Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Are right and wrong the same everywhere and with everyone ??  Morality is generally thought to be a universal affair and concept , if and when something is wrong , it's naturally wrong for everyone , for instance if it's wrong to kill someone because you want to steal his land , water and his wealth in life , and put your family in his place , annihilate him , believing it's your only way to survive and  flourish , it should be wrong everywhere and for everyone .
Could we think that morality is not universal ?? that the same moral rules apply only to certain groups and not others ? When we observe and compare moral standards of different societies through different times , we get to some startling results ; slavery , human sacrifices , racial segregation , apartheid , denial of other's religious , political and intellectual freedoms , giving rights and law protection to certain groups based on skin color or religious backgrounds .
One could think , that these acts and many others would invoke a certain moral chock , and some indignation in all living watchers . Morality shouldn't and couldn't be relative .


If fighting an occupying army is nowadays  "terrorism" simply because the army belongs to Israel , and the attackers are Palestinians , and the U.S. is backing Israel by ignoring the issue and looking in the other direction , then  I wouldn't know how and what can we call and label the French resistance  against occupying forces during the Nazi occupation in WW2 , is it possible to label them as terrorists ?  Is it not incredible how this term is being manipulated and exploited ??
So resisting an occupation ,  in this case is terrorism , while resisting the same injustice peacefully , by boycotting  the occupier, makes both ; the Israeli government and the American establishment illegitimize and forcefully outlaw  the entire concept and movement (BDS) , and equating the whole international peaceful movement to one phrase ; "anti Semitic".
All and any form of resistance to Israeli occupation , is called and considered illegitimate , obviously that's the name of the game , at least for some of the West and surely America .


I cannot bring myself to understand , how this kind of  faith-inspired  belief and morality could be possible . But evidently some people can manage around it , even find it natural and justifiable .
What an unbearably sad  affair it is to watch and cohabitate with such situations  of absolute injustice , or even worse, live and suffer them for decades with no end in view, only learn to ignore them and pretend normalcy . I believe it was the Warsaw ghetto leader Edelman who said ; "To be a Jew means always being with the oppressed and never the oppressor." different worlds !!!
Syria and other Arab hot spots , are promising the exact same injustices and scenes , similar to the actual Israeli one , whereby the smaller group is fighting everyone else and thriving only by annihilating all others . Winner takes all . The frightening idea that Israeli injustice , will not be the main outrageous  cause , but one of several , thus easier to swallow , forget or not condemn is scary . Maybe after all ; "it's all willed" .

Eventually one day , the solar system might cool down , or the universe will wind down , implode or collapse , should we as humanity wait for such cataclysmic events to solve our great injustices ?? can't we find it in ourselves, within our times to react to great injustices by putting an end to them.

My thanks to all , readers and helpers propagating the blog .     

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