Thursday, October 26, 2023

Biden Returns From Israel Empty-Handed........ BY RALPH NADER


If President Joe Biden were a pony, instead of a perennial warhorse (e.g., gung-ho for Bush/Cheney’s criminal destruction of Iraq), he would have his tail between his legs on his return from a one-day trip to Israel. He failed to achieve any immediate, critical objectives while the ongoing destruction of Gaza and the defenseless Palestinians continues.

Did Biden get Israel and Egypt to allow the exit of hundreds of American citizens fleeing the Gazan firestorm? No!

Did Biden open up corridors for humanitarian aid to the babies, children, women, elderly and other civilians in Gaza who had nothing to do with the October 7th Hamas homicide/suicide attack on Israelis? No!

To the contrary, earlier in the week he cruelly ordered his UN Ambassador to veto a widely supported resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire.

Did he forcefully double down on his earlier counsel to the Israeli government to obey the laws of war, then and now, being openly violated? No! He continued his silence after the Israeli Defense Minister ordered his soldiers with the genocidal command, “No electricity, no food, no fuel, no water…” That death sentence includes patients in hospitals who must endure the carpet bombing of this long-time blockaded tiny strip of desert land holding 2.3 million people. (See, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).

Did Biden press for the exchange of Hamas’ hostages for the release of Palestinian prisoners, including young Palestinians, who have been in Israeli jails for years without due process or charges? No! Worse, Biden failed to object to the Israeli military stating that the release of over 200 Israeli hostages is a “secondary priority” to smashing Hamas and Gaza “into the Stone Age.” This policy flouts the moral codes of many venerable Judaic sages described in an October 19, 2023, New York Times column by Mikahel Manekin titled “The Safety of the Hostages Must Come First.” Israel conducted two prisoners for hostages’ exchanges, one in 2004 and one in 2011.

Did Biden, in strong terms, tell the Israeli politicians that they have already exacted revenge many times over on the stateless people of Gaza – in civilian lives lost, injuries, related spread of disease, destitution and destruction? Did he say it is inhumane and counterproductive to bomb hospitals, clinics, schools, mosques, churches, apartment buildings, water mains, electric networks and ambulances, all of which is in violation of civilized norms and rules of war? Of course not. He greenlighted Israel’s genocidal warfare from the beginning of the Israeli assault and sent U.S. weaponry. He is enabling other actions of “co-belligerency” against the defenseless Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

Did he even get the 20 trucks of humanitarian aid waiting at the Rafah crossing – also bombed by the Israelis – from Egypt into Gaza before he left? No!

Biden did come back with a bill for the American taxpayers – who for decades have been forced to pay for these Israeli wars. Now Biden wants Congress to approve $14 billion for Israel to address the colossal failure of Netanyahu’s extremist coalition to protect its own citizens on the border. (Adding only $100 million for Palestinian relief).

That sum of money, to be authorized without any Congressional hearings or Congressional oversight, is greater than the combined annual budgets of the FDA, OSHA, NHTSA and the section of HHS, whose missions are to reduce the loss of hundreds of thousands of preventable American fatalities in the workplace, on the highways, and in the marketplace and the hospitals. (See, the 2016 peer-reviewed study from the John Hopkins University of Medicine).

Lastly, still not calling a ceasefire, Biden is disregarding his own military’s private advice against an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza as raising the risk of a larger war in the Middle East that would clearly be against the national interests of the American people and U.S. security.

He could have done what President Eisenhower did in 1956, when he demanded that the Israeli, British and French attack on Egypt stop immediately.

And stop, they did!

After all, the U.S. has some influence over Israel, to put it mildly. The U.S. endorses all Israeli aggressions (including Israel’s admission to bombing hundreds of sites in Syria, mired in its civil war and no threat, in addition to striking Damascus International Airport). All with U.S. advanced weapons, and billions of dollars in annual aid to Israel, a prosperous military, technological and economic superpower. In fact, Israel’s social safety net is better than that of the U.S.!

Biden provides total diplomatic cover in the U.S. with Washington’s automatic UN vetoes, and pressures allies to follow the party line.

