Friday, December 23, 2016


WE  should care in life to get things right, or as right as we can .   The man or people who created the god of Abraham supposed and assumed back then, that god feels, reacts and reasons the same way as we do . Like ourselves he is envious, jealous, curious, loving, vindictive, murderous or forgiving, cruel and brutal, in fact as his mood takes him, in a sense exactly like us .

But we never consider seriously that god has no one to envy, has no peers or competitors, no real reason to blame us the people bellow whom he created and gave them characters, nothing to forgive but what he created. God presumably created us, chose some of us, hated some others, he apparently continues to care for some , as he cares for ants and mosquitoes, albeit we keep attributing to him equal opportunities, and fatherly attitudes . How he juggles all his subjects and what criterions he follows remain a mystery to our limited brains.

He exists through shows of over confidence, illusions of comprehension, his hugely self-belief sense of righteousness , his omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience do not match well his continuous sense of grievance at having been undervalued or replaced, do not match the original intended picture of a creator, nor his self appointed divine messianic promoters and followers .

This same creation, god, who loves and hates simultaneously, who is totally dependent on his creation's praise, while looking and considering them inferior and worthless, looking constantly for their flattery, false or true, is a clear sign of weakness, only worthy of low level sapiens and not what they themselves thought to empower their own divine creator with.

Authority, absolute leadership, self admiration, superiority and arrogant levels of self absorption , exploitation of others and wicked manipulation, are all sapien attributes, we shouldn't have given or passed to the divine back then or now , as passing to the gods, our own earthly attributes, we liberate them with freedoms from moral woes, flaws, remorse and worries. We turn them into extreme and unsatisfiable.

Theoretically all of the human race, but factually only a smaller part of humans share some traits of humility, congeniality, tenderness and an honest self-criticism, unlike all of our gods throughout history, and more so since the book of genesis, written by an Ezra around the Babylonian exile of the 6th century bce, created the god of Abraham, who brutally governed over some minor tribes for years. Hellenized Christians and later, Mohamedan Musslems , both inherited and adopted the book and its concepts of creation in their entirety.

Moral improvement of Homo Sapiens throughout history, was directly intertwined with the times of rapprocheman and convergence with god. Whenever men were closer to gods and in better relation and mirroring them, their morality degraded, they behaved with more immunity, like their god. It is unfortunately the traits of our times as well . Cruelty, sin, vengeance , vanity and false pride and superiority, were an inheritance we passed on to our gods, and we loved them for it, they returned it to us with supposed benediction and protection, and we loved them even more.

On a different note, more civilized countries all over the world nowadays are recognizing and updating their existing laws . Including here in the U.S. as Mr. Obama signed a week ago, amendments to a law recognizing  non-theist  groups and individuals, a long overdue step giving atheists and non-theistic communities the same protection and respect that have been given, or should I say accaparated, hogged and monopolized,  by religious communities for long centuries .    

As always , my gratitude for your time , patience and help proliferating the blog.  


Tuesday, December 13, 2016


When I repeatedly keep talking about the crazy area of the world we call the Middle-East, and call them the "la la lands" I persistently include Israel, I don't really err much, as some might think or accuse, I don't consider  myself inaccurate nor inappropriate , even if it didn't reach yet the levels of the situation of say Syria, Iraq or Yemen, but surely they are on the same path , as they all are governed by some religious mysterious Divine hands, will and mind .

The recent parliamentary discussions, leading and allowing for the authorization and legalization of the law of theft, the law allowing and legitimizing settlers who previously acquired land by force and brutal methods from present or absent Arab owners, and built on it,  what is internationally recognized as illegal housing , is slowly and surely being voted in . Of course behind it all is the alt-right and the PM , Mr. Netanyahu himself with some of his religious neocons ministers.

Now assuming that with some friends , white, blue eyed of course, non Jewish couples from the U.S and Europe , make it to the occupied Palestinian West Bank, and manage to put our hands on someone Else's land and property, using bribery and applying  other forceful brutal means and designs , build it with entirely subsidized nice homes and lived in them with our families .

Would we eventually benefit from the same deal !! By legalizing and perpetuating the take over, or theft , of our newly acquired  homes ?? Or is the law strictly reserved for Jews ? Israeli Jews or foreign Jews, as all Jews in the world are automatically naturalized Israeli citizens anytime they wish . It's all being assumed hypothetically of course .

In all and any book of law or religion it is called legalizing theft , but the funnier part is , that in Israel, it's being done and applied  practically in the name of religion !! As Yahweh or their own version of Allah , promised them the land , by any means possible, and made it Halal  for them to acquire . And all Israelis believe or insist on believing that . Making it legal and the law of the land becomes trivial and inconsequential .

Now, and to add a final note ,  let's hope that words of condemnation, reprimand or criticism for such acts , for themselves or for future peace outcomes, used in this blog or other articles and publications, will not further trigger questions , investigations or surveillance  under anti-Semite false headings and pretexts, as it's all been lately reinforced by the passage of the Scott and Casey bill , here in the U.S Senate. With the sole purpose of widening the scope of controlling universities and the cultural publishing output of intellectuals  condemning or criticizing Israel or some of their misdeeds , as well as its politicians .

My very deep appreciation and thanks for your time and help spreading the word .  

Monday, December 5, 2016


Narcissus, was intoxicated by his own beauty and self image,  but in our times we face more politicians/leaders being as intoxicated by their own selves, their achievements, their birth and possessions and worth . To name a few ; let's look at Gaddafi of Libya , Saddam Hussein of Iraq, both gone.  We can always admire some of the existing ones, like V. Putin the Tsar, Sultan R. Erdogan, and the famous Netanyahu of Israel. Both George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair showed messianic tendencies shortly after taking office, especially before it became apparent that turning Iraq into the promised paradise was a big farce .

Of course Assad of Syria is definitely in a class of his own as well.  Our Trump the latest in elected U.S. presidents, surely is a phenomena to look at separately , Oun of small Lebanon could easily follow, as well as Zimbabwe's Mugabe who might step down soon, or not. Kim Jong-Un of N. Korea, his father and grand father before him are all solid candidates.

Vanity and greed are common in most, as it is mostly driven by total blind love of the self, it is after all not very different from Narcissism.  Arrogance is one of the least appealing of human idiosyncrasies, so again , why are so many of these horrible character flaws , shared by so many of our leaders ??

We accept our leaders at their own valuations, when they tell us, then they have no need for us, no more than god has any need for his worshipers.  It is more that they cannot comprehend the idea that they could be flawed, as we lie low outside the range of their imagination.

What Adam Smith calls "  men of rank and distinction" We make and turn our politicians into celebrities, for all to see, cherish and enjoy, and label them ourselves as men of rank and distinction. Their words and gestures become ours, they invariably turn into people who feel that the eyes and attention of the world are on them, and them alone. And mankind should be disposed and willing to go with them. They deserve to belong with the gods .

These leaders with their arrogance  fail to recognize these acts of popular admiration and applause, they are more likely to turn into indifference at best, malice and ridicule at worst. Leaders who are at any time capable of uncontrollable anger , aggression, cruelty and brutality , despair and paranoia .

It is no credit to our phase of civilization to be so easily manipulated and governed by so much vanity,  egotism and self worship . Where their ambitions are never fulfilled or satisfied . All sharing the same messianic self belief, with aggressiveness, lack of remorse, and invariably financial irresponsibility that always end in dangerous and disastrous behavior .

My, as always profound thanks for listening, and sharing the blog with as many friends all over .          

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Generally  speaking, we were headed into a world of more development , into a world of social improvement and possibly more equitable distribution of wealth , a world of better morality and plurality . In all appearances , the new headings of our post elections times, indicate greater possible decay, and larger fanatical neo-conservatism policies, under a Alt-right banner, slogans and headings.

In some periods of any nation , men and women, could be busy building and enlightening themselves and their descendants , while in other periods they could  busy themselves destroying . We may reasonably expect that in the immediate future , a new state of affairs will arise , ideas and ways of behavior will be resurrected and brought up , some new forms of civilization or anti modernization , will be attempted .

That some new/archaic generations are and will be rebelling against the intellectual and cultured intelligentsia , trying to stop and regress,  from serious social and revolutionary times , from rebellious times against the old traditional and established old ways , norms and thoughts , that is undeniable . Regress into conformity and classical conservatism , trying to conserve fundamental orthodoxy .

Modern morality , plurality, will be abandoned for some deep rooted xenophobic and a white religious male misogyny , and for some more traditional stereotyped ways of instinctive responses . Who was it who said  "Great empires and little minds go ill together."

The results , politically , economically and socially are less predictable . There is no certainty that the immediate or long term future will repeat and continue the present progress . Every year from now on could be an adventure of its own . Social economical equity , or more fair equitable systems of distributing and living , plus the preservation of our natural habitat and environment , we cannot leave for our children and grand children to solve and deal with .

