Thursday, January 1, 2015


IT is appalling  when  we see repeatedly on front pages , two paralleled windows of news , one explaining profusely about the search and rescue efforts of the last tragic Asian jetliner ,  on the other , the hardly mentioned anymore news about  the Syrian killing park , the only similarities of the two is the number 200 , the first  describes the approximate number of missing passengers , the second would be the over 200,000 , depicting the dead over a short period of time in Syria in their totally wasted killing spree .

Horrifying are the parallel pictures and stories of a woman and husband who killed each other , and the quick mention of millions of  Iraqi Christians , Yazidies , Kurds and others . Murdered , raped , displaced and hungry , with no hope of any kind for the foreseeable future .

Horrifying and appalling when we read about the U.S. and few of our heavily pressured and threatened  partners , opposing  and blindly refusing , even a modified and diluted version , of a U.N resolution  to recognize the possibility of creating an independent  Palestinian state in a foreseeable future . Ending the brutal Israeli occupation , theft of land , waters , and livelihood . And putting once and for all , an end to the worst case of ugly apartheid  policy , ever recorded in modern history .

Appalled by two windows , on the same page denouncing certain abuse of pets by some totally irresponsible individuals , and the other shorter news stating how police brutality and killings of unarmed colored  youths , has reached some of its highest levels for many years .

Outraged to see some , criticize civil marches , accusing them of disrupting and disturbing traffic patterns in cities across America , ignoring and forgetting local and world climate-change tragedies affecting literally millions upon millions if not hundreds of millions .

Shocked to read that our  God is only good to us here , and maybe only to some , forming the one or two percent of the well above lucky few , and this basically same God , turning his back and treating  so many others badly , destroying lives , hopes  and futures .

And yes I'm appalled to see and read at the top of the news page , and in ample details and lavish descriptions , that two porn actors tested positive for HIV , that the Jane Fonda  workout videos are back , and about the Kim Kardashian and Kayne surprising  real-estate  purchase , and whether Mark Zuckerberg bought himself a 100 million $ mansion .

Finally , the two very interesting stories covering our end of year news , outrageously on front pages  and in heavy prints , telling us all that the L.A , DA won't charge Cosby in his alleged  '74  sex  assaults ,  and  putting most of us in doubt as to whether  our 113th congress was historically the least productive or not .

Thanks  for  listening , wishing you all a Happy new year  with plenty of pleasant news .


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