Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Last year, the Department of Homeland Security in the US. and under direct authoritative command from its secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and the White House, all admitted they forced the separation of over 3000  children from their parents, at the southern border of the US. and Mexico. But some newly released independent different information, confirming that thousands more children were actually abducted and separated from their parents, thousands more than previously reported by the authorities or the DHS .

Many of these thousands of innocent children are already doomed to permanent separation, as their documents identifying them or their legal parents are incomplete or totally missing. This deliberate ripping apart of families was a solid plan, intentionally crafted by the higher authorities, to create an intentional humanitarian crisis, and inflicting as much damage as possible on all central American families seeking legal refuge, while running away from extreme violent situations in their own countries. Extreme violence, mostly created through the years or directly aided by our own acts and policies, efforts, arms and finances, backing one side against the other .

Some children, and only under pressure, are reunited, albeit after living some very serious cases of abuse, physical assaults and intentional drugging of children. But what about the left over thousands of unidentified children ?? One would wonder what is the real purpose of the exercise and to what ends are these poor children being abducted and kept incarcerated and isolated in camps that remind everyone of the many open air prisons, used by the US. in previous years or even today by our dear allies in Israel.

So yes, what is the final outcome or destiny of these intentionally and forcefully orphaned children. Are we in desperate need of some young men and women totally brainwashed, ready to serve us in the future in big corporate factories, construction companies, our military adventures through private fighting agencies, they could turn into an excellent cheap source of labor, some type of nice modern slavery,  owned and organized by our government, to help controlling our labor force and its costs.

One could even think of more creative solutions, we have a big debt to repay to many of our very wealthy campaign donors and campaign contributors, Sheldon Adelson and his lovely wife would come to mind immediately, the Koch brothers, the Marriott brothers, Paul Singer, Bob Perry, Harold Simmons, Robert Mercer and many many other very wealthy donors and policy influencers to both parties, albeit far more to the GOP candidates for sure.

It's an elite club, that includes top Wall-Street titans, Texas oil tycoons, billionaire corporate and tech executives, and some Evangelical mutual fund managers and creators, of course all big lobbying agencies, and mostly the political ones serving foreign countries and entities, Both Israel, with its AIPAC, and to a lesser extent, Saudi Arabia come to mind with no hesitation .

Needless to say, these emergent power players now wield and exercise an enormous influence over American politics, from the president, his oligarchy, all the way down to his cabinet members, and the entire legislative body. Now wouldn't we offer a nicely groomed young child, well brainwashed for obedience and all types of services, for the cheap price of one $ million, per head to have and own for life, work and serve loyally these older rich people ?? Our new nobility needs and could use a whole cast of servants . 

Wouldn't we buy their willingness to keep donating over and over again and again. What a better solution for these unfortunate and abandoned kids who could live in mansions with their loving newly acquired masters, a real win win situation for all indeed. Even the president would love it.

A lot of Mr. Trump's policies are based on instantaneous, unilateral and spontaneous tweets, interpreted and implemented later by his loyal aids and oligarchy. But here we're talking about a whole new and different ballgame, it was intentionally and forcefully crafted and played with cruelty to children and their parents, with wicked and atrocious ideas for their futures .

My as always many thanks to all .                 


Sunday, January 13, 2019


Washington, London, Paris, three capitals of three Empires, or ex Empires to be correct, the 3 of them are today practically ungoverned, shutdown governments, dancing around total collapse, and besieged by their own citizens, the three are interconnected and what might happen to one could hit all three .

In America the two political sides call for the same slogans and ideologies, take Mr. Trump and Elisabeth Warren for instance, they both call for change, change in status, in equality, in wealth distribution, in a fairer share of what America offers. Trump won his presidency on these same basis, people believed him and trusted he could offer the forgotten and left behind classes a fairer share of the American pie .

What happened later and what most Americans discovered is that he fooled them, on the contrary he used these slogans only to build a strong constituency of marginals, and religious fanatics, he actually gave everything to a rich minority and all their special interests, to all huge and greedy corporations, to all armament conglomerates and their fabricated wars and adventures.

Even his failed foreign diplomacy and tactics are obviously built on alliances with right wing dictatorships, all leaning to fascism, pure populism, all falsely using the same tactics of nationalism and false patriotism only to further their grip on their countries and citizens. all aided by tight oligarchies of very wealthy few, who are only serving their interests and a very select small elite and their powerful special interests.

They are not interested a bit in enforcing a middle class, or saving the lower classes of desperate Americans looking for a fairer share of the country's wealth and power. It shows itself clearly in education or lack of it to a whole 60% of Americans, a poor and getting poorer health system that's becoming available only to a smaller than ever percentage of the population. An endangered social security to all older and senior Americans, be them veterans or civilians. Failing infrastructures that are becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.