Things are far worse in our world and times now than previously thought, we need all our intelligence and resources to continue improving to reach safe shores . And not stopping or reversing courses for reactionary and old times thinking , living and fears, Definitely not religious dogmas where their only solutions were doomsday and  apocalyptic solutions .

Finally, and on a different note , it's funny to watch the game of calling among people in power ; Mr. Trump addressing the late Fidel Castro as a brutal political dictator , while many would call Trump a brutal and cruel business dictator, president Assad of Syria would be the humanitarian savior of his people dictator, minus few millions of them, As Mr. Netanyahu would be classified as the ultimate injustice dictator, All share the same ugly dictatorial tendencies,albeit of the different twist , and the world keeps rotating .

My usual gratitude for your time and help mentioning the blog and its ideas .         

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Mr. Trump, the American president elect, clearly belongs to a cult, that cherish superficial charm, grandiosity, and an exaggerated self importance . A need for continuous stimulation, an obvious leaning and relying on lying, deception and manipulation, with no feelings of remorse or guilt .

His first ten days in politics already show numerous flip-flops and reversals on most previously promised issues.    I don't think Mr. Trump wanted deep down to be elected president, he wasn't ready for the job, and dreaded the responsibilities, thus the hastily stupid choices of people and advisers around him, mostly previous political failures, plus his immediate family. Good he didn't have few more kids and  in-laws of age, we would have had to watch a whole family soap opera running the white house and the country, plus their various businesses.

Mr. Trump, his team, and family, obviously belong to a cult of distraction, a cult of rich imitative consumptionist and consumerists, and pseudo thinkers steering the population from real social injustices, growing economical inequalities and disparities, absurd wars, major health care problems, political corruption and your periodic cyclic economic recessions . Despite the heated and promising rhetoric he used through out his campaign. Totally denying the facts that he grounded his workers and his contractors, disempowered them, used them, and later discarded them.

In America, we have become a society that praises entertainment above substance, with a total degradation of our culture, so a majority of men and women whole hearted, espoused and elected a 5th grade speech, rhetoric and slogans. Fewer and fewer are the keepers of values and a culture that is being denied and passively and willingly being given up. versus a majority leaning more every day to a popular culture, that cannot properly separate illusions from reality, and are so easily prone to manipulation .

To quote Chris Hedges ; " functional illiteracy in north America is epidemic, there are 7 million illiterate Americans, another 27 millions who are unable to read well enough to complete a job application, and 30 millions who can't read a simple sentence, there are 50 millions who read at a 4th or 5th grade levels, nearly a third of the population is illiterate or barely literate, a figure that is growing by few millions each year".

Propaganda, simple talk and cheap TV entertainment, have become a substitute for ideas and ideology, and in this rapid decline of values and culture, more than half of voters, became fertile ground for new Trump adventures. America is becoming every election year, more captive to smaller groups and their Alt.right demagogy , groups who cast their ballots based on how candidates make them feel, they vote for any slogan, a charming smile, a glimpse of sincerity and attractiveness. Candidates using narratives and speeches, prepared by very well paid professionals, mostly dumping and trumping reality for the illusionary promise of brighter future, and the implicit basic greatness of the gone by nation.

The results are junk politics, that leads to no changes, junk politics that neglect complex problems facing the nation, while maximizing marginal threats imported from abroad . Politics have surrendered to the hands of high manipulative few, and voters who neither seek nor want honesty or reality, as reality is complicated and boring. Voters who only ask to be comforted by cliches, stereotypes and inspirational messages, that only promise them they can be whoever they seek to be .

The ability to amplify lies, to repeat them and have everyone repeat them, has become a fixed pillar of our elections. Truth is irrelevant, we have become manipulated by illusions and those who create and fabricate the most convincing fantasies, and half the population went for it. We were fed many empty rhetorics , people believed what they wanted to believe, and voted. If this is who we really are, this is who we will be .

Finally, and to conclude this election period , I hope Mr. Trump would keep America nearly as safe and in good shape as he received it, and not turn it into the casino he himself and his likes only, like it to be. Or otherwise face history big time, it could turn very harsh on him and his line .

Chris Hedges, in his excellent "Empire of illusion" was inspirational for better understanding the elections, Trumpism, and writing the blog. My many thanks , and as well to all my good readers .                       

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


WELL !!! First of all , bravo Mr. Trump, well played, well done, it is show time big time, and the show must go on .

Now to look back at what took place on this election day, one cannot but wonder, if the whole upset was not really rigged, as Mr. Trump himself suggested numerous times, with different arguments and insinuations . Including that it could be rigged to his favor !!!  But, as we all admit that it wasn't rigged nor tampered with , then we fall into the second possibility, whereby many American voters proved themselves hypocrites .

Americans including  white educated middle and upper classes, liberals and cultured from all races and colours , college graduates , Blacks, Latinos, Musslems and Arabs, women, democrats leaning left or right, Asians, markets investors and Wall Str. managers, city people and their suburbs, and a good portion of our youths .

If we add all these , like the official pollsters and media polls with their analysts and projection people did, Secretary Clinton should have won with a landslide or at least very comfortable margins , as originally and till last minutes indicated and predicted. Where are the 41 points lead with women ?? the 67% of educated college grads ?? the 90% Latinos ??  the whatever numbers for Blacks, the almost totality of Asians and the Musslem million plus population , plus all regular democrats filling the ranks, not to mention the publicized republican refuseniks ??

It has to indicate hypocrisy and duplicity big time !! If all these groups behaved at the polls differently from what they claimed , and didn't vote their declared positions or didn't vote at all . While the other camp went ahead with its promised position all the way .

Unless , and otherwise it could have been a total show, created and staged by the media, the polling agencies, in good collaboration with either or both election machines, which gets us back to rigged . But the show goes on ....  with a different twist this time . Surprisingly America proved itself  Republican in its majority, as results managed to keep both the Senate and the House, plus the presidency , again contrary to all projections.

If the U.K. had and continues to suffer Brexit, we have created Amexit , and it's a bigger , wilder and more ferocious beast for sure . But the show must go on ....  So Ladies and Gentlemen of the elites, fasten your seat belts , hold your breaths and enjoy the show . While America realizes suddenly , that their forgotten men and women are enough in numbers to elect their leaders and both houses of Congress big time .

People all over , recognize themselves in their leaders, who espouses their dreams and struggles, I don't believe either candidates offered this choice for Americans , but hey, one side won big . As a good friend reminded me that when Athens democracy was created no one thought much of the issue that every voice counts equally, the educated and cultured and the peasant .

Although all the hows and whys of the election vote will be analyzed for months or even years, hypocrisy should always be considered in any analysis . Brexit should have been an example to emphasize and avoid, and Micheal Moore should have been listened to more attentively .

But cheer up America !!  our 45th president just promised us all , he will not let us down .  And the show must go on .....

My as always many thanks for listening.       

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Considering the expression " Disordered world"  one would think it real and factual in our times, just by looking at some hot and crazy spots around the world . To name just a few ; The American presidential elections, Brexit and its aftermath, the ongoing situation in Ukraine , the amazing ascent of Mr. Putin with his oligarchy and many of their past glorious dreams , the glory and supremacy of Israeli Neocon Zionist and religious politicians , and their live visions for the greater Israel, promised by their God ,  vis-a-vis a deteriorating and evaporating  Middle-East, and the ascent of religious fervor in both camps, Musslem and Jewish .

An alarming imbalance of wealth distribution and disparity all over the world, threatening social fabrics and stability . Alarming numbers of prison incarceration and torture the world over . A looming malicious terror wave, from all sides, threatening civilization as we know it . An astonishing rapid rise of Yellow power, economical as well as military, reminding the world of some old fears of new waves of hegemony , they called it the Yellow peril some decades ago .

And finally a newly mix of religious fanatical dogmas , popular taboos , and archaic social customs, invading different societies at all levels, threatening basic social fabrics and modern ways of conduct, as well as hundreds of years of advancement and progress .

Old dictatorships , oligarchies , autocracies and theocracies , that used to put a hold on their populations, limit their aspirations and movements , are not anymore the regular norms, even if existing in many unfortunate spots,  instead some pseudo democratic ideas are replacing them all . Thus making it more loose and dangerous , especially for new developing societies .

All versus more bizarre and grotesque leaders and their autocrats , and political establishments  dictating their narrow policies under new slogans and pretexts of fighting terrorism and immigrants, while drifting into State terrorism themselves, backed by highly repressive security and police forces, militias and armies . And manipulating monetary and economical policies to suit their benefits and the people behind them .

With some clear and evident responsibility of both the U.S. and Israel for the Middle-East state of affairs, one could rationalize that you don't suddenly see a young Musslem  militant behind his truck's wheel, packed with explosives, ramming through market places and see side cornice and promenades.  They all result from known injustices , and deep historical and actual reasons behind them .