Moreover, Biden seems unwilling to recognize the historical origins of this conflict that now has mighty Israel occupying, colonizing, brutalizing and stealing land and water from the twenty-two percent of the original Palestine left for millions of Palestinians under Israeli daily control.

Biden should take a moment in the Oval Office to read page 121 of the book “The Jewish Paradox” by Nahum Goldman (January 1, 1978), the head of the World Zionist Organization. He quotes the leading Founder of the Israeli state, David Ben-Gurion as candidly saying to him: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

Today’s Israeli leaders refuse to demonstrate this degree of empathy. Instead, they provoke and deny the creation of a Palestinian state, envisioned by the Oslo Accords they signed in 1993, hurl the most racist epithets (“animals,” “vermin,” “snakes,”), and make sure the politicians in the U.S. Congress never utter the words “Palestinians also have a right to defend themselves” as violently subjugated victims of Israel the superpower.

Many members of Congress who demand giving Israel whatever money and weaponry it wants for whatever it does, violating human rights under international law in its illegal occupations and blockade, turn around and vote against the child tax credit, worker health and safety, universal healthcare, paid family leave and daycare for Americans. Their viciousness – as with the homicidal outburst of Gen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) against all Palestinians, and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) a Harvard Law graduate, saying “As far as I’m concerned, Israel can bounce the rubble in Gaza…” set new levels of depravity.

A few Senators see it differently, especially Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) who noted “…it is no secret that Gaza has been an open-air prison” with “horrendous living conditions,” and that “children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas.”

Little known is that Israel and the U.S. fostered and funded the rise of Hamas as a religious counterpoint to the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). It was established in 1987 following the first intifada uprising. A 2009 The Wall Street Journal article titled: “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas” noted:

“Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction…”

To Biden and the Congressional “howlers” for the death of civilian innocents, historical facts matter little. Hamas’ lethal attack on October 7th was preceded by far greater numbers of Israeli violent attacks over the past decades taking four hundred times the number of innocent Palestinian lives, injuries and other casualties than inflicted on innocent Israelis.

Israel’s carpet bombing of Gaza will take twenty times or more lives of innocent Palestinians than those killed by Hamas on October 7th with the casualty toll of direct fatalities and the loss of life from the devastation of life-sustaining water, food, medicine, shelter and other hospital/clinic emergency infrastructure.

Also conveniently forgotten is the detailed peace offer to Israel in 2002, by 22 member states of the Arab League to establish diplomatic and trade relations with a recognized Israel in return for its retreating to the 1967 borders and creation of a Palestinian two-state solution. The Israel extremists in Congress and President G.W. Bush declined even to respond to this proposal. (See, the March 29, 2002 New York Times article: Mideast Turmoil; Text of the Peace Proposals Backed by the Arab League).

It is incumbent on the supreme military superpower in the region to take the initiative for peace over the powerless victims under its thralldom. That country is, of course, high-tech Israel, bristling with the latest weapons and nuclear atomic bombs.

Both the brave Israeli human rights groups and those courageous human rights Israelis standing shoulder to shoulder over the years striving to conduct non-violent civil disobedience at the besieged Palestinian village level, only to be dispersed by Israeli soldiers, know the real obstacle to peace. It is the plan by the right-wing Israeli parties to annex the entire Palestinian West Bank (nearly attempted under Donald Trump) and forcefully drive Palestinians into Jordan and Egypt.

Joe Biden is skilled at shedding tears at memorials of grief in this country. But he runs dry when the recurring catastrophes befalling Palestinians beg for his presidential compassion and actual deeds.

He will not escape history’s judgment.

Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate, lawyer and author of Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us! 

My usual many thanks to all....