Stagnating salaries, lower quality jobs and part time employment that falsely fills the unemployment statistics. All versus big tax cuts to the very rich, plus the huge amounts of money, the several trillions foolishly spent on adventures all over the globe, imposed wars to perpetuate the ever engrossing of our military armament machine, and our serving personnel of poorer and younger men and women.

So the words change, and Great America and the supremacy of the people, are all suddenly subject to reinterpretation, redefining and clarification, what do we really mean, is it just to attract few innocent disenchanted strata of the constituency, and then feed them to fascism, racism, populism, and greed, we can leave those tactics to Netanyahus, Bolsonaros, and Bin Salmans, to Putins and Kim jong uns and Assads. This is not what America stands for, this is not what real democracy is all about.

The new wave of politicians , unfortunately mostly Democrats and not a single Republican, are using the same slogans of change, hopefully to realize a much better and equal and safer America, to most if not all Americans. Let's not spend all our tax money on adventures, imposed wars, phony and selfish allies, stupid walls, hotels and golf clubs.

Maybe it's high times we start looking for real social and economical projects that will touch the lives of all Americans, as only that would be the real economic engine for the country and its citizens. Only that could insure that the engine of prosperity is on the right track .

But beyond the issue of the elite oligarchy, and the Trump and family presidency, America in the coming couple of years has to face some harsh realities, our actual deficit is exceeding a trillion $ per year, our national debt is over 22 trillion $ , the budget is out of balance, the government is continuously living under threats of long shutdowns, walls or no walls, cheap demagogy is reigning, no plans or budgets what so ever for social and economical programs, our foreign policies and diplomacy are practically a joke, while our sole and major worry is if we outdid Obama or not, and whom to blame for it. Even for the US these numbers are very alarming and scary. Come on America, it's time to wake up .... !!!

My usual many thanks to all my friends and readers.                      

Thursday, January 3, 2019


the years and decades, even centuries are not historically equally indicative of our human history, evolution or decline, but surely some are more indicative and demarcated as a certain beginning or end of an epoch, a political or economical new era, considered either positive or negative, as well as an end to an either good or bad war, large genocide, invasions and imperialistic hegemony, are all marked by certain years or even specific days .

We bookmark specific years to keep track of memories in separating what comes before from what comes after . We keep mentioning and logging the year of 1991 as the year the cold war ended, as well as roughly the end of the ex USSR, and communism in general, it is associated as well to when the US. became the sole superpower on earth, unequalled by any previous military power in history, or so we thought .

As well, the year 1939 as the year WW2, started, it is more marked than 1945 when the great war ended, 1914 is more remembered than 1918 for WW1 start and end .  2008 is associated and remembered for the financial meltdown that nearly sunk the economies of the entire world with it, albeit an American crises originally .

1948 for most Arabs and more specifically Middle-Eastern, was the year the Israelis fought Arabs, and kicked out millions of Palestinians, turning them into eternal refugees, stealing their lands and capturing their country, to complete it all in 1967 with annexation of many sovereign territories of practically all its neighbors .

The thirties of last century are remembered for the great depression , as well as the rise of fascism in more than one place, Stalinism as well , These years are important generally as they change the world's conscious mind in certain directions rather than the historical and continuous advance or decline of the many years of accumulative feelings, frustrations and injustices of an epoch .

Years markings are important for sure, as they pinpoint a major change for an entire generation and an area of the world. Take the 2011 sharp movements of the Arab youths, we now call it "The Arab spring", it fizzled out in most countries. The Chinese had many different marked social and economic upheavals, leading to many violent changes before reaching a certain societal and economical stability and pseudo prosperity .

But all these marked years and their significances should not be considered by any means more important than their preceding years, the real development and creation of events of social, political, economical, imperialistic and hegemony, escalation of brutality and imposing of wars on others, are all created in the many previous years psych of regimes and their brain-washing propaganda and indoctrination. A nice quote from Jacob Riis says ; It's never the final hammer blow that breaks the log, it's all the hammer blows that came before it .

Our actual ages, especially the years 2018, 19, and maybe 2020, will for sure be fairly marked in future historical annals, as the beginning of a new epoch and socio-economical reshaping of our modern world. The events, elections, conflicts, wars, the evolving of right wing fascist and populist tendencies, fanatic nationalism, racism, would all lead inevitably the global scene into some radical changes, that are going to be felt for some years to come.

The elites all over, and more so here in America has become so indifferent to the plight of the entire poorer classes, from middle to the bottom, and are just interested in continuing their massive accumulation of wealth, regardless of any other consideration, and behave as if all is well. The distrust between the two classes is at its highest since many decades, eliminating any trace of fantasies or hope from the lower classes for their future.

 One era is ending and another will soon begin, an era that has yet to be defined, as it looks for sure as if we're all headed into a point of no return, where we will all feel its effects and live through them .
My usual many thanks for every one's time, and a happy new year to all....