Saturday, December 23, 2017


Most Israeli Zionists and American Zionists and pro Zionists choose to totally ignore, and in some instances harshly accuse progressive Jewish anti Zionists voices with the worst names and adjectives,  thinkers like Alfred Lilienthal , rabbi Elmer Berger, and in our actual times, great minds like Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe, or the columnist Gideon Levy, Uri Avneri and many others in Israel, America and the Western world. They are all accused widely of being self hating Jews, traitors to the cause .

Even passionate about justice and morality Jews, tend to forget and ignore the gross injustices perpetrated by Israeli Zionists, winning the well deserved nick-name of "Progressive except Palestine and Palestinians."

Israeli Zionism loves to advocate itself as a paragon of fairness and justice, as the former Israeli supreme court president Aharon Barak used to put it ; "Democracy has its own internal morality, based on the dignity and equality of all human beings .... Most central of all human rights is the right to dignity." How correct and nicely put, and how hypocrite,  as in Israel's reality it's only meant to be applied and applicable between Jews, and strictly Jews, Arabs, Palestinians, Musslems or Christians, kids, adults or old have no place in this equation. They are all inferior and third class, with no rights or dignity.

Palestinians Only deserve to be despised and loathed by the Israeli people, and a full apartheid treatment is only adequate, leading eventually to a whole population transfer and easy annexation of their lands, waters and wealth. Again and again all in the name of the same divine almighty, or is it really ??

Modern Israel, was created through deceit and cruel brutality, falsification and ethnic cleansing, it is maintained and still aggressively expanding through illegal occupation and blockades , through sheer force and deceit, and it wants to convince itself and the world that when Palestinians legally resist the brutal and cruel occupation and theft of their lands and properties, when they exercise their rights to resist apartheid and total beastly and barbaric militaristic tactics , they are looked at and labeled as "TERRORISTS".

Israel denounced Thursday's U.N. vote about Jerusalem, likening it to the 1975 resolution equating Zionism with racism , a decision that was repealed 17 years later because of intensive American pressure on the world body of nations, including withholding American dues payments to the U.N. and aid money to poorer countries .

" It's shameful that this meeting is even taking place." Declared Israel's envoy to the United-Nation addressing the entirety of the world , " It's null and void, no vote of the U.N. will make any difference on the U.S." " We will take names", said the U.S. representative Nikki Haley . The US president Mr. Trump  threatened to withhold American foreign aid from countries that didn't abide and follow American directives, is it history repeating itself 25 years later ??

Let's see if Mr. Trump's naivety will further drag the US into more ridicule and isolation in the entire  world contrary to any of our vital interests or our basic common sense . " We'll save a lot , I don't care " against any and all countries that voted their conscience, we are again facing the world with the old mentality of "with us or against us"  and turning our foreign policies and diplomacy into the perfect bully against all .

Most political analysts, American or international firmly believe , that the whole unfortunate affair was a significantly self-inflicting wound, and a major blunder . This faux-pas, totally unnecessary , simply clumsy diplomacy on the part of the US and its immature leadership .

It is the optimal hypocrisy when Nikki Halley and her boss see a wonderful world condemnation to North Korea's nuclear actions, but totally fail to see the same toward Israel's continual occupation and treatment of its under occupation territories , its theft and hegemonic policies .

As always , my absolute gratitude to all my readers , happy holidays .     

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Theocracy, apartheid, and authoritarian neo-colonial regimes are now thriving, and are not anymore condemnable or challenged . As a result of our actions and reactions, real meaningful democracies are definitely regressing and in retreat, whether in the Western world in general, America,  around all of the Middle-East or in any other spot of the world .

Where are all these modern leaders, in the US and abroad, our so called allies or enemies, from theocracies to dictators, neocons authoritarian or neocolonialists and fascists,  where are all from the words of Isaiah ; " Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims, laws that make misery for the poor, that rob the destitute of their dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children". (IS-10:1-4), what is happening right now in many spots of the world at the hands of cruel and selfish leaders, bloody leaders, matters for the soul of the entire world , and for many years to come .