Monday, October 23, 2023



Thomas Friedman's final call to Biden

From what I have learned from senior American officials, Biden has failed to convince Israel to step back and think about all the implications of the Gaza invasion for Israel and the United States. So let me put this in as stark and clear language as possible:

I believe that if Israel now rushes into Gaza to destroy Hamas - and does so without expressing a clear commitment to seeking a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority and ending Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank - it will make a grave mistake, and that will be devastating to Israeli and American interests. . This could ignite a global conflagration and blow up the entire pro-Washington coalition structure that the United States has built in the region since Henry Kissinger engineered the end of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

Unfortunately, a senior American official told me that Israeli military leaders are actually currently more extreme than Prime Minister Netanyahu. They are at the peak of anger and determined to deal a blow to Hamas that the entire region will never forget. I understand that. But friends don't let their friends drive angry. Biden should tell this Israeli government that taking Gaza without linking it to a completely new approach to the settlements, the West Bank, and the two-state solution would be a disaster for Israel and a disaster for America.

It's late. I have never written a column with this much urgency before because I have never been so concerned about how this situation is spiraling out of control in ways that could irreparably harm Israel and irreparably harm U.S. interests. ...and threatens Jews everywhere and destabilizes the entire world. I beg Biden to tell the Israelis this immediately – for their sake, for America’s sake, for the world’s sake.)

Thomas Friedman, The New York Times.

I've copied this article from an Arabic translation, of course I always keep the name of the columnist and publisher, hoping for their graciousness allowing me to do so without asking for written permission, they simply say what I believe is the truth, and I would say it myself if I had the same opportunities.  My many thanks to all.    

Friday, October 20, 2023



Over the past two weeks, J Street has been unequivocal in expressing our condemnation of the brutal and unprecedented terror attack by Hamas, and ongoing attacks by Hamas and other terror groups, against the state and people of Israel.  
We have expressed our support for Israelis and applauded President Biden and his administration for standing staunchly behind the Israeli people at one of the most challenging times in the country’s history.
J Street also cannot be clearer in our denunciation of those Israelis who appear to be seizing this moment as an opportunity to pursue a campaign of lethal, violent retaliatory attacks against Palestinians and their communities in the occupied West Bank.
We are deeply alarmed by reports of Israeli security forces firing live ammunition into crowds of Palestinian protesters and violent gangs of settlers killing and terrorizing civilians, in some cases with the participation of Israeli soldiers
Extremist settlers have launched over 100 documented attacks on Palestinians in just the past two weeks, killing and injuring multiple civilians – including children – and vandalizing homes, cars and farmland.
In that time, the United Nations has documented at least 20 Palestinian children killed by Israeli security forces or extremist settlers on the West Bank. One Israeli soldier has also been killed by Palestinian attackers, according to Israeli media.
In one particularly disturbing report, Israeli soldiers and settlers allegedly stripped, bound, tortured, photographed and sexually assaulted a group of three Palestinian men. The IDF has appropriately removed the commanding officer from their post and is investigating.
Over 500 people in the West Bank from 13 different communities have been forced to flee their homes, including over 270 children. The World Health Organization has reported dozens of attacks on medical staff.
There can be no excuse for revenge attacks, indiscriminate violence or the targeting of innocent civilians. Israeli authorities must act to prevent and deter such violence and to hold perpetrators accountable. Political leaders must work to deter, rather than encourage, such attacks as both a moral and security priority.
It is a moral and legal imperative for Israel to protect the rights of all people living on land under its control. It is also in the clear security interests of Israelis, Palestinians and the United States to prevent the further escalation of violence in the West Bank. All efforts must be made to avoid what observers have warned could become a “third front” for Israel on the West Bank. 
We echo advice from security experts and Israeli peace advocates that this is the moment to halt all discriminatory demolitions and evictions in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem – this is not the moment to double down on these destructive policies. It is vital that Israeli forces abide by international law and use live ammunition only as a last resort and when strictly necessary to protect against an imminent threat to life or serious injury. 
With President Biden set to ask Congress to approve an unprecedented new sum of security assistance, this is the moment for the United States to make clear that it expects Israel to intercede to prevent settler attacks against civilians, to ensure that live ammunition is not used against civilian protesters, and to ensure security forces do not participate in revenge attacks against civilians. 
We call on the Biden administration, the Israeli government and Palestinian political leaders to act with urgency to stop the West Bank from spiraling further into conflict, which will only add to the devastating suffering that has resulted from Hamas’s horrific crimes against humanity two weeks ago.
As the situation gets more barbaric by the hour, it is important to produce all sides' opinions and attitudes, hopefully it helps cool down the situation on the ground....
My as always many thanks to all. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

A loud surprise about Gaza...