Lack of basic dignity,  poverty and marginalization makes them resistance fighters , martyrs and heroes . Apartheid tactics, hegemonic policies and colonialism , invariably provide enough fuel for most deadly conflicts and acts . As is cruelty , detention , torture and legal state violence . Arrogant statements by aspiring American politicians , encouraging the Israelis to kill 200,000 Ghaza Palestinians,  instead of 2000 on their next barbaric adventure is deplorable, and sick to say the least.

Holding and preserving through military superiority and brutality , as many countries and regimes continue doing , what they can not preserve any more with economic superiority , moral and pluralistic authority .

Some real problems like major global recessions , high and uncontrollable unemployment, pollution and global warming , spreading deceases and deadly virus outbreaks , urban violence , cultural , moral and pluralistic tolerance , disparities of wealth, all have to be solved, eased and eliminated on planetary levels , if Sapiens aspire to go beyond our actual century .

My usual appreciation for your time and help spreading the blog and its ideas .  


Friday, October 21, 2016


The Middle-East in its entirety  is proving itself in our times to be, the living paradigm par excellence of obscurantism, and religious intolerance , though it was the birth place of the God of Abraham and many religions . while its modern existence , chaotic, cruel and brutal as it is, with its different ignorant peoples and their different primitive beliefs, reenacting their lives according to the lowliest levels of civilized behaviors and existence, glorifying barbaric times of hegemony, and their mental and moral levels.  Again and unfortunately Iraq, Syria, Israel , Lebanon, Yemen and others to name just a few , come to mind.

When States behave with the same instincts of individual people, without any restraints , while submitting its citizenry to restraints of various degrees, while individuals who claim to impose and submit themselves to morals and laws, only to find the same States representing them break those same rules because of lack of higher international force or law, or even global moral codes to impose limits to it, or stop it .

The ten Commandments must be silenced nowadays, when national interests are at stake , in today's Israel, the States hegemony and the aggrandizement of Zionist Israel , its colonialism and supremacy are shutting down all commandments , morality, plurality and common sense. Syria is on the same exact footage with its enemies and allies, as are all Theocracies of the region .

More people around the world today, enjoy living in its today, compared to its yesterday. With peace, civility and a future to look for, for themselves and their descendents, Something lacking in today's Middle-East. Whereby most groups and individuals enjoy playing God and divinity, prosecuting, judging and executing all at once. It's always Divine. The M-E people live and bury themselves in their past history, past glories, past religions, and never in their future .

The cold , hard reality of the situation in the entirety of the Middle-East, is that violence, bloodshed, chaos and cruelty continue unabated, while its civilian and armed populations continue with no real aim, in a state of schizophrenic total madness, with conflicting religious , sectarian, economical and ideological differences, with a total misreading of realities, and futuristic reasoned reflections and debate . The whole scene of the actual M-E, is unfortunately, colored in solid  shades of grey, and no end in view for the short future.

While the dead and victims all over, are numbered by the hundreds and sometimes thousands daily, each and every side , official or popular keep pointing to the other side, for responsibility and culpability of the ongoing craze . The sad truth about the whole M-E is that it's in no one's interests to stop, on the contrary ; it should continue and never end, as most keep repeating .

Taking sides in the nowadays M-E. is identically parallel and tantamount to abandoning any sane reasoning , or common sense . The hard truth about the M-E. in its entirety regardless of the outcome of any or all of its tragic injustices, is that it will emerge destroyed, impoverished and live in brutality and cruelty for long decades to come .      

My usual many thanks , for reading and helping reach other readers .

Monday, October 10, 2016


All  religions in their relative modern paths and development , evolved and kept a good distance ahead of the two close cousins , " Judaism and Islam ". Whereby both , historically and presently have killed the good Gods,and kept alive and nourished the evil Gods . They both nowadays adhere by and cherish " Good is what survives, conquer and win "  and  " Bad is the looser and that which goes under."  It's applied to all walks of religious  influenced life , everywhere , with cruelty and uncultured primitiveness .

Jews gave and indoctrinated Islam with much of its rituals, sober daily functions, folklore, and lower popular philosophies . Way more structured, somber and in control,  than what is now professed by modern Christianity, or many other. It is mainly the reason why Islam is on a similar and close path of hegemony and unchecked criminality in its modern conquests of old dreams of past glory. Proudly using the same vile maxim of the old masters ; "All for ourselves , and nothing for other people". It explains very well the possible eventual rapprochement between Jewish Israel and Sunni theocracies, rather than The Christian West, or semi atheist Russia or China .....

Religions throughout history invariably proved themselves soulless ,  not having any strong connections with morality and civility .  If it was fear of the unknown that first created and helped shape the Gods, modern religious pseudo fervor is surely destroying those same Gods, and their legacies. Folklore and archaic rituals , through sacrifice, incantations, prayers and offerings, dress codes, food and drinks prohibitions, all backed by a reliance  on priests, rabbis and sheikhs , is only preventing the proper use of human progressive intelligence and correct perception .

Judaism  through the years , was the main force for generations of parents , to teach , discipline and instill fears and rituals to support morality and preserve the vital forces of its people . Only when the laws of God, religion and selfishness became a force equal and sometimes rival to states , and their rulers , were Jews historically and in many geographical spots, were prosecuted , exiled and in some instances put to death .

Although Hebraic institutions, as well as Islamic ones, served to bring about their many modern political states, they all invariably ended claiming to stand above all other states and humans , negating any human logic , compassion or plurality , indoctrinating all their youths that fervor, religiosity and patriotism are above any other consideration. Forcing their young ones to maintain total loyalty to dogmas serving their theocracies and autocracies through greed, crime and hate . Claiming  divine origins and spiritual hegemony over all others, even using state sponsored brutality, rubbery and theft, greed and dishonesty, collective apartheid and colonialism.

This has been the trend lately of many religious entities, especially around the Middle-East , an area divided between mostly Islamic peoples in different sects and tribes , Jews form different tribes and origins sharing or trying to, the same natural resources of small areas , plus a remaining panoramic pannier of small different religious sects and denominations , scattered historically  in between , clinging to a gone prosperity.  All, unfortunately and always, subsiding on the existence and well being of their neighbors . Lebanon, Syria, Israel and many others in the region are but a few  perfect examples.  

My usual profound thanks , for reading and helping spread the word .         

Friday, September 30, 2016


From 5000 miles away, I couldn't but notice and comment,  that less than a day after voting to override the American president's veto  of a sick bill , that would innocently and naively in all appearances serve a specific purpose, a bill that solely serves partisan political purposes and ideologies, gains and ambitions, a bill that would open the way for 9/11  families to sue Saudi Arabia for an alleged official role in the terrorist attacks . Not even taking into consideration a possible involvement of other elements and sides , nor the reopening of the case and its implications and derivatives.

Well !!  less than a day later, all or most of our senior and junior enlightened  members of the Senate and House , are fretting and expressing remorse and regrets over a hastened decision called "JASTA" .  Practically all political leaders and legislators , just of a sudden , want to fix the language of the  "Jasta" bill ,  We've humiliated , in historic ways the president of the country , now we can wake-up and face reality.

Realizing  the way bigger dangers ,to American interests , troops , American designers of policy,  wars and hegemony , American diplomats , even simple citizens , tourists and business people . Not to mention all of our allies across the world starting and finishing with Israel . all a day after .

The U.S.  invented the legal principle of sovereign immunity , to protect itself and its world wide adventures , troops , and adventurers politicians , 15 years after the events of 9/11 , and purely for political spite and narrow gains, our Reps reversed course against the core of the principle , and one country , the rich , or not so rich anymore Saudi Arabia ,

It might open the doors for some Billions of Dollars , for some victims families , and the doors for a National and worldwide  economic inferno and depression , plus thousands upon tens of thousands , of similarly inspired cases internationally , against America , Americans , and most of the allied free world .

Unfortunately , not one senior and enlightened legislator  saw or realized any danger until after signature time . What a pity , when a leading country like the U.S. would let itself be driven by stupidity and short sighted visions, politics, and legislation, and how dangerously we are driving and leading the Nation and the whole world with us. while always pretending and claiming the contrary . Let us not be the open laughter of the world .

As all our elected politicians , focus on meager potential benefits and lobbies , and no one could really legislate on real dangers and downsides to our national interests , or the world's stability , safety and political harmony . American politicians cannot keep pretending innocence and naivety when suitable , and shrewd attitudes and astuteness when advantageous .

Present presidential elections show and saga are only the other side of the same coin clearly in every act and action lately , as it was few weeks ago with the regrettable Brexit  affair , where now every Brit is sorry for , all newly reproduced in our last bit of legislation and counter vetoes .

Who was it who said ;" There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed."  we cannot keep hiding behind pretentious false smiles and keep pretending .

 As usual, my many thanks for your time and help spreading the blog . 



Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Let's all make sure we agree that politics are not engraved in stones , never have been . But primarily, geostrategic and economic interests prevail , and in some limited cases the clear will to expand its territories on  neighboring people and countries .

