more so than any other, especially the other major ; Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, and of course the more than a billion openly declared or not, non believers, secular or atheist, throughout the world . Faith which is in fact a sort of belief without any supportive evidence or scientific proof, blind and absolute faith that has always been, and lately more than ever foolish, naive and dangerous, and only can lead to many of the evils in any society .

In our modern times, we do not consider or see morality as a god given affair, but rather as a result of humanity's own social development and evolution.

Societies where God plays an active role in their daily universe and in their people's lives, such as the Arab and Iranian and most of the Islamic world, Israel and its increasingly Zionist fervor, especially among the younger generations, and lately a new emerging Christianity in places like Russia, Serbia and of course the Bible belt of Protestant America and its reemerging white/Christian fanaticism , are all but modern examples of a blind and absolute pseudo faith in their gods, prophets and books .

Historically, between 900 and 200 BCE many attempts by many enlightened  individuals, throughout the glob were initiated, all trying to come up with some solutions to old questions of how it all started and where is it all leading us to, and what forces, if any, play any role governing it all. But around the 500 BCE centuries, the greatest and most revolutionary ideas were produced, almost simultaneously in India, China, Japan, Greece, Persia and the Middle-East .

An objective look at these ideas and philosophies show that almost all focused and were dominated by a return to the self, and reaching internal peace and harmony with ourselves and our surroundings, Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians and Greek philosophers were leading in those trends, they largely disregarded any ideas or talk of cosmic powers and external divine handling of human affairs, they all focused on the inner powers of each individual to replace the archaic god centered religions that humanity inherited from its childhood. Pharaonic , Abrahamic and old Hebraic monotheism .

Later came the newer Jewish prophets,after the Babylonian exiles, the Christian creators and later theologians and Islam with its late interpreters to reverse the whole previous inward trend and promise some form of eternal life next to an external God, and of course eternal hell for all others, all three religions came with promises and forceful brutality and cruelty for all non compliant,With imposed codes of how to dress, and what not to eat or drink, and classified and assigned genders and casts. All modern religions with no exception categorized gender so as to enforce patriarchy . And they all had to follow the adage of ; "God told us to do so."

 The Bible proposes that suffering and death will only end when Jesus returns for the last judgment . Jesus promised it would take place within a generation, and all his disciples believed they would live to see it, it didn't happen yet, but this logic states and proves by itself that Divine powers have the power and will to stop suffering on earth, but refuses to do so until certain more convenient dates .

After many centuries of theological imperialism , we find ourselves back into a world where there are too many gods, and when typical gods fight among themselves, men have to die . Gods have to compete with each other and invariably claim first place, thus societies pay the price and slowly drift into chaos . We have reached a point in time where pure intellect and rational thinking is not enough to govern and decide our worldly moral realities .

Any group in this world of ours, be it a rich oligarchy as we have achieved lately in the United States or in Russia, or the Israeli Zionism in its almost majority, or the Islamic world , these are assuredly not going to make our heads and minds believe in the betterness of the human kind .

My usual multitude of thanks for your times and help engaging ...                 

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