Thursday, April 21, 2016

ADDENDUM .........

Additions to my previous blog analyzing corporate greed , in America and the world .
Verizon is cutting workers health care benefits , and outsourcing American jobs abroad , while paying its CEO McAdam , 18 million $ a year , in salary and compensations .

Verizon makes somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 billions per year , and it's not willing to seriously address its workers , or the health of their families , outsourcing their jobs to foreign cheaper labour .  Denying their workers any form of a fair contract , is becoming in America a serious policy followed by many if not most corporations , as if it's contagious or a policy coming from a higher authority , it is offending to middle classes and only mirroring corporate pure greed .

McAdam , Immelt of GE , Merlo of CVS or Wexner of Victoria's secret parent L brands , plus tens of other CEOs , from Viacom , Oracle or Disney and many others , never mention or totally avoid mentioning their salaries , which are nowadays for all of them ,well in excess of 300 or 400 times the salary and compensation of their average worker , hundreds of CEOs see their salaries in the tens of millions per year , many exceeding  $50 millions per year , while some of these companies' shares even dropped  or they were bailed out by tax payers . They are invariably hailed as brilliant when crafting very harsh conditions for their workers and employees .

The country's CEOs and their paid for  politicians are decrying the proposed increase over many years , of the minimum wages to 15 $ , or even lower , while most of them make 10 to 15,000 $ or more an hour , it would take an employee earning 15$ an hour nearly 23 days to make as much as his or her CEO make in one Hour , and double that time at present levels of minimum wages . Seriously !!  45 working days equal one hour !!!!

We are well into our 21st century , and surely drifting back to 17 , 18 and 19th century's slogans and total free market economic philosophies , of total "laissez faire" As Mandeville argued back in 1723 , "the rich are the useful ones and not the poor , as the rich are in fact the real contributors , and their creations provide employment for everyone below them , without these rich , poor laborers would be starving and vanishing ". David Hume continued the argument ; "The rich initiatives ,  rather than the manual labour of the poorer , is what creates real wealth , by spending their moneys they insure employment and survival for the working classes .

Adam Smith said ; " in spite of their natural selfishness and greed , they only mean their own convenience and expanding their own power and wealth , while the highest in business cadre are considered and hailed as creators of national prosperity , the poorer working lower and middle classes are viewed and accused of draining national wealth through their massive and oversized numbers , and reliance on welfare and charity .

We are , in America as in some parts of the industrialized world  returning to these archaic and obsolete ideas , rather than expanding our modern concepts , whereby workers and the less fortunate are considered as full members of the same fabric of the national family . And are appropriated with measures of loyalty , gratitude and a fair chunk of the national GDP and wealth of the country . The same would apply to our military personnel and veterans , who are mostly crafted and drafted from these same poorer classes .

Modern morality would not permit us raising and cultivating minimum wage families , having just enough to live , reproduce and work .  creating the same workers generation after generation , for the benefit of big industry , corporations and military conglomerates .  Leading the Enlightenment ages , and our modern times morality , Immanuel Kant argued that ; "Behaving with morality toward others require us to respect people for what they are and their selves , and not to use them as means to our enrichment or power."

Our esteemed CEOs , seem to have lost touch with reality , when they earn in excess of 30 , 40 or 50$ millions per year , and expect 10 and 20 % increase year after year with the growth of their shares , mostly at the expense of their workers living and surviving paycheck to paycheck .

My as always many thanks for reading and spreading the blog .


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