The U.S. military adventures in the last century , and more so the last few decades have had their toll on American civilian  psych . Whereby direct involvement of young American soldiers is less popular and not Divinely providential any more. Consequently some shifting in tactics and strategies are forming, influencing American behavior in international conflicts . The right to dominate though, will always be a strong pillar of U.S. foreign policy and strategic planning .

The U.S. according to N. Chomsky qualifies as the terrorist superpower, immune to law and civilized norms . Unfortunately or not, it has been the norms internationally as well, superpowers, small regional powers as it is for all U.S. allies to enjoy the same privileges under the tacit protection of the U.S, Israel is by far the most common beneficiary and abuser of these policies . Lately, Saudi Arabia has been taking full advantage as well. Looking at future Iranian hegemonic policies towards the whole area , the U.S. is starting to look differently at its own interests and long terms goals . A U.S. slow and silent shift that is starting seriously to worry and upset Israeli and Saudi leaderships and policy makers.

The Theocratic and clerical regime in Iran, is surely a regrettable and deplorable anomaly to the Iranian people, as any theocracy would be anywhere . But it is totally naive to believe that Iran's internal repressions are much of a concern to any great power , especially the U.S., America and Americans love winners and strength , Iran is showing these traits and is gaining in their geopolitical policies, Russia and America are and will be competing for dominance as super power over regional smaller powers trying to take over .

In fact , the U.S. throughout its history , and more so after WW2 , has been working hard at becoming the rogue superpower, eliminating many competitors along the way . We are lately hearing more voices demanding that many smaller players start taking matters in their own hands , dealing with troublesome neighbors by their own forces , Israel, Saudi, Iraq, Iran and Turkey are only a few to name, and always under the auspices of the U.S. and its exclusive entitlement to resort to "Unilateral use of military power" , it is a cleaner and better way for the U.S. insuring a stronger and more efficient footage in world geopolitics .

The new geopolitical shift and newer strategic goals of 21st century U.S.A. will focus more on remaking and redefining its allies and alliances, manage the risks created by their existences, and acts. Taking greater burdens of their own policies and adventures, and relying less on American military direct interventions by American boots on the ground, and relying on U.S. armaments and strategic coverage .

The nuclear agreement between the world's 5+Germany , led practically by the U.S. with Iran, outraged many parties and individuals, in America and elsewhere . It is leading to the creation , with the tacit approval of the U.S. , to an American sponsored alliance between Israel and the Sunni official States, though not their populations yet. It is showing the world that no permanent position stands in politics.

The U.S. is helping to create a new two fronts, two powerful fronts, in the heart of the Middle-East, with America at its pivoting center, A major shift to many traditional and uncontested alliances , Saudi,Israel,Egypt, the Arab Golf and Turkey, all on one side, vis-a-vis Iran, parts of Iraq and Syria, little Lebanon or parts of it, and possibly a small Kurd enclave as well, all backed by Russia, would form the other opposing side and camp. Monitored by the U.S , it's  a win win situation for the U.S. foreign policies and its superpower dominance.

In conclusion , one has to admit and allude to the  many disagreements between politicians and centers of power within the administration itself and with other strong entities in the U.S., an almost open conflict of interests and ideologies between the White House and the State department on one side and the Pentagon on the other is leading to bizare actions on the ground, and the different lobbying powers of many interested groups and congress , are all still in play, the next president and congress will be pivotal and crucial in making it the policy of the future for America and the world .

My usual many thanks for all your time and patience and help spreading the blog .  


Sunday, September 11, 2016


Initially I had a different topic to share with my readers , but being it Sept. 11, or as we call it 911 , and it is the 15th remembrance day , and the fact that 15 is different from 14 or 17 , I thought it appropriate to touch that ugly day and memory back in time .

A very ugly day and act for sure , and very ugly diabolical motives for whoever orchestrated it , and for whatever reasons they had or thought they have , it was very well planned and executed to  get the world exactly where they originally intended to go .

It did incite us to go and invade Afghanistan , later we tried Somalia then our proudest war ; Iraq. Establish a clash of civilizations , and even considered and contemplated  going for their wealth , and eventually ending up building tall and aggressive walls , big enough to keep every breed of humanity in its own enclave and place .... whether it meant  to outspend ourselves and others on armament , empty ideologies and religious pomp , or reach diabolical strategic goals.

The problem is , that the strategy won and succeeded brilliantly in putting America and the world in a direct and endless conflict with our newest creation ; "Terrorism", in all its forms and shapes . I'm not arguing here who were the biggest winners and who would be the losers !!! and who's using the other for their devious and crooked games and who's not . An essential element for investigating any criminal act of this magnitude or smaller ones in everyday's life .

I have to agree with  MSNBC " Rachel Maddow ", when she reflects that it doesn't matter in the end , it doesn't really matter what we all are trying to prove or unprove , to the sound logic , humanity and politics of each !!! What matters now is the basic and original position of each of us , Americans , Europeans , Arabs or from any part of the world . Whether it's a Midwest American rancher , a worker in a stinking factory or part of a colossal corporation , whether it is a state employee or a soldier in Russia , Syria or Israel . Let's all of us not give it all to the very , very rich military industrialists , financiers and their lackey politicians , lobbyists  and strategists .

So read my words or my lips as George once said , we have to learn how to live in our 21st century pluralistically , realistically and factually , and learn how not to create more hegemony , colonialism and apartheid for the next 200 years under whatever short sighted excuses we convince ourselves with.

Thanks for your time and patience , hopefully next blog will carry us back into the slow and sure shift in conducting American foreign policies , philosophy and actions . Again thank you all .     

Saturday, September 3, 2016


If religion in some minds is a right , then so must be irreligion .  Neither side could or should be imposed  through force . We all have to learn to live our world in its realities , and not through ancient words , archaic concepts and pseudo mysteries , regardless of our religious or irreligious  convictions and entourage .

Can we all live and do without  religions ??  Of course we can , and we should absolutely start relying on ourselves and our own intellect without "the ropes of God " or "the ropes of weakness." All of us , individually and collectively have to start relying on our civility , intelligence , mental capacities and learning abilities . If we don't start now , religions will destroy us and humanity as we know it , as religious myths and modern sciences do not go hand in hand , fanaticism and fervor joined by science will destroy earth and habitat , and that's surely much sooner than later .

Obviously we all know enough and realize , that humanity has no trouble at all living and prospering without Religions and Deities , half the world prove it everyday . We all know that a simpler , lighter , stronger and more peaceful world can be . Surely a more intelligent and more open , pluralistic and tolerant life will ensue and emerge , instead of our ugly religious driven wars and their apartheid like norms .

It's high time we enter and face the real world , and learn how to face our challenges at long last , as all we have blindly done for millennials was  to forcefully join and imitate our parents religions and rituals since early childhood . And later describe it as the best and most intelligent part of our life and intellect . Let's take the first real steps toward true and intelligent independence in life without the hypocrisy .

Honestly , do we need to believe in a Deity or a specific religion to be convinced and behave in such ways where gentleness and compassion are surely superior to violence , cruelty and intolerance ??? and justice being way above injustice ?? and love over hate ??

In conclusion , I want to say that Judaism , Christianity and Islam are the three religions governing my life and my world , and in this world of mine these monotheistic Abrahamic religions matter the most . Shouldn't we seriously start considering doing less with religions in our lives ? possibly one or two religions more than others , but that's obviously impractical and impossible , but surely we can start by eliminating all three Abrahamic religions and their direct affiliates , eliminate many of our worlds ills , and confront our future without these archaic mind infesting hegemonic dogmas .

Let's make our lives with no more of them , let's feel no nostalgia or sorrow about their disappearance let's  start rationalizing realities , let's start learning , adapting and improving our future without the guidance of mute forces from beyond our comprehension , affecting our progress , harmony and survivability and subsistence on our planet .  It's high and due time  the world take civility and rationality as guides for our actual and future lives .

My profound thanks for your patience and help in spreading the blog .  

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Historically , as well as in our present times , societies proved they can live without Godly influenced religions . Confucianism , Taoism , and Buddhism  have been proving this for long centuries , and they all were and continue to be great societies and civilizations , they all follow a mixture of spirituality , ethics and philosophy , rather than our models of Abrahamic  monotheistic accepted religions .

Generally Believers are as liable to be non virtuous and crazy fanatic Zealots as atheists are liable not to be . People's real worth is never measured by faith  or rituals , but by the amount of love , compassion , tolerance and justice of which they are capable .

In a previous blog , sometimes ago , I once quoted Dostoevsky's Ivan Karamazov ; "If God does not exist everything would be allowed " I totally disagree , on the contrary , looking to situations like Syria , Iraq , Israel and Turkey , Afghanistan and Pakistan , Yugoslavia and Ukraine  and many , many other areas of extreme violence and horrific injustice and intolerance , we can safely conclude that all these problematic spots exist because of too much God .

