Friday, July 22, 2016


The whole world politics and politicians are going backward and down the drain . From an intelligent and refinement point of view , whether  we look at the U.S. presidential elections , Britain's last referendum and its instigators , Turkish military coup attempt and its vulgar aftermath , Syria , Israel , Iraq , Libya and Yemen , no more refined political sense nor intelligence , it's all degraded to unmatched low levels of politics and governance , Religious terrorist organisations like ISIS , and many others , from all Abrahamic and other religions seems to fill the void and hold the upper hands.

Our main focus here are the American elections , as Donald Trump just accepted the Republican presidential nomination . Mr. Trump is a perfect miniature Nietzschean  " Ubermensch" , but in today's world and in America , there should be no place at all for this type of leaders . No matter what Mrs. Clinton is accused of , or disliked for , there would be no comparison for the choice of president . in November .

I for one strongly believe that a 20 points landslide will result in November to the advantage of Mrs. Clinton . The present staged panic among Democrats , is only to further energize the bases , while a feeling of imminent implosion in the other camp is covering the news .

Back in March of this year , a Trump supporter told the NY times " I want to see Trump go up there and do damage to the Republican party" Another said " we know who Trump is , and we're going to use Donald Trump to either take over the GOP. or blow it up". These extreme sentiments of anti- establishment nihilism , have to be condemned , albeit reflective of our modern political simplistic views .

Unlike Supreme Court Judge Ginsburg , who criticized D.Trump and later apologized , I would like to give my perspective about the candidates and Mr. Trump .  Mr. Trump and to a lesser degree Mrs.  Clinton , both belong to a category of people who do not deny themselves anything , it might lead to problems of cruelty and excessive domination of the strong over the week , generally treading over all others and any consideration to achieve their goals . Their lives go by winning , by exchanging favors . He more so , always benefits and promote himself for more power .

Mr. Trump wouldn't mind hurting people by making the cruelest of choices , because the system of morals he adheres to and lives under , permits and allows it . He tries continually to become an "Ubermensch" , while in fact he's only an apprentice and a pseudo one . Mr. Trump is the perfect example of one who would promise to give his voters a daily wellness pill , against their votes and loyalty, and later their submission .

Mr. Trump has to learn not to be so self centered , that sometimes it's alright to be modest and have good manners . No one is asking Mr. Trump to think less of himself , only to think of himself less.  Both candidates ,  more so Mr. Trump will invariably use the ends to justify the means , but in doing so , step on the rights and well being of many innocent individuals and groups .

He belongs to a minority who firmly believe in a demonesque way of behavior in life to succeed . Even his choice of V.P. , shows exactly how he would govern while being totally indifferent to his passive second in command and his ideas . Between the both of them they will further turn America into an obscure nativism , bigotry and intolerance , and I'm not going into their economical fantasies . A nation dedicated with all its citizens to further empower and enrich its top mega rich one per cent .

His whole arena was chanting " lock her up " after some GOP speakers inflamed their public , some of his aids came with a clear call for shooting her , returning us to dark ages witch hunts , or witch trials at the hands of notorious Christian inquisition torturer priests . Like the Nietzshean Ubermensch  living according to one's own self-realized morals , and not your society's morals , in our case the American society in its majority , demanding a clear set of morals from their political representatives .

Joining the Trump adventure , would definitely  be totally undesirable , and ill advised . No matter what some might label or accuse Hillary Clinton of , and I'm one with many reservations concerning her policies and political philosophies .

My usual many thanks for your time and help spreading  the blog , especially on social media as Facebook or Twitter and others .                  

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