A loud surprise about Gaza... very shocking news, and this is what happened before October 7!

 The expert on weapons of mass destruction Akram Sriwi, revealed that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. was aware of the preparations in advanced agitation (Attack), To cross the fence and carry out an operation, and there were alerts he received from intelligence services and other sources.

Sriwi added that the Mossad announced to the Israeli press that it had several indications of readiness and preparedness to carry out the operation. “On the other hand,...agitation. It conducted numerous exercises on crossing the fence and opening gaps in it, and this was under the eyes of the Israeli army, which monitors all the movements of the Palestinian resistance inside the Gaza Strip, through surveillance cameras, monitoring devices, and agents. Therefore, the Israeli leadership did not expect an operation "agitation“. It is either naivety on the part of the Israeli leaders, or neglect and misjudgment of the facts. In both cases, the operation proved a success for the Palestinian resistance and a miserable failure for the Israelis.”
And about the reasons for Netanyahu not taking the necessary measures to confront the expected operation. Sariwi told “Lebanon 24”  that “Netanyahu may have concealed his knowledge of this for several reasons, including that he was deceived by the size and type of the operation, as he believed that it would be within narrow limits and much less than those carried out with regular”agitation".

The main reason behind Netanyahu concealing his knowledge of the operation is that he wanted to exploit it to re-float himself as the head of power, and remove the danger that existed around his political future, especially since the fate of his government was at stake, due to the sharp division that afflicted Israeli society in the recent period, and after accusations of corruption. Which were directed against him, and thousands went out in demonstrations demanding his resignation and the overthrow of his government, and the demonstrators accused him of corruption, racism, and attempting a coup against the judiciary and the law. Therefore, Netanyahu wanted to use the timing of the operation to serve his survival in power, and serve his personal interests and deceived his people, especially since the Israeli public atmosphere was on the verge of overthrowing his government and the judiciary. Plus the fact that everyone in Israel doubted his political future.

 Now everyone has forgotten Netanyahu’s corruption, and has rallied around him in the process of taking revenge on Gaza. He is exploiting the feelings of the Israelis and trying to incite their emotions with resonant speeches, threats, and threats of annihilation, and population  transfer to other Arab countriesThus, Netanyahu succeeded in uniting the Israelis and making them forget their desire to exclude him.
Sriwi continued: “In the near future, all the details will be exposed, and Netanyahu’s papers and prior knowledge of the operation will be revealed, and the Israelis will know that they are victims of the ambitions, selfishness, and personal interests of their leaders, and what is worse than that is the Israeli government’s lack of interest now in the lives of the prisoners held by the Hamas resistance group. The Israeli regime is ready to sacrifice and kill them so that they do not constitute a pressure card in the planned warAll of this will expose Netanyahu to trial in the future, and he may face imprisonment.”
Biden receives a warning
For its part, CNN reported on Friday night, citing undisclosed sources, that the intelligence community in the United States issued at least two assessments in  which the US President’s administration warned...Joe Biden Of increasing danger in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The network said that the two assessments were based partly on intelligence information it was provided from IsraelThey came to the Biden administration weeks before the sudden and unprecedented attack On October 7, according to what the network said were sources familiar with this information.

One of the two assessments, dated September 28 and based on multiple intelligence sources, warned that an attack was imminent and it intended to escalate by launching missiles at Israel

On October 5, a CIA cable warned of the increasing potential for violence by...the resistance. 

But neither of the two American assessments presented any tactical details or indications of a massive and widespread attack, as occurred on the morning of October 7.

 “And I think what happened was that everyone saw these reports, and they said, ‘Yes, of course, but we know what it will look like.’” The American news network says that the assessments were among high-level warnings that reached the Biden administration by American intelligence and its allies in the Middle East during the past year.

This report was copied from a serious and respectable news site called "Lebanon 24" published on Oct-14-23, No name of any author.

