Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The past ravaged and cruel one hundred years, the world produced several ideologies, with many ugly consequences, culminating mostly in very high death tolls among mostly innocent individuals and entire groups. Ideologies that were applied in different countries and different continents under many different auspices and brutal enforcement tactics.

I'm going to briefly mention three different ones, whereby each had its full share of violence, racism, hegemony, barbaric brutal mass killings and dehumanization of the other. The three had some form of ideological connection to the others, at least in sharing fascist tactics and a one leader total reign.

The ideologies I'm talking about, are the Marxist socialism especially under Stalin, the Nazi national socialism under Hitler, and the Zionist religious nationalism practically under all Israel's leaders culminating in Mr. Netanyahu. The three share high degrees of free brutality, racial superiority and racism, albeit that in the Marxist model it was always passed as a class struggle, and not as a race battle.

All three made millions pay with their lives, their livelihood and their possessions, and in the case of Zionism millions are still paying .....  The three shared the strong belief that the final aim is for the one group to achieve total victory over the other. Even if the price is total annihilation of the other.

For the Nazis it was races, for the Marxists it was classes, for the Zionists it was total dehumanizing and annihilation to achieve complete transfer of the other and possession of their land. For the Nazis the victor had to be the Aryans, for the Marxists the victors were assumed to be the proletariat, and for the Zionists the winner has to be the Israeli Zionist Jews. For the Nazis the conflict was social evolution, the Marxists saw it as a class struggle, and for the Zionists the target is total annihilation and grabbing of the land.

Combined, the three led to atrocities beyond description, in the many tens of millions of loss of life, individually and collectively, some estimates talk of over a hundred million deaths alone. The ideology of  group against group struggle explain the similar outcomes, tactics and visions  of Nazism-Marxism- Zionism.

It's not difficult to see and understand why our own Mr. Trump and his backers of white supremacist have this absolute infatuation with this type of thinking, behavior and demagogic ideologizing of the three, maybe more so with Zionism. As the political thinker Harold Laski said : "Civilization means above all an unwillingness to inflict unnecessary pain on others." The three ideologies plus many other smaller cases in our present time, of fascistic tendencies, did not and do not believe or adhere to any civilized principle.

                   As always , my many thanks to all .....         

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