As has been made clear by his actions repeatedly, whether internally or in foreign policies, our current president lately proves more than ever, that he believes he is special, he is free to obstruct justice when he deems it necessary, he can lie without consequences, he does not need to worry about potential controversial consequences .

In medicine, as in real life, mental impairment, is considered as serious as physical impairment . Simply put, as a president Mr. Trump shows all the signs that raise red flags ; Verbal aggressiveness, boasting about sexual assaults, accusing others of cheap sexual behaviors, inciting violence in others, a clear attraction to violence and weapons, he is impulsive, he wouldn't hesitate using nuclear power or pushing doomsday buttons in many hostile or not so hostile instances .

He is reckless, paranoiac, he has poor understanding of consequences and looses grip on reality, he lacks empathy and compassion toward others, individuals or human groups, he is constantly in a rage mood and needs to demonstrate power constantly. He lives in his own world of apartheid, and tries to implement it and encourage it with sick allies who still listen to him or feel he's doing them favors .

One way or another, the consequences of Mr. Trump's presidency are affecting pretty much all of us, Americans and from across the world, it will take many years to erase these, and recover from his acts of folly . If the aberration of the past 70 years of hegemony, colonialism, apartheid and vulgar open theft, are to be stopped anytime through this century, the whole world and its political leadership will have to exercise a lot more compassion, care and attention, so as to curb the arrogance and falsehood and abhorrent aberrant distortions of many political claims .

My, as always, profound thanks for your time .                                 

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Usually I'm very interested in other's  thoughts and writings, it surely helps my mind form itself, and my ideas develop, I like to read philosophy and learned a lot from philosophers, I take advantages of the vocabulary of other writers and thinkers, as they all invariably do, words developed for the discussion of ideas, their ideas as well as mine .

Religions and divine powers and creations, surely play a very primarily role in human activity , at least for the past few thousands of years, and up to present times . They still interfere heavily and take a major role in human development, progress and thinking . Unfortunately so because both, divinity and religions are works of fiction, with not so good influence on Sapiens .

Religions are mostly and primarily an evasion, emanating and engulfed in mystery and fable . They will always be part of the unknown and remain unknown and enigmatic to clear minds and real analytical thinking and analysis .

Consequently , and since my early youth, I have never found myself able to believe in the existence of a god, or in any divine based religion, though I could never scientifically or rationally prove his or its non-existence , but no one could prove his existence as well .

Just to like believing in something, or because you're brought-up to believe in an idea or a way, or as Pascal  wager puts it ; that it is safer and a better bet to believe in god than not to . All these do not constitute enough good reasons and justifications to blind faith and automatic servitude .

Morality, good judgment, the respect of the others, their rights and dignities, equality between people and more so between genders, are all human attributes and not godly ones, on the contrary prophets mimicking the words of divine powers were always controversial and contradictory, subject to historic times and location .

Thus the huge misfortunes on humanity from religions and their interests, the worst culminating in our actual times are the politico/religious tragedies and injustices we are witnessing all around us . injustices, brutality, apartheid, and all again to glorify some godly concept and prove itself more superior, obstinate, intransigent, and inflexible .

Finally, let's make sure we understand the clear concept Sapiens created on this earth of ours, Divine powers and manipulations, and magic are all us-dependent, in themselves they are figments of our mental faculties and imagination, without us to nurture them, they would be unintelligible and practically non existent . Our power of inventing and putting together a whole fiction-like imagery,  stories and miracles, all non verifiable nor checkable, based totally on blind belief and faith, has been an amazing achievement of our imagination throughout Sapien's evolution .

Throughout our adventures which led to the inventions and implementations of our imagination, we've created realms and concepts that are in themselves incomprehensible to our own minds and very difficult to grasp, where only speculative imagination would work to elucidate the self contradictions of religions, their thinking and reasoning .  The existence of God cannot in any way be explained or justified by simply assuming the existence of God, nor by an act of blind faith .

It is important to stress that these conclusions have been reached entirely through rational thinking and sober pragmatic and logical considerations . As always my deep gratitude for your time .