I keep more or less referring to Abrahamic religions as I was born and raised in a monotheistic world , with the same God and his several messengers , prophets , sons et al , recognized and approved by some , disapproved and bitterly resented by others , all in various degrees of hate .

These imbibed and assimilated religions , with their dogmas , temples , and folkloric rituals , their sacred and purportedly supernatural  origins , and forces and promised later lives , over the thousands of years of their existence and manipulations, where all people have done nothing but share and follow blindly their parents religions since early childhood .

Monotheistic religions teach their adherents to throw themselves into the literal study of their books , committing them to memory , reciting and quoting them endlessly . The world , the universe and humanity are far more interesting , mysterious and challenging than all religious books combined , holy books that are untouchable and literally rigid , incomprehensible and full of unexplainable brutality to most modern minds.

Thousands of religiously dominated years , only proved the linkage of the religious system with the horrors  in the world , the suffering , brutality , the injustice , versus too little happiness and tolerance . what a pitiful result for the concept of its creation by an almighty . We have always sacrificed the almighty God for our earthly selfish needs , and more so in our world today , and only managed to cling to the mediocrity and pettiness of it all . What a poor result for omnipotence !!!

Our life , future and destiny cannot and will not be left at the mercy of Mullahs , Rabbis or sheikhs and priests , ignorant preachers or pseudo theologians , nor to any form of fanaticism and blindness , as the separation of church and state proved to be more than precious and successful , we should consider the next steps , separating religion from our daily lives , thoughts and acts .

We have all turned into some sort of blind fidelity, rather than faith . Action and stupid obedience more than contemplation and meditation , fanatically defending ourselves against all others , trying to annihilate all others , mostly believers in the same God , and all in the name of God .

All my thanks for your times and help spreading the blog .                   

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Fanatics are a permanent and everlasting part of all religions , there's no argument there , but our words today are about Musslem and Jewish fanatics , their acts and behavior toward humanity , neighbors and compatriots , simply prove that they have not made the crossing from old religious dogmas of hegemony , supremacy and brutality to modern concepts of democracy , human rights and the separation of religion and state . As well as multiculturalism , pluralism and religious tolerance .

The modern Islamic hold on Europe is only equaled and paralleled by the Jewish hold on America . Whereby the Islamic folkloric fanaticism spread and militarization throughout the world and mostly in Europe and some parts of the greater Middle-East , again is only a reflection of previous and actual Jewish spread and attempts to grab all aspects of real power within Europe historically and later the U.S. continuing till our actual days. Manipulating it all for their narrow religious views and political  hegemonic aims .

One group though has been and is operating and manipulating through high power , and control of media , as well as smart effective political pressure groups and lobbies , and direct financing of top politicians from all walks of life . While the other operates through sheer numbers of narrow minded folkloric believers leading to individual terrorist acts , both impacting and influencing their host countries .

This religious cabalism from whatever side it comes , are all inspired and conducted by the same God of Abraham and its auspices . Both  Europe and the U.S. as most of the Western world are and will pay a heavy price for accommodating  the various Allahs and Yahwehs  of these intolerant and fanatically brutal tribes . All enjoying and abusing the West and its enlightenment .

The inconsistent West , its security , pluralistic and tolerant societies , harboring the same elements of the tribal religious states that keep nourishing their people with notions of hate of the other , and intolerance toward the different other . Israel as its neighboring Islamic kingdoms , Caliphates and autocracies and theocracies , are all behaving in ways that perpetuates these archaic principles of false superiority , brutality and hegemony , and intolerance toward the different .

They all share the firm belief of "We are right , we hold the truth , and the whole world is wrong" and these false slogans give their adherents the right and power to burn and destroy the world , the other's world .

The mind set of many Jewish in America as are the Musslems mind set in Europe and their ever growing grip of all aspects of liberalism , pluralism and tolerance that suit nicely their people's life style and agendas in the host countries , but never in their respective countries .Where in America even a , Merry Christmas wish , is becoming politically incorrect and almost taboo .

These groups are strictly playing their religious distortions of history toward each other , and the world . It's a dramatic saga repeating itself every few decades , under different names and labels and for different manipulative aims . But continually serving and shaping the same goals and policies nonetheless , while their own territories and countries are exclusive heavens for their own faithful and their Gods , politicians and preachers , who are totally intolerant and only preaching brutality .

All my thanks for your patience, time and help spreading the word .

Monday, August 8, 2016


Are the GOP so bankrupt , to cling to Donald Trump with such fervor and desperation ?? If it's as bad then someone should recommend , declaring bankruptcy , or as a highly respected business act and maxim ; stop and cut  losses , it would be more honorable and grand of an action than clinging to a mad suicidal impulsive track , and candidate who is going to further drag down the Republican party as a whole with it .

I hope that Republican middle classes as well as richer upper classes , and professional politicians are not fooled by this apparent actual obstinacy of his disenchanted and naive base . These will form eventually on election day not more than 15 to 20 % at best , of the general electorate force in America , and will be the first to abandon ship when serious signs of implosions show themselves . It already started .

It is obvious nowadays in our mixed and complicated world , that it is not enough to oppose and insult a broken system or your opposing candidate . A coherent and sound alternative , practical and applicable alternatives have to be proposed and adopted .

""I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican party , its officers or candidates."" Said Sen. John McCain , in a recent statement condemning Mr. Trump's latest bad gaffes about several issues . It did end up in a non endorsing  comical saga .

When will the majority of Republican electorates decide openly to cut losses and not endorse or vote for Mr. Trump ? A man whose views do not reflect nor represent them or their political views . On the contrary , a man showing himself everyday more of an embarrassment , and a lonely foolish insolent star .

Donald Trump might say a lot of ridiculous things , and fewer not so ridiculous ones , but he shouldn't be treated or taken as a joke , not even thought of as one little passing phenomena . He is a sure threat to American establishments and foundations , to American well-fare , and economical as well as political stability . He is a clear threat to his base as he is a threat to all Americans and more so the entire hard working middle classes .

Americans in this election year , are behaving as if they are having the hardest of times , they are trying to bond together in believing that the greatest misfortunes have taken over their lives , and their children's futures . Taking themselves to the streets , becoming violent , arming themselves beyond reason , doubting and hating all signs of diversity , following leaders or pseudo leaders , that only know how to  fuel these fears , parroting stupid slogans and unreal fears . Wishing for illusive dream like days of greatness , only found in Hollywood's movies of the sixties .

America is far and very far from all of this , Americans still amount to be the number one in most aspects of modern life , economically and politically , the country remains surely the envy of the world . It is very silly to succumb to such cheep demagogy and despair while the whole world looks at the country for future guidance and assistance .

My full gratitude for your time and help spreading the blog and its ideas.        

Sunday, July 31, 2016


President Erdogan of Turkey , after escaping a failed presumed military coup , tightened firmly his grip on the whole of Turkey , arresting thousands and firing many more  from all walks of life . Ordering the closure of thousands of private schools , charities and other institutions , since imposing a state of emergency . Practically any and everyone not loyal to his line and his party's Islamist/rooted  policies , officially all against his declared arch enemy , an Islamist himself   self exiled to the U.S. , but including various secular groups and individuals deemed dangerous to the Erdogan reign .

This is and was a clear and only Middle-Eastern motto and way of conduct historically and for the past century , of all dictatorships and forms of governance in the Arabo/Islamic world . Rulings that invariably  required unconditional and  unrestrained governance , savage brutality , and an absolute upper hand in every possible walk of life , social , educational and administrative , including a total control of military and judicial systems .

Let us all enthusiastically and ceremonially  welcome Turkey and its Ruler to this same game and philosophy . They are firmly reintegrating the Middle-East and its mentality , its religious vanity and fervor , the whole game .  Of course one could argue that Turkey was never really far from it all , but their last century's attempts at modernization and secularization were remarkable to say the least .

A decade lost , and now being slowly buried . A whole era of genuine efforts and improvements  is coming to its end . Islam and a clear Middle-Eastern mentality and political dominance is gaining the upper hand , and  having the exclusive word to say , impose and govern in all aspects of life , strictly by its sole beliefs and doctrines .

Mr. Erdogan , his direct entourage and family , or the entire political party he tightly governs and controls , for some distinct reasons , they want Turkey back into the Islamo/Arab past and way of looking at all matters , and possibly manipulating it all , to achieve some of the old Ottoman ways , dreams and hegemony .

But !! like anything in life , there's always a certain price to pay , democracy , secularism and modernity are sacrificed , and loosing ground for long years to come , maybe for ever  in Mr. Erdogan's Turkey . Unfortunately he and all his aids and supporters are surely driving and bringing Turkey  closer to any military or kingdom in the area , to any theocracy representing any faction of Islam , he and them will all be governing and manipulating politics under the same auspices , Islamic tight rules of conduct , whereby eventually all constitutions and most civilian laws , will be changed and manipulated to suit and accommodate and perpetuate Islamic regimes and hegemony .

