Sunday, December 3, 2017


Usually I'm very interested in other's  thoughts and writings, it surely helps my mind form itself, and my ideas develop, I like to read philosophy and learned a lot from philosophers, I take advantages of the vocabulary of other writers and thinkers, as they all invariably do, words developed for the discussion of ideas, their ideas as well as mine .

Religions and divine powers and creations, surely play a very primarily role in human activity , at least for the past few thousands of years, and up to present times . They still interfere heavily and take a major role in human development, progress and thinking . Unfortunately so because both, divinity and religions are works of fiction, with not so good influence on Sapiens .

Religions are mostly and primarily an evasion, emanating and engulfed in mystery and fable . They will always be part of the unknown and remain unknown and enigmatic to clear minds and real analytical thinking and analysis .

Consequently , and since my early youth, I have never found myself able to believe in the existence of a god, or in any divine based religion, though I could never scientifically or rationally prove his or its non-existence , but no one could prove his existence as well .

Just to like believing in something, or because you're brought-up to believe in an idea or a way, or as Pascal  wager puts it ; that it is safer and a better bet to believe in god than not to . All these do not constitute enough good reasons and justifications to blind faith and automatic servitude .

Morality, good judgment, the respect of the others, their rights and dignities, equality between people and more so between genders, are all human attributes and not godly ones, on the contrary prophets mimicking the words of divine powers were always controversial and contradictory, subject to historic times and location .

Thus the huge misfortunes on humanity from religions and their interests, the worst culminating in our actual times are the politico/religious tragedies and injustices we are witnessing all around us . injustices, brutality, apartheid, and all again to glorify some godly concept and prove itself more superior, obstinate, intransigent, and inflexible .

Finally, let's make sure we understand the clear concept Sapiens created on this earth of ours, Divine powers and manipulations, and magic are all us-dependent, in themselves they are figments of our mental faculties and imagination, without us to nurture them, they would be unintelligible and practically non existent . Our power of inventing and putting together a whole fiction-like imagery,  stories and miracles, all non verifiable nor checkable, based totally on blind belief and faith, has been an amazing achievement of our imagination throughout Sapien's evolution .

Throughout our adventures which led to the inventions and implementations of our imagination, we've created realms and concepts that are in themselves incomprehensible to our own minds and very difficult to grasp, where only speculative imagination would work to elucidate the self contradictions of religions, their thinking and reasoning .  The existence of God cannot in any way be explained or justified by simply assuming the existence of God, nor by an act of blind faith .

It is important to stress that these conclusions have been reached entirely through rational thinking and sober pragmatic and logical considerations . As always my deep gratitude for your time .                            

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