A good report of a strong possibility of a whole and fully premeditated plan, a plan using absolute barbarity and brutality to achieve one final goal, the transfer of two and a half million Palestinian civilians to some other Arab countries neighboring Israel. We can later totally level it and ready it for a new wave of settlers, plus that it has rich reserves of gas as well..... And it's strategically positioned for other projects like the dream of  having a parallel aqueduct/Canal competing or killing the Suez canal.  

My, as always , many thanks to all my good readers, more so in these dark and dangerous times. 


Friday, October 13, 2023





It makes one wonder, why the US and some of the European countries stand behind the escalation and barbarism and apartheid that the extreme right wing fascist government of Israel is following and conducting toward stealing more lands, without their people!!!!  Who's directing who ??? and who's drawing the blue print here . One could only wonder. Most people agree, but not the media nor the administration and the official representatives.....

          This blog was published October the 10th, I'm reproducing it as still very appropriate, in an ongoing miserable situation...... 

Here is an interesting comment I just received from a European-Palestinian friend.

War and all acts of violence are terrible events which create intolerable suffering, human tragedies and destruction in all its forms. As it goes, the attack this week by Hamas on Israel is no different. It is however right to remind ourselves, in the cacophony of Western media and US and Western European politicians (plus Zelensky of all people!!) falling over each other to condemn Hamas, giving Israel a green light to wage a new war on Palestinians, while repeating the tired mantra that Israel has the right to defend itself -- but the Palestinians who have been subjected to a most brutal occupation, dispossession and apartheid do not!! -- it is right to remind ourselves that the root cause of this war is Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories for the past 50 years in total disregard of all UN resolutions, its effective siege and imprisonment of a population of over 2 million people in Gaza for the past 15 years, and it and its settlers continuing to steal Palestinian land and water in the West Bank and oppressing the Palestinian people.

The West and the US in particular, and Western media, have aided Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people for the past 75 years. The Palestinian people are refusing to die and a nation resisting aggression, defending its human rights, national rights and dignity is not a terrorist nation. Resistance is a right enshrined in the UN charter. The West cannot on the one hand brand the Ukrainian people defending their land as Heroes ( and I support this), then turn around and brand Palestinian fighters defending their nation's very existence as Terrorists. Any objective observer would qualify this as hypocritic, disingenuous, totally lacking in morality.

Israel ethnically cleansed 750'000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and conquered 78% of Palestine's territory. Gaza's population is made up with over 75% of refugees who had been forced to flee their homes in pre-1948 Palestine (areas currently within Israel). Since then, Israel has grabbed substantially more Palestinian land, notably in the West Bank and its evident long-term vision is to conquer all of Palestine -- without the Palestinians. I am not making this up. Ministers in Israel's current extreme fascist government have declared this openly on several occasions. This would imply a new ethnic cleansing campaign to get rid of several million Palestinians.

The URL link below addresses this issue and the possibility of Israel using the attack it has suffered to carry out such a campaign. I do not know how things will unfold in the coming days/weeks. Israel will certainly unleash on Gaza and its fighters plus its civilians, all its might, its superior weaponry and firepower, air power and missiles, its total control over Gaza's electric grid and water, etc. It has already destroyed 2 hospitals there. Meetings will be held in the UN which will accomplish little. There will be several thousand additional deaths and untold tragedies and human suffering. I really do ask myself: Why doesn't the US and Western European powers join the rest of the world in forcing Israel to cease its occupation of Palestinian Territories, and its continuous aggression, and allowing a decent 2-state solution to take place?


Here, exclusively, are these rules that everyone must have "in mind" when watching the Television News in the evening. Everything will become easier!
Rule number 1: In the Middle East, it is always the Arabs who attack first and it is always Israel which defends itself. This is called retaliation.
Rule number 2: Arabs, Palestinians or Lebanese do not have the right to kill civilians from the other side. It's called terrorism.
Rule number 3: Israel has the right to kill Arab civilians. This is called self-defense.
Rule number 4: When Israel kills too many civilians, Western powers call on it to show restraint. This is called the reaction of the international community.
Rule number 5: Palestinians and Lebanese do not have the right to capture Israeli soldiers, even if their number is very limited and does not exceed one