That is invariably what God wants his religious disciples , or as always only small factions of them  to do . All religions share these ugly beliefs and indoctrinations , and who could argue against or dispute the word of God ???   The coup attempt  or whatever it was , staged , previously known to some  or simply a little adventure , gave Mr. Erdogan the perfect opportunity and alibi to redefine his policies , internally and internationally , and solidify his grip over all aspects of Turkish life for years to come , A perfect coup by itself !!!

Half of its high ranking officers , thousands upon thousands of military personnel , 150 or more media outlets , schools by the hundreds , judges by the thousands , charities and other institutions by the thousands , women and other secular proponents , all are brutally silenced , and some tortured and imprisoned . This is not a simple coup affair , nor  a normal aftermath reaction to its failure . This is premeditated persecution of a whole faction of the population ,  one faction against another faction , by one way of life against another .

The saddest thing of all , is that , not only these men and tribes and politicians , call themselves Musslims , but they all in present times as in the past ,  they all maintained that all their brutality and atrocities against whoever was not their strict adherents ideas or personal profit , but were always done for Islam or their different other religions , just to satisfy their Allah , Elohim , Yahweh or other deities ,  generally Abrahamic  deities  though .....

A million Thanks for your time , and help spreading the blog over as many social medias and other means as possible , thank you all .    


Friday, July 22, 2016


The whole world politics and politicians are going backward and down the drain . From an intelligent and refinement point of view , whether  we look at the U.S. presidential elections , Britain's last referendum and its instigators , Turkish military coup attempt and its vulgar aftermath , Syria , Israel , Iraq , Libya and Yemen , no more refined political sense nor intelligence , it's all degraded to unmatched low levels of politics and governance , Religious terrorist organisations like ISIS , and many others , from all Abrahamic and other religions seems to fill the void and hold the upper hands.

Our main focus here are the American elections , as Donald Trump just accepted the Republican presidential nomination . Mr. Trump is a perfect miniature Nietzschean  " Ubermensch" , but in today's world and in America , there should be no place at all for this type of leaders . No matter what Mrs. Clinton is accused of , or disliked for , there would be no comparison for the choice of president . in November .

I for one strongly believe that a 20 points landslide will result in November to the advantage of Mrs. Clinton . The present staged panic among Democrats , is only to further energize the bases , while a feeling of imminent implosion in the other camp is covering the news .

Back in March of this year , a Trump supporter told the NY times " I want to see Trump go up there and do damage to the Republican party" Another said " we know who Trump is , and we're going to use Donald Trump to either take over the GOP. or blow it up". These extreme sentiments of anti- establishment nihilism , have to be condemned , albeit reflective of our modern political simplistic views .

Unlike Supreme Court Judge Ginsburg , who criticized D.Trump and later apologized , I would like to give my perspective about the candidates and Mr. Trump .  Mr. Trump and to a lesser degree Mrs.  Clinton , both belong to a category of people who do not deny themselves anything , it might lead to problems of cruelty and excessive domination of the strong over the week , generally treading over all others and any consideration to achieve their goals . Their lives go by winning , by exchanging favors . He more so , always benefits and promote himself for more power .

Mr. Trump wouldn't mind hurting people by making the cruelest of choices , because the system of morals he adheres to and lives under , permits and allows it . He tries continually to become an "Ubermensch" , while in fact he's only an apprentice and a pseudo one . Mr. Trump is the perfect example of one who would promise to give his voters a daily wellness pill , against their votes and loyalty, and later their submission .

Mr. Trump has to learn not to be so self centered , that sometimes it's alright to be modest and have good manners . No one is asking Mr. Trump to think less of himself , only to think of himself less.  Both candidates ,  more so Mr. Trump will invariably use the ends to justify the means , but in doing so , step on the rights and well being of many innocent individuals and groups .

He belongs to a minority who firmly believe in a demonesque way of behavior in life to succeed . Even his choice of V.P. , shows exactly how he would govern while being totally indifferent to his passive second in command and his ideas . Between the both of them they will further turn America into an obscure nativism , bigotry and intolerance , and I'm not going into their economical fantasies . A nation dedicated with all its citizens to further empower and enrich its top mega rich one per cent .

His whole arena was chanting " lock her up " after some GOP speakers inflamed their public , some of his aids came with a clear call for shooting her , returning us to dark ages witch hunts , or witch trials at the hands of notorious Christian inquisition torturer priests . Like the Nietzshean Ubermensch  living according to one's own self-realized morals , and not your society's morals , in our case the American society in its majority , demanding a clear set of morals from their political representatives .

Joining the Trump adventure , would definitely  be totally undesirable , and ill advised . No matter what some might label or accuse Hillary Clinton of , and I'm one with many reservations concerning her policies and political philosophies .

My usual many thanks for your time and help spreading  the blog , especially on social media as Facebook or Twitter and others .                  

Thursday, July 14, 2016


The British Chilcot report of 2.6 million words , that took 7 years for a cost of more than 10 million pounds . A British report about the war involvement in Iraq , that condemn everything about the motives and excuses for the invasion and regime change of the country , even giving both  Saddam Hussein and Tony Blair a final cart blanche as its conclusions . Would it be different if anyone other than George Bush and Dick Cheney , the principal and original orchestrators of this crazy war , as I assume they would have been at least grilled and judged , instead of being ignored , even respected , as was Hillary grilled few days back for her handling of her e-mails at the state department .

An army veteran , lost his mind and went totally and uncontrollably berserk , shooting white police officers  on duty . He couldn't apparently stomach the killings of two black men by police forces , and sought revenge . Is it any different when a Palestinian fisherman from Gaza or a very deprived person from a demolished and ravaged village in the occupied West Bank , shoots or try to injure Israeli soldiers , avenging 70 years of horrific injustice .

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton declared ; "Philando Castile would be alive today if he were white." But the scene turned different and ugly , as he was not white but black ,

Congress surely would have acted differently in both the Benghazi and the State Department e-mail investigations , and saved us all time and money , if it was anyone but Hillary Clinton , their declared enemy number one , the accused and culpable .

A whole different approach and labeling to the Orlando LGBT club mass murders , if the killer was anything but Musslem , till now no one believe or accept that a Musslem could be gay  or affiliated  to LGBT life .

The whole Bill Cosby sex scandals  saga , and his all too many female accusers would have been different , if it was not Bill Cosby in the accused seat . Indeed no equality between American men .

A massacre of several hundreds people , mostly burned alive to death ,  hardly had the world's attention , surely it would have been different if the victims were not Musslem Iraqis , trying to make a living in boring Baghdad .

Any people on earth , for the past century , would have had their independence and a free country , after 70 years of brutal occupation , theft of land and wealth , turning lately into an imposed total apartheid colonial system , only if the aggressor was anyone  different from Israeli settlers and their protectors .

A year or so ago , something amazing happened ; Iran , the United States , and our international allies and partners , made a very important step by reaching a diplomatic agreement that blocked potential Iranian nuclear armament . Few people and countries were against it . Would Congress today try to sabotage , derail and possibly kill the deal , if it was not for Israel's egotism and its Neo cons arrogance and self esteem , surely not for American interests nor world peace .

Finally , it's strange how Assad of Syria , has turned into an almost decent guy , simply because the opposition and their revolution has been totally hijacked by Islamist Jihadis , or simply handed to them ,  forgetting that Assad and his aids , helped create , forge  and used these same criminals himself for his own sake . would it be different when the Russian and less so the Iranians decide to forfeit him for a more moderate figure .

My gratitude for every one's time and help spreading the word , especially on social media ie ; Face Book , Twitter or others .      

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Why is it always the West in general and the U.S. specifically the only ones accused and blamed for their aggressions , Neoconism and their political philosophies of regime change , as well as their colonialism . It is true that their policies toward the world , had and still are mostly directed under the auspices of all of the above . But to be honest , so are every political entity and country all over the world , industrial , rich or poor .

Similar tendencies for aggressions and hegemony , for stealing the wealth and lands of neighbors , for dominating their populations , existed and continue to be until today , Russia and before it the Soviet Union , Israel , Japan of the first half of the 20th century , Iran and lately China , and of course many others .  They all had their fair share of colonialism , Neoconism , apartheid behaviors , and all had their hands at regime change , when it was convenient to their policies and leaders .

Eastern Europe , Afghanistan , Georgia , Ukraine and Syria , as it was in Iraq , Yemen or Libya , are  but few vivid examples of our adventures .So is it a normal shared human affair , a human genes defect a simple love of expansion when feeling strong and able ??  Surely , It is not a monopoly of the West, nor an American exclusivity , although one has to admit , that the U.S. excelled at the game  as did the Europeans before them .        

