Tuesday, April 23, 2019

END-(LESS) WARS ......

Or call it ;" The perpetual war machine". All wars are dirty by definition and reality, and invariably whoever gets involved in a war gets dirty and bloody. The problem though with the U.S. is that of its  involvement one way or the other in all wars combined and continuously for the past 150 years. There's no conflict or war practically where we didn't have a hand in directly or indirectly, no regime change or even civil-war where American hands were not bloodied and dirtied.

We don't seem to care, we even by now learned to call it patriotism, for the sake of liberty and freedom, for true democracy, and all wars are for the defence of our values, regrettably we repeated these words so many times that we tend to seriously and sincerely believe it by now. People all over and more so here in the U.S. are coming to realize that wars are the reason their well-being is coming to threatening levels of slow-down, their lifestyle is worsening, as more and more social programs and infrastructure are eroding. Only the war-machine and the financial capitalism and their lobbies and politicians running at full steam against the interests of the absolute majority of society.

The problem is that neither our politicians nor the people at large know how to stop this crazy train of devastation. One thing for sure is that we're all addicted to our past ways of adventurism, going into aimless wars, and backing failing schemes of domination, imperialism and exploitation. All this is for sure a major source of deplorable strangulation of our resources and social welfare to all.

Violence, brutality, crime, suicides, mass murders, whether individually or collectively under the banners of armies and defence slogans are becoming the norms and a regular feature of our daily life, and it's at all levels of the population, just a quick glance at America or Israel will confirm this reality.

Stalinism and Nazism attained and enacted spectacular levels of crime to secure absolute power and hegemony, but the criminal acts and present day adventurism and wars that are all performed away from the public eye, and backed by lies and demagogy, using patriotism, theocracy and fear slogans plus the dubious interests are nowadays far more dangerous in reaching and subduing and programing the collective mind of the population, imposing their total domination on their particular populations and the entire world.

This post modernism financial class, using Orwellian tactics and language, has no relation to the territories nor to communities, and surely not to the welfare of its citizens, its only concern are increasing production, perpetuating consumerism and increasing its own profit.

One of the faithful servants of this class, Carl Rove, once wrote; "That's not the way the world really works anymore, we're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality, and while you're studying that reality, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors.... and you , all of you will be left to just study what we do". It sure sums it all up, it sure describes how the future destruction of the future is taking shape. Where illusion replaces reality, and chaos prevails, and wild crazy capitalism destroys and dismantle the social civilization.

And by the way, isn't it high time Americans start admitting that not a single war in the last 5 or 6 decades, in the Middle-East, Asia, Africa or Central America, has gone as we planned or even hoped for, but as we all would agree that all of our adventures had a very devastating and fatal results to the people of the countries involved and to our economies and our losses in personnel.

We all tend to forget the possibilities of any war escalating into a nuclear war, or even the chances of an accidental nuclear encroachment, where once triggered even by a mistaken button activation or a computer malfunction , or a hack, or an over function of a system and suddenly PUFF !!  Humanity as we know it is no more , it will all disappear.                        
                              My usual many thanks to all my good readers ....  

Saturday, April 13, 2019


This past Tuesday, Mr. Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, was re elected to office for a fifth term, in a narrow win, mostly by the Israeli extreme right, the ultra orthodox Jews and the occupied West Bank settlers. Mr. Netanyahu policies of hate, annihilation, dehumanization and humiliation, and brutal theft of land and territories through all his terms makes him a perfect replica of many leaders of fascist dictatorship, around the area and elsewhere .

The same model would apply historically to Hitler and Stalin, and later to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi, to the Taliban in Afghanistan and the theocracies of Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as Kim Jong Un of North Korea. No difference from the ousted Algerian and Sudanese models of despots. Still the Western world in general and the US in particular call it " The only democracy of the area." But let's go back some 3 decades and try to understand Mr. Netanyahu's origins and his formation and shaping, and how the man formed his ideas and ideologies.

Early one morning in 1994, Dr. Baruch Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron, in the illegally occupied West Bank, where over 800 worshipers were praying, he was in his official army uniform, carrying his assault machine-gun and enough rounds of ammunition to wipe a thousand people. No Israeli military guards tried to stop him, Goldstein started his carnage killing 30 worshipers including some children, and wounding 130 others, until he was eventually overcome and killed by the Israeli army .

Isaac Rabin, who was the prime minister back then, called it "a loathsome, criminal act", he later paid his life at the hands of another Israeli fanatic, for words like these. In the weeks following the massacre, thousands of Israelis visited the Goldstein grave to celebrate the murderer, many were dancing and singing around his grave, even kissing the gravestone, declaring Goldstein the "hero of Israel" His veneration continues among the settlers and some ultra right to this day.

One in present times could hear in Israel many still singing "Dr. Goldstein, there is non like you in the world, none like you in the world, we all love you. You aimed at terrorists, squeezed the trigger hard and shot bullets, and killed and killed". A famous Rabbi of the times Yisrael Ariel later said "The holy martyr Goldstein, is our intercessor in heaven, he did not act alone, he heard the cry of the land of Israel which is being stolen from us every day by Muslems, he only acted to relieve the cry of the land", the Rabbi then added " The Jews will inherit the land not by any peace agreement, but only by shedding blood, lots of it".

