Saturday, January 10, 2015


   the term Judeo-Christian is a relatively newly created term  and concept , it was originally coined around the end of the second world war , to promote inter religious cooperation , against the Christian Nazi prosecution and extermination of Jewish peoples , its regular usage in language only picked up in America around the early 60s , the deliberate mixing of the two concepts , Judeo and Christian within the same framework is a deliberate act , for obvious modern times political purposes . A Christian is not a Jewish , and a Jew flatly refuses to be part of Christianity .

The Jewish God (Yahweh) and all Jewish prophets and their various books , are very different in most aspects of the Christian God , his alleged son , and later all the disciples , their  bibles , dreams and teachings . The Jewish god , the Torah and Talmudic laws and historicity , were  basically written to suit a lost people , semi nomadic , looking to establish a land of their own and establish a reign among other existing and well established reigns around them .  Roughness ,brutality and blind loyalty were essential to conquer and annihilate others , conquer their lands , properties and kingdoms .

The Jewish God was a massive brutal entity even to his own people , scared people asked Moses on regular occasions to speak to him on their behalf for fear of looking him up directly or confronting him . He ordered them to kill and slaughter all inhabited land , all kids and women  in their way ; thus creating the distinct culture of isolation , the culture of us and them , we the preferred and elevated chosen , and them the lower casts .

The Christian God throughout his teachings , and later all his disciples and their Bibles , never claimed any such practices or philosophies , on the contrary , preachings of love , forgiveness and universality were always the norms . His disciples Paul and Peter and the four Bible writers , systematically implied in every  writing the same messages of love and universality . Paul in his recreation of Jesus resurrection for our salvation , clearly meant as a message of eternal love and tolerance and salvation for all throughout times , past and future . Even though very brutal at some historic periods , the church never separated or distanced itself from the official dogma and the eternal language of love for all .

What then combine these two very different doctrines and philosophies , or religions as they like to be called ?? What makes the two Gods in any way similar or compatible ?? Nothing in my opinion , except maybe the human need and fascination for violence , brutality and dominance . human nonadaptability to eternal notions of love , tolerance and forgiveness , its fear of tolerant and permissive societies , historically a reoccurring trait in human political communities .

Protestants , originally the lower and less educated classes and casts of European peoples , their very tough lives through their forced exodus to the Americas , became with time a more fertile ground for literalism and for looking more approvingly to a forceful and even brutal God , to prophets and their teachings of brutality , hegemony and their self proclamation and self esteem . Unlike their Catholic and Eastern Orthodox counterparts . Appealing to many going through tough upbringing  around this country plus the rigid rules and disciplines governing most Protestant sects , thus explaining in part the absurd infatuation with modern Israeli wars and use of total brutal methods against their indigenous Palestinian populations .

We are systematically  witnessing the decline and death of the later more docile God , to the benefit of the resurrection of the older one , the God of the real , the God of destructive fury and revenge . The true horror though does not occur when we philosophically abandon God , but when we  become too close to him . The idea of a single Judeo-Christian tradition is a made in America myth , that many no longer regard as valid , they are very different even rival doctrines .

The modern drive to achieve universal human rights , as understood and shared today by many citizens of the civilized world and many Americans , is heavily compromised by this farcical marriage of two very opposed ways of directing and organizing our worldly political  and social lives and futures . It should be emphasized here that the two religious concepts ultimately have very different fundamental moral commitments and roles in  human lives .

It's important to mention that , I'm not here at all ,to give any judgment  as to who's better than the other , as usual my many thanks for listening .


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