Friday, August 23, 2019


A governing body, be it in Syria , Israel , America or any totalitarian regime or fascist dictatorship gives itself a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, it invariably uses it according to its strict benefits and purposes, and its political survivability, the longer it reigns the more entrenched it becomes, while it could play the fair way and neutralize each and every side and their reasons for quarrel, by stopping and penalizing the aggressors from every side, thus eliminate the profitability of invading the other for gain .

We have seen this game and its variations and scenarios applied and played in Syria, Israel's occupied and annexed territories and Gaza, and lately here in the U.S. under their respective leaders and administrations. The three have the clear tendencies of using force, violence even excessive brutality for their end results. Racism, and the politics of hate, as well as apartheid and mass transfers of entire populations based on ethnicity or color, are all thriving in the three mentioned countries. Destroying civility and democracy and abusing all human rights not only of these countries but the entire world.

As recent surveys of soldiers and policemen and snipers, ethnic para military militias, white supremacists or various armed settlers, and official secret agencies, even rioters of extreme tendencies, they in their majority often kill, torture and harm with gusto, almost in a state they describe as joy, or ecstasy. They all self convinced themselves with the motto "The best defense is always a good and brutal offence, and vice versa."

Their atrocities are often started and accompanied by tactics of dehumanization such as the use of pejorative names, degrading conditions, inflicting all sorts of humiliations, especially toward the defenseless with cold and cruel jokes and scenes that expose their victims and reclassify them from persons to nonpersons, making it easier and more acceptable to kill them or imprison and torture them.

To say that certain humans have a violent nature is scientifically incorrect, all humans share the same evolutionary degree of a will to become more violent when threatened, the problem in certain societies is the deliberate systematic brainwash and indoctrination of its masses and more so its more vulnerable youths. Wars and civil conflicts, racism and extreme nationalism are not an instinct but an invention.

Nourished to millions of vulnerable minds, only to achieve a certain policy under a particular vision, violence and bestial brutality are learned behavior, and these three societies I'm examining are on a clear path of legitimizing these tactics and methodologies. The enemy is always and invariably the other, we couldn't be the enemy ourselves.

So why are these three countries, their governing regimes, their fanatic combatants and their aggressiveness be so different from all or most civilized countries ?? Again it is the persistent indoctrination and systematic brainwashing of its masses, especially the uneducated and the younger zealots, all under the total endeavor of their psychopath leaders, their families and oligarchies, their own interests and political survival, striving to create a culture of violence, exactly like an infectious disease endemic only to certain specific environments.
                                           As always my profound thanks to all ....                   


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The past ravaged and cruel one hundred years, the world produced several ideologies, with many ugly consequences, culminating mostly in very high death tolls among mostly innocent individuals and entire groups. Ideologies that were applied in different countries and different continents under many different auspices and brutal enforcement tactics.

I'm going to briefly mention three different ones, whereby each had its full share of violence, racism, hegemony, barbaric brutal mass killings and dehumanization of the other. The three had some form of ideological connection to the others, at least in sharing fascist tactics and a one leader total reign.

The ideologies I'm talking about, are the Marxist socialism especially under Stalin, the Nazi national socialism under Hitler, and the Zionist religious nationalism practically under all Israel's leaders culminating in Mr. Netanyahu. The three share high degrees of free brutality, racial superiority and racism, albeit that in the Marxist model it was always passed as a class struggle, and not as a race battle.

All three made millions pay with their lives, their livelihood and their possessions, and in the case of Zionism millions are still paying .....  The three shared the strong belief that the final aim is for the one group to achieve total victory over the other. Even if the price is total annihilation of the other.

For the Nazis it was races, for the Marxists it was classes, for the Zionists it was total dehumanizing and annihilation to achieve complete transfer of the other and possession of their land. For the Nazis the victor had to be the Aryans, for the Marxists the victors were assumed to be the proletariat, and for the Zionists the winner has to be the Israeli Zionist Jews. For the Nazis the conflict was social evolution, the Marxists saw it as a class struggle, and for the Zionists the target is total annihilation and grabbing of the land.

Combined, the three led to atrocities beyond description, in the many tens of millions of loss of life, individually and collectively, some estimates talk of over a hundred million deaths alone. The ideology of  group against group struggle explain the similar outcomes, tactics and visions  of Nazism-Marxism- Zionism.

It's not difficult to see and understand why our own Mr. Trump and his backers of white supremacist have this absolute infatuation with this type of thinking, behavior and demagogic ideologizing of the three, maybe more so with Zionism. As the political thinker Harold Laski said : "Civilization means above all an unwillingness to inflict unnecessary pain on others." The three ideologies plus many other smaller cases in our present time, of fascistic tendencies, did not and do not believe or adhere to any civilized principle.

                   As always , my many thanks to all .....         

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Mr. Trump, his oligarchy and family, Mr. Netanyahu, his family and his ultra right neocon entourage, the new British Boris Johnson, the ultra right fascist parties of most of Europe, Mr. Orban of Hungary, Mr. Bolsonaro of Brazil, Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, Mr. Assad of Syria, Mr. Putin of Russia, and many other smaller political entities all over, even tiny Lebanon is grooming its future fascist and crazy dictator president in the person of corrupt and opportunistic son in law Mr. Bassil. Of course some old and classical ones like Kim Il Jung of Korea, and the royal Saudi family represented by the new inheritor prince M.B.S. of course all religious theocracies and autocracies.

they all speak the same language, and are friendly and understanding of each other, while blocking our and the world's progress, safety and economy, jeopardizing ourselves and our children's and grand children's future. The mounting evidence of their efforts to obstruct justice, their flagrant disregard for the simplest international law or conventional vision for the planet or its inhabitants, their normalizing of all and any authoritarian tactics in their daily governing and dealings makes it clear that not only their respective countries and citizens will pay the price but everyone around will face one of the gravest existentialist, constitutional and moral crisis of modern times.

When these so called leaders act in morally and ethically corrupt ways, in defiance of every decent norm, it is our role and duty to talk loudly and act to suppress their heinous acts and stop their reign of corruption and deceit, enough is enough, we should all refuse to stand by and watch, and justify the facts, watch the rules of law being ignored, fraud and brutality endanger our future and our entire civilization will slip into a total mode of crisis and chaos.

Serving in public offices should be regarded as an honor and a public trust, citizens all over look and count on their leaders to put that public trust above their personal profits, and demagogy, and vain ideologies, recently this trust has been breached in many places of the world and at the highest levels of different governments. Even the judicial systems are being systematically compromised and bought at all levels, only to serve the purpose of their leaders, their interests and ideologies.

These new breed of leaders are making a mockery of all principles of civility, compassion or international harmony, and all this corrupt profiteering is only serving their own survival and supremacy, it is directly serving their families, oligarchies, and approving big money, special interests, and the highest political bidders with their lobbying powers.

All over the world, liberals or conservatives, left, center or right, rich, middle or poor, religious, agnostic or atheist, should all be appalled at the blatant abuses of decency and common sense. It is not enough to condemn racism, apartheid, greed, free brutality, barbarism and land grabbing, this will culminate in state violence threatening all their neighbors, regional and international political stability as well as economical well being.
                                    my usual gratitude to all my readers the world over.