Sunday, January 13, 2019


Washington, London, Paris, three capitals of three Empires, or ex Empires to be correct, the 3 of them are today practically ungoverned, shutdown governments, dancing around total collapse, and besieged by their own citizens, the three are interconnected and what might happen to one could hit all three .

In America the two political sides call for the same slogans and ideologies, take Mr. Trump and Elisabeth Warren for instance, they both call for change, change in status, in equality, in wealth distribution, in a fairer share of what America offers. Trump won his presidency on these same basis, people believed him and trusted he could offer the forgotten and left behind classes a fairer share of the American pie .

What happened later and what most Americans discovered is that he fooled them, on the contrary he used these slogans only to build a strong constituency of marginals, and religious fanatics, he actually gave everything to a rich minority and all their special interests, to all huge and greedy corporations, to all armament conglomerates and their fabricated wars and adventures.

Even his failed foreign diplomacy and tactics are obviously built on alliances with right wing dictatorships, all leaning to fascism, pure populism, all falsely using the same tactics of nationalism and false patriotism only to further their grip on their countries and citizens. all aided by tight oligarchies of very wealthy few, who are only serving their interests and a very select small elite and their powerful special interests.

They are not interested a bit in enforcing a middle class, or saving the lower classes of desperate Americans looking for a fairer share of the country's wealth and power. It shows itself clearly in education or lack of it to a whole 60% of Americans, a poor and getting poorer health system that's becoming available only to a smaller than ever percentage of the population. An endangered social security to all older and senior Americans, be them veterans or civilians. Failing infrastructures that are becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.

Stagnating salaries, lower quality jobs and part time employment that falsely fills the unemployment statistics. All versus big tax cuts to the very rich, plus the huge amounts of money, the several trillions foolishly spent on adventures all over the globe, imposed wars to perpetuate the ever engrossing of our military armament machine, and our serving personnel of poorer and younger men and women.

So the words change, and Great America and the supremacy of the people, are all suddenly subject to reinterpretation, redefining and clarification, what do we really mean, is it just to attract few innocent disenchanted strata of the constituency, and then feed them to fascism, racism, populism, and greed, we can leave those tactics to Netanyahus, Bolsonaros, and Bin Salmans, to Putins and Kim jong uns and Assads. This is not what America stands for, this is not what real democracy is all about.

The new wave of politicians , unfortunately mostly Democrats and not a single Republican, are using the same slogans of change, hopefully to realize a much better and equal and safer America, to most if not all Americans. Let's not spend all our tax money on adventures, imposed wars, phony and selfish allies, stupid walls, hotels and golf clubs.

Maybe it's high times we start looking for real social and economical projects that will touch the lives of all Americans, as only that would be the real economic engine for the country and its citizens. Only that could insure that the engine of prosperity is on the right track .

But beyond the issue of the elite oligarchy, and the Trump and family presidency, America in the coming couple of years has to face some harsh realities, our actual deficit is exceeding a trillion $ per year, our national debt is over 22 trillion $ , the budget is out of balance, the government is continuously living under threats of long shutdowns, walls or no walls, cheap demagogy is reigning, no plans or budgets what so ever for social and economical programs, our foreign policies and diplomacy are practically a joke, while our sole and major worry is if we outdid Obama or not, and whom to blame for it. Even for the US these numbers are very alarming and scary. Come on America, it's time to wake up .... !!!

My usual many thanks to all my friends and readers.                      

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