Almost two and a half centuries ago , modern America was forged , to reach and become the leading , and the most powerful country in the world , with an unmatched vitality in all aspects . This same America is lately accused and criticized simultaneously for two opposing stands , relating to the situation in Syria . Hated for one side while heavily criticized for the other . Hated for not pursuing a regime change , or even a full invasion of Syria at some point , and not establishing "no fly zones".

I know of so many Syrians and Americans , as well as most media analysts , criticizing the Obama administration for not toppling Bashar Assad , and not getting seriously involved in Syria , and having no clear policy vis a vis  the Syrian regime and its army , while simultaneously  criticizing Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary Of State or now as the presidential nominee , for her hawkish approach to foreign affairs , her Neocone's partnerships and regime change philosophies , even for her willingness to create "no fly zones in Syria".

  Until recently most people criticized the American ill adventured invasion of Iraq during the Bush era , and the aftermath policies at the hands of totally incompetent American governors . Mr. Obama who practically removed most American troops and presence from Iraq , is still heavily criticized and blamed today by some prominent opposing politicians for not supporting a meaningful surge of American troops in both Iraq and Syria , insinuating that it's the real reason for all the chaos in the area . All to say ; how divided opinions are and how non objective political differences and practices could be , and how biased most columnists, politicians , their readers and followers are .

My gratitude for your time and attention , as well as your help spreading the word .

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

YOU BET IT IS ........

Is what drove Brexit also driving Trump ??  you bet it is . " they took their country back , just like we will take America back ". Triumphally declared  Trump , while promoting his business in Scotland . He is now doubting the validity and the worth of all international trade agreements . While America is only 4% of world population , Mr. Trump wants to cut back on everything international and isolate Americans within their fortified walls .

The leave campaign in Britain grew and strengthened using a demagogy of fear slogans and tactics , the same is being used here in America by the Trump campaign , and driving his popularity , fear of open borders and its immigrants , criminalizing them in bulk , fear of international free markets and trade movement , fear of loss of jobs of a smaller and less educated nature , and a fear of any and every color but pure white and blond hair .  An absurd and desperate clinging to old fashions , old ways and habits , including a relaxing religious conformity .

No wonder British exiter's voters look very , very similar to Mr. Trump's political gatherings and voters , they practically behave and surely speak the same sentences and words , they chant in excitement the same hymns .

The parallels of Nigel Farage's billboard showing a group of  dark-skinned men entering the U.K. cannot miss the billboard  " let's turn America white again ." By an aspiring politician in eastern Tennessee . A slogan widely criticized in America , but practically ignored and gone totally uncommented by Mr. Trump .

There is some sort of a silent understanding , a sort of going hand in hand , between Mr. Trump , the Brexiters , the French ultra right Marie Lepen , and many other European NeoNazis and ultra conservative groups , all sarcastically backed by an ever smiling Mr. Putin of Russia , and all modeled after the politics and ideologies of the right religious factions of Israeli apartheid .

Mostly white people , many over 60 years of age , " poorly educated " people , loved by Trump , people who are religious in essence and  still nostalgic to some old rhythm of life , available nowadays only in old Hollywood movies . All ready to absorb and spread ideas and slogans of hate , racism , misogyny , Islamophobia , bigotry and discrimination , in short anything different in color , shape or looks from them .

All my thanks for your time and help spreading the blog .    

Monday, June 20, 2016


When religions evolve into requiring their adherents to hate other religions believers and persecute them for what their beliefs are , then religions are of no use to humanity .  When religions become essentially rigid and inaccessible to change , then the law of God cannot become the ruling laws by which people lead their life .  Consequently  when religions become an identity , the notions of  pluralism , secularism and real democracy are negated by definition .

Religions cannot be democratic nor pluralist or secular, all essentials for any democratic society, unless many restrictions are implemented , usually by force in societies opting for such options. Most people of religious faith , are making a statement of identity , not an affirmation of belief . All religions with no exception share this mode of being and belonging , rather than real societal , cultural , spiritual and political plurality . Thus in all different one religion-majority countries , the public and the private are more fogged and ambiguous , modern theocracies are a perfect example.

Islam , Judaism and Christianity are being used to rationalize and justify brutality and oppressive totalitarian regimes and politicians . Like the Afghan Taliban , the Wahhabies in Saudi , the Iranian Ayatollahs , Israel's right winged religious/politicians and new waves of settlers/immigrants , all are proven examples of non applicability of religious democracy . The foundation of a real and genuine democracy has to take root in secularism and plurality .

Turkey , and until recently was a progressive secular country , where most signs of religiosity such as women's veils among others , were non existent , now with the newly emergent religious fervor at all levels , are rapidly making it resemble Iran or certain Gulf Kingdoms .  Consider Israel , a country founded upon exclusive Jewish frame work , aspiring to hold all the world's Jewry within its ever expanding borders , the same principals used by Sunni ISIS , or some similar Shiite groups . One while visiting flourishing religious neighborhoods in Jerusalem or Requa in ISIS Syria , would think himself totally in medieval times , or even antiquities , all sponsored and subsidized by state funds .

With schools and madrassas indoctrinating and brain washing young maniable minds , there can simply be no such thing as religious democracy , tolerance or pluralism , no matter how many think it possible , the Musslem Brotherhood were clearly attempting to implement Islamic dictatorship and exclusivity in Egypt before the last military coup . Religions by nature are expansionist and domineering , other wise they will fade away and perish , they have great interest in maintaining oppressive and archaic theocracies , who rely totally on brutality , violence and terror for survival .

People who seek to reconcile their faith and its traditions with modern world realities , invariably face impossible and unbridgeable walls , and end up admitting that ; religious parables and concepts are only looking to the past and its traditions and glories , while the next chapters of history will be written by different people .

God's will and rules , all fixed in past terms and times , does not qualify them to decide and govern the future .  The next chapter in the history of humanity , will be written strictly by those willing to look freely to forward times , confronting the whatever lies ahead .

As always , my profound thanks for your times and help spreading the blog .                

Saturday, June 11, 2016


It's only been less than couple years back , when we all looked at a world with limited oil production and export , at least from countries like Iraq , Libya and Iran , Sudan and others . Plus oil locally produced from fracking and cracking in the U.S  and Canada , where productions were far from peak capacities .

Still , the markets found good reasons , backed by the convictions of a world wide glut , to drop crude oil prices  and natural gas , by substantial percentages , from well over a hundred $ a barrel to almost 27$ .while supposedly all economies , industries and individuals benefited world wide , except big oil companies and producers .

Later in the game , we came to frequently observe the markets do better when oil prices would rebound , no one would mention or explain why the loss of only few big oil companies and oil producers , would beat world economies combined including their peoples doing better .

Nowadays a barrel of crude oil is hovering around 50$ , almost double than few months ago , and some serious Wall ST. speculators and big banks predict a possible projected escalation to a 100$ for a barrel or even higher . Merrill Lynch/Bank of America is advocating a price of 76$ per barrel by 2017 . And it seems everyone is happy with actual prices and their future projections . WHY ??

One would wonder why , with 3 strong oil producers back at good levels of export , plus some new discoveries in the Mediterranean and all over the world , plus the American /Canadian fracking oil productions ready to resume at full scale any time , and the renewable energy productions spreading like no time before , why do we see more of a shortage and oil prices projected to climb and possibly double actual prices . are these the normal trends versus the normal rebuilding of the world glut ?? whereby reduced prices of around 25$ a barrel seemed to be the norm . 

Is someone or some entity in control of it all ??  fixing markets , prices , productions etc...and using politics as well ??
3 major entities are absolute taboo in our political system as well as our "free" media empires ; the oil industries , the armament conglomerates , and Israel .  All three are totally undiscussable and untouchable .

We tolerate the oil industries to manipulate and fix prices , production and distribution and exercise a world domination , bullying all adversaries . We gladly accept that major chunks of the more than 600 Billion $ per year Pentagon budget, plus the trillions of Dollars for our wars , plus tens of Billions of Dollars secretly negotiated with Congress to augment defense/aggression policies budgets goes to arms deals and their manufacturing corporations . And of course Israel !! The eternal untouchable and undiscussable , no matter how embarrassing , obstinate and intransigent they might prove to be .

The entire world look for us and our policies about almost everything , and more so for our oil guidance strategies , while we here cannot get independent from the few big corporations and big banks and major lobbying forces , all acting to obstruct our acting  correctly , fairly and freely .

Thanks to you all , for your your times , and help propagating the blog .  

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Every country in our modern world has some similar day honoring its dead soldiers in various wars . For thousands of years , and in all countries in every continent , people of all walks of life , and especially the youths were systematically brain washed , and infused with ideas and slogans asking them to join their armies and their wars , always for the pure defense of the mother country .

Soldiers were always institutionalized and brainwashed into thinking that they are in for a noble cause , saving their territories , its peoples and their freedoms against ferocious and barbaric enemies , who always act in exactly the same way with their own . invariably beneficiaries of these wars make us all believe and feel that wars are always acceptable , even honorable and glamorous .

