Saturday, April 13, 2019


This past Tuesday, Mr. Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, was re elected to office for a fifth term, in a narrow win, mostly by the Israeli extreme right, the ultra orthodox Jews and the occupied West Bank settlers. Mr. Netanyahu policies of hate, annihilation, dehumanization and humiliation, and brutal theft of land and territories through all his terms makes him a perfect replica of many leaders of fascist dictatorship, around the area and elsewhere .

The same model would apply historically to Hitler and Stalin, and later to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi, to the Taliban in Afghanistan and the theocracies of Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as Kim Jong Un of North Korea. No difference from the ousted Algerian and Sudanese models of despots. Still the Western world in general and the US in particular call it " The only democracy of the area." But let's go back some 3 decades and try to understand Mr. Netanyahu's origins and his formation and shaping, and how the man formed his ideas and ideologies.

Early one morning in 1994, Dr. Baruch Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron, in the illegally occupied West Bank, where over 800 worshipers were praying, he was in his official army uniform, carrying his assault machine-gun and enough rounds of ammunition to wipe a thousand people. No Israeli military guards tried to stop him, Goldstein started his carnage killing 30 worshipers including some children, and wounding 130 others, until he was eventually overcome and killed by the Israeli army .

Isaac Rabin, who was the prime minister back then, called it "a loathsome, criminal act", he later paid his life at the hands of another Israeli fanatic, for words like these. In the weeks following the massacre, thousands of Israelis visited the Goldstein grave to celebrate the murderer, many were dancing and singing around his grave, even kissing the gravestone, declaring Goldstein the "hero of Israel" His veneration continues among the settlers and some ultra right to this day.

One in present times could hear in Israel many still singing "Dr. Goldstein, there is non like you in the world, none like you in the world, we all love you. You aimed at terrorists, squeezed the trigger hard and shot bullets, and killed and killed". A famous Rabbi of the times Yisrael Ariel later said "The holy martyr Goldstein, is our intercessor in heaven, he did not act alone, he heard the cry of the land of Israel which is being stolen from us every day by Muslems, he only acted to relieve the cry of the land", the Rabbi then added " The Jews will inherit the land not by any peace agreement, but only by shedding blood, lots of it".

In the 1980s, Dr.Goldstein was a full activist of the Kach party, the openly racist, anti Arab right wing organization, founded by Rabbi Meir Kahana, who by the way was very lately adopted and partnered with Netanyahu, and just won itself a place in the Israeli Knesset. Incidentally, Dr. Goldstein who was serving in the Israeli army back then, and who refused to treat wounded Arabs, including those who served in the IDF, to punish him his superiors merely reassigned him to South Lebanon, when Lebanon was under Israeli occupation.

Today this type of lunatic and barbaric actions are condemned all over the world, we are still freshly witnessing the aftermath of the New Zealand ugly massacre perpetrated in exactly the same spirit. The entire world differentiate today between brutal intentional crimes and racist hate and empty slogans and religious ideologies.

But what is the most alarming fact remains that manipulative fascist leaders like Mr. Netanyahu and his supporters and financiers are still living the same hatred, brutality and pretentious superiority, while still considered by some including here in America where our own entire political leadership view the man as the future of peace and civility, always a true friend and ally, an idol and example to venerate, imitate and follow.

Unfortunately the world today is refusing or unable to find a solution to Israeli Zionist aggression and tyranny, and everyone will end up paying the price of this attitude. The current mixing and distinction between Semitism and anti semitism, between Jewish suffering at the hands of Christian Westerners since the 15th century till recently, and Zionist aggression, brutality and theft in Palestine, are the reasons behind this inability and ineffective attitude toward the problem. It is really frightening to see the US political reaction against judging, criticizing or condemning the acts of this fascist Zionist regime . 
             My many thanks to all for your encouraging following.     


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