Thursday, April 8, 2010


"So the biblical story goes". If the apple really led to the " Knowledge of good and evil," then Adam and Eve did not know good and evil before sampling it. So it doesn't seem very fair to punish a woman for something she didn't know was not good, such as disobeying God telling her to not eat a piece of fruit. We don't morally judge infants for taking things from a friend's purse, but we do condemn older children, or praise them for not doing so. Plus, once Eve learned that her actions were not good, she immediately felt ashamed,which actually seems quiet commendable. It's not like she ran around the garden afterward bragging; How delicious those apples are.

And after all that, it seems unfair and excessively harsh for everyone else, especially people not living at the time,to be punished for what this dynamic duo did without their even knowing they did wrong in the first place. Imagine a principal punishing an entire school as well as all future enrolled students for two people caught doing something they didn't even know -couldn't know- was wrong. None of this seems anywhere close to what we currently value in an ethical system.
If God is all-knowing, why couldn't he find Adam after he ate the apple? And why didn't he also call out "Eve, where are you?" especially since she ate the apple to begin with.

In 2007, Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers sued God for terrorizing humanity with widespread death. (the case was dismissed on grounds that God couldn't be properly notified, despite the senator's plea that God's omniscience should require that He knew of the lawsuit.) So couldn't God be put on trial for entrapment as well, by knowingly placing two people with no knowledge in a garden with a talking snake and a magic apple he knew they'd eat?.

After eating the apple,they both became ashamed of their bodies and invented the first fashion item, the fig leaf collection.

Now with a clear understanding of this particular story of creation,we can move on with our discussion. It's been suggested that same-sex marriage will tear down the fabric of the family, devaluing marriage,first of all this is coming from people in a country, the United States, where 45% of marriages end in divorce,and with most of the concern over gay marriage coming from the religious right, it should be somewhat of a surprise that their divorce rate is higher than that of non-religious atheists and agnostics.In contrast, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have all allowed gay civil unions for at least a dozen years, and in each of those countries not only did the heterosexual marriage rate increase (by upward of 25% in Sweden), but the divorce rate dropped, This all might be part of the motivation for the harsh saying "Focus on your own damn family."

In like manner,in many parts of the US, only back in 1966, marriage was defined as "two people of the same race." ( of course man and woman) In a court case upholding this, the trial judge proclaimed, "Almighty God created the races...(and) placed them on separate continents...(which) shows that he did not intent for the races to mix." Interracial marriages remained illegal until a 1967 Supreme court decision ruled otherwise.

Even today, Muslem women are victims of so-called honor killings in which family members or others in the community kill them for such "crimes" as interracial dating, though also for infidelity, flirting, and in some extreme cases, such as the husband having a dream that the woman betrayed him. these are often carried out publicly and even celebrated, it is estimated by the United Nations that more than 6000 cases occur annually.

Though how soon and easily we forget about the story of creation, as told by no one who was there.

As usual, my thanks to MR.Bowen for his invaluable inspiration.