In the 1980s, Dr.Goldstein was a full activist of the Kach party, the openly racist, anti Arab right wing organization, founded by Rabbi Meir Kahana, who by the way was very lately adopted and partnered with Netanyahu, and just won itself a place in the Israeli Knesset. Incidentally, Dr. Goldstein who was serving in the Israeli army back then, and who refused to treat wounded Arabs, including those who served in the IDF, to punish him his superiors merely reassigned him to South Lebanon, when Lebanon was under Israeli occupation.

Today this type of lunatic and barbaric actions are condemned all over the world, we are still freshly witnessing the aftermath of the New Zealand ugly massacre perpetrated in exactly the same spirit. The entire world differentiate today between brutal intentional crimes and racist hate and empty slogans and religious ideologies.

But what is the most alarming fact remains that manipulative fascist leaders like Mr. Netanyahu and his supporters and financiers are still living the same hatred, brutality and pretentious superiority, while still considered by some including here in America where our own entire political leadership view the man as the future of peace and civility, always a true friend and ally, an idol and example to venerate, imitate and follow.

Unfortunately the world today is refusing or unable to find a solution to Israeli Zionist aggression and tyranny, and everyone will end up paying the price of this attitude. The current mixing and distinction between Semitism and anti semitism, between Jewish suffering at the hands of Christian Westerners since the 15th century till recently, and Zionist aggression, brutality and theft in Palestine, are the reasons behind this inability and ineffective attitude toward the problem. It is really frightening to see the US political reaction against judging, criticizing or condemning the acts of this fascist Zionist regime . 
             My many thanks to all for your encouraging following.     


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

SAME SAME ........

Jewish, Muslems, Christians, all share and believe in the same Abrahamic tradition's God, but I'm going to talk about the first two cousins, or if I dare say, where Islam is the nephew of Judaism. Jewish and Muslems, they both behave in the same exact way when reacting to their historical and political events.

For the past few decades, Muslem intellectuals across the world were strongly condemning all newly born Islamic movements, regardless of who funded or stood behind them, movements such as Isis, Al Qaida, jabhat Al Nusra, the Somali Al Shabab, and many others throughout the Arabic and Islamic world. But clearly deep down, most of them modernized thinkers and intellectuals and the general population were somehow contempt with the message these groups were sending.

Muslems were appalled by the barbaric acts of brutality and condemned them for lack of intolerance and compassion toward others and mostly Muslems. But were satisfied with the reenactment of an Islamic Caliphate and the resurrection of old past Islamic glories, sympathizing with Daesh and Isis and somehow proud of their strength and quick emancipation. The majority of Muslems hated the secular or semi secular regimes that fought them.

Openly Muslems had to admit the Isis barbarism, now that they are defeated everyone carries their sarcastic little smile, saying "Didn't I express myself clearly on the matter". No my brothers and sisters, you did not, because in your deep harts you were pro these groups of animals, and proud that Islam was regenerating itself through them, after centuries of failure and mediocrity.

The Jews from all over the world, and mostly the West, are and share the exact same attitude, many of Jewish intellectuals and thinkers condemn in different words the Zionist actions, tactics and ideology, toward all their non-Jewish populations, toward all their neighbors, and lately even their meddling in far away international affairs and countries.

They all have harsh words condemning the despicable and heinous acts of free brutality, and illegal colonialism, apartheid and lately the annexation of foreign lands for different imperialistic purposes, including the big oil and gas games. Again like Muslems, they condemn these acts, but deep down are satisfied and pleased it's happening and someone is carrying the torch of Judaism and its great Israel, the total supremacy of the Jewish race, the same sarcastic smile is always there accompanying the few words of criticism.

All enough to satisfy their ego as intellectuals, liberals, while feeling the real satisfaction of belonging to such a powerful and indestructible evil machine. No matter how it was built or who paid for the injustice, no matter of the continuing manipulation and usurpation of the entire world for their dreams and hegemony. And yes my friends all of you, and your Muslem cousins are exemplifying the same double faced and hypocritical attitude. Hiding your religious intolerance and fanaticism behind modern words and concepts of justice, compassion and tolerance.

I guess both people like others before them still carry loud the same grudge against humanity, even to the degree of destroying it. As muslems and their Caliphate dreams, of dominating all the Muslem world and later the entire globe, the same exactly is happening in Israel and its neo-cons Zionist leadership, having the same type of total supremacy, conquering all Jewish minds, to achieve world domination and predominance in economical, military and cyber supremacy.

As many if not most Jews, from all walks of life, are secretly and openly encouraging the crazy schemes of their fascist Israeli leadership, here in America we have a new adherent and believer in the same game, the president and his close oligarchy trying, with some success,  to reenact and copy the same model of the two archaic religiously driven entities, but using a white, Christian Evangelical, ultra right supremacy that is well embedded in some strata of the American rural society.

But who's using who, and for what purposes ?? I'm not sure, but the three models , their partnerships and their enmities and hatreds, their nationalistic fascist ways, are all "same same". All three unfortunately share the same obvious contradiction to their original messages of the Hebrew bibles, Christian Gospels, and Islamic Koran and dogma, of practicing justice, loving kindness and compassion to your fellow human being and neighbor .                             
My thanks to all readers as usual .