Thursday, August 3, 2017


In 2002 we declared total war against  Alqaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, it's still raging till today with no sign of any near ending or any clear victory. In 2003 we invaded Iraq, overthrew Saddam and the Baath regime and sent their army home, the war is still going with American troops acting as advisers, the only practical result we've achieved is to hand Iraq to Iran on a golden plate .

In 2012 we bombarded Libya and brilliantly managed to rid the country from the brutal Gadhafi, it's still is a lawless and totally fragmented ungovernable country that harbor more terrorists and refugees than anywhere else. We meddled in Sudan and gave carte-blanche to our dearest ally, Israel, to play the different factions to its interests, the situation in South Sudan is catastrophic and beyond repair. Standing with our other dear ally, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where they rely on American logistical, air superiority, and extensive intelligence is bringing the numbers of killed and injured Yemenis to over 75.000 , more than a million displaced, and the whole population famished and hit by an untouched cholera epidemic .

Of course our great assistance to topple the Syrian regime only strengthened ISIS originally, with our and our allies consent and money. Then fighting them and abandoning all relatively moderate factions only managed to further empower Iran, its allies and their militias and grandly reward Mr. Assad and his oligarchy and regime, and of course Mr. Putin and his ambitions. All after destroying more than half the country , close to 1 million killed or injured, 6 million refugees all over the area and the world, plus some few millions internally displaced, jailed and tortured, we still talk about coalitions, Russian agreements, Israeli plans for steeling the Golan and the south Syrian parts, safe zones, no flying zones , and division of the country , etc... etc...

Historically , we used to fund ravaged places by our interventions, we created words like the "Marshal plan" and other to revamp some of these miserable nations. Unfortunately now we can not fix our health care system , neither reform our tax codes and reach some fair distribution of wealth, we're unable to fund an adequate infrastructure program, neither a descent education for all, while Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and many more are desperately looking for help, looking mostly for Chinese rebuilding money and technologies, the new benevolent super power after our and our allies devastating destruction power .

The only positive aspect of this administration , could have evolved from a genuine rapprochement with Russia, resulting in a more peaceful world, but both leaders and their oligarchies and families totally condemned and crushed the possibility by strictly looking for selfish profits to their pockets, and ambitions, as in winning an election or meddling in it for a multitude of reasons . The White-House's credibility is eroding fast and getting worse, surely not any better .

While many Americans and American politicians, truly believe that things and people are somewhat better after our great interventions, well !!  they're not . The pleasure of grandiose and extinct imperialism is over. As we and our closest allies , continue proudly to think, behave and operate like "tercer mundistas", Third worlders arrogant nouveaux riches.      

Are these clear signs of political, emotional and moral immaturity, or is it pure and simple decline. unless we call it politics as usual . One has to seriously ponder upon it .

All my thanks , while asking for your help to spread the word, by any means available, again thanks.       

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