A quick look at the Syrian army massacring its own people by the hundreds of thousands in the most horrendous ways , and still enjoying a somewhat honorable and glamorous label , the same exactly would apply to their close neighbors , Israel , whereby all their soldiers , drafted or professionals , are constantly brainwashed to think and visualize all Palestinians , young and old , as terrorists and brutal killers .Thus proudly deserving the name and label of defenders of the country and its Jewish people , totally ignoring and forgetting the occupation side of it .

The Dalai Lama recently said ;" No matter how malevolent or evil are the many murderous dictators who can currently oppress their nations and peoples , and cause international acute problems , it is obvious that they cannot harm others or destroy countless human lives if they don't have a military organization accepted and condoned by society." These vast powerful organizations exist solely to kill human beings , added the Dalai Lama , and under various headings we've always made them legal , acceptable even glamorous .

Certain dictatorial regimes are the very example of these words , like the Syrian Assad dynasty , who for long decades maintained a strong and brutal army that is still today the backbone of the regime , infused largely by loyal elements of the sectarian Syrian mosaic . Israel is becoming a world leader in militarizing its youths , and making the war organization an essential corner stone of their economy and society .

If we calculate what the top few war machines in the world , like the U.S , Russia , Israel and Saudi Arabia , spend yearly on equipment , maintaining and training their armies , one can not imagine it wouldn't all lead to a world without wars , it defies common sense . Strictly by adding what we proudly call our defense needs , humanity could completely alleviate poverty , hunger , illiteracy and sickness . The whole serving mostly huge military organizations and institutions , military industries from all Western countries , Israel and Russia , are constantly behind backing the fiercest war propagandist always backed by big banks and big interests and money . 

As always my thanks to all for your times and help spreading the blog . 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


An example in defence of the always accused  "America" , the one sided America , is in what we're witnessing nowadays in Vietnam , where most Vietnamese people , who suffered enormously from American hegemony during the Vietnam war against the communist regime of the north , these same people are demonstrating today an amazing enthusiastic show of support for American friendship and way of life , as well as political and economical support , from all aspects and forms of social stratums .

A very opposing picture emerges from practically all Musslem and Arab countries , and more so from rich Arab countries , that expresses hate and disdain to all Western  values  and politics as well as any form of progress . They hate us !!! It is simply and purely their created problems , their recreation of an impossible fundamental Islamism , accompanied by an unequal fanaticism in our modern times , only equaled by Israeli/Jewish comparable fanatic situation . Their closing of their minds and staying stuck in a 6th and 16th  century mentality and views of life and  the other . They have created a Hollywoodic  type scene and atmosphere to perpetuate their past dreams of glory and hegemony . While refusing to reconcile with modernity and 21st century norms . Zealots from both camps or religions only form the two sides of the same coin .

These are not good signs or times for all people belonging to those areas of the world , even when compared to war ravaged Syria , Yemen or Iraq , with new killing machines and suicidal living engines destroying the very fabric of societies , as we witnessed lately in Baghdad , the Syrian littoral , or Paris and Brussels before those . The same fear is starting to grip the entire world , as more of these crazy suicidal youths , probably in the thousands or tenth of thousands of them , dormant in every corner of our small glob , all waiting to be awakened .

The whole Western hemisphere will suffer , Russia , Iran , Israel and most Arab countries including Saudi and all other similar originators of these fundamentalist and intolerant ideas . How long will it be for young Palestinians knowingly facing death , armed only with little knives , to switch tactics and wear detonating jackets vis a vis the Israeli occupation and arrogant colonialist apartheid and brutality .

Does the world need all these atrocities and animalistic brutalities , for Musslems of all denominations as well as all fanatics to realize and wake up to the facts that they are all living in past centuries and archaic historical dreams , not compatible anymore with modernity and today's world . Only to be viewed and judged by the whole world as ravaged psychopaths .

Why do they hate us ?? I believe every Musslem man or woman , as well as every Israeli fanatic should ask themselves , are we turning the other cheek ?  Are we showing any sign of tolerance or acceptance of the other ??  these people are the most religious literals  and narrow minded fanatic practicing groups on earth , and their actions are felt left and right , and only creating similar reactions . It's starting to feel in elections and politics , in mass sentiments , and in youth reactions .

Why do they hate us ?? A double used axiom , whereby both sides of any conflict , all conflicts ,use comfortably , defending their outdated narrow views and actions , against the other side and all sides .

My usual appreciation for your times and help spreading the blog .      


Monday, May 16, 2016


Generally , people with  good or better moods , turn themselves more receptive to pleasures , they feel these moments more thoroughly and enjoyably , contrary to people with depressed moods , or ugly moods , whereby even basic life enjoyments ; food , sex , or being in good company , leave them cold  and unpleasurable .  A good mood brings about optimism , we tend more to look at the good side of things , while the bad mood brings the exact opposite .

Individuals who look at life and its various situations , as they look into a half empty or half full glass , they see something good in any situation , or bad . It's clear which is the better attitude in life . Happy people , have always a tendency to get and become happier , and sadly , the sad people only get sadder .  Abe Lincoln said ;" Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Arguing , that we only need to choose to be happy and we will be , even pretending to be , puts one closer to real feelings of happiness .

Most people find that their moods change , goes up or down , in response to different events in life , events that could be relatively small or of short duration , when measured to a life span , or even in historical terms . Most Americans and Westerners claim they are "unhappy" about their income and wealth , believing their lack of money as their number one obstacle to good or better life . So they work more , and spend longer hours at work , only to discover that the little extra money they've produced , is not a real contributor to happiness . Money impacts our lives when it lifts someone from total poverty and deprivation into an acceptable moderate condition , but diminishes at higher stages .

To be happy with ones life , one has to start living a life he or she are happy with . Even if it sounds platonic , and a bit simplistic in our materialistic world , Socrates , Plato and Aristotle , plus many more recent philosophers , strongly believed in morality and moral virtue as an essential element of good life , all believing that it's better to be a just and virtuous suffering person , than an unjust one who's gratified and content . Generally there's one way or very few to be virtuous , but many ways to be vicious in life .

One major result of modern medical science , has been translated by longevity and extensions to human lives . Where not long ago , life expectancy was still around 40 years for most , nowadays it's 80 and 90 and still expanding . Medical science will keep us or our descendents alive to at least 100 or 120 years of age , in the coming few decades , but is it all that desirable ??

With less and less preparation for old ages , and less social providings . Most older people I know , end their lives or at least their last 10 to 20 years in nursing homes , that's of course when they can afford them , with very limited pleasures , minimal activities , and reduced comprehension . Plus a whole variety of other serious ailments , would the extra added years of a life of the sort make us feel better or make our lives more enjoyable and profitable ??

Think of it like this , one could die at or around 80 or 90 , or live his extra added 10 or 15 years with an advanced case of Alzheimer or Parkinson , barely aware of anything around him , and needing constant care in every aspect of ones practical life , is adding those years any more beneficial or pleasant ??

Nietzsche would argue ; " Die at the right time." Was Nietzsche right in his vision , that in human life "more can be less"  Just adding years and lengthening our lives , is not necessarily good and pleasant , a shorter and higher quality life is always way better and more satisfying than a longer but lower grade life .

My as always , many thanks for your time , patience and help spreading our blog .        

Friday, May 6, 2016


The game of labeling , is a historical game , but lately in Western media it reached unmatched levels, and expert territories .

" Muslim poised to defeat billionaire's son to run London !!!", Makes one wonder , Why only one of the two contestants is continually called and labeled by his religion , while the other who happens to be a Jew , is only called and labeled by his name , his father's wealth , and ancestry ??

I'm referring , obviously , to the race and election for the post of Mayor of London , where the final and official results are due any time very soon , " The Musslem is due to win ! the Musslem won !! " we are starting to read in the media left and right , the race captivated and got the interest of the whole media , our media , consequently the worlds media .

The UK born , Musslem candidate, Saddiq Khan ,  is a labor representative , while his opponent , Zac Goldsmith , is a Tory , descendent of a very rich family . Very little mention though of  Goldsmith's  affiliation to Musslems , through his sister , who became musslem herself , married a famous Pakistani cricket player , had two kids , and later divorced .

Already many accusations of religious slur , and anti Semitic allusions were used in the London race , as it's been used lately in many forms in the UK and Europe , especially affiliating Hitler and his Nazi party to Zionism , and their special dubious deals . To a degree where the Israeli army second in command ; Gen. Ya'eer Gholan , who in a very contested speech by all extreme right Neocons including PM Netanyahu , alluded to comparisons of Nazi and Israeli army and certain elements of the Israeli society , and the bestial brutality acts ,and hate of all non Jewish , governing Israeli society lately .

 But !!  in  U.S. and Western media , one is still and constantly called ;         " the Musslem " projected mayor , while his rival is ; " Zac Goldsmith , son of a London Billionaire ".

My gratitude to all for your times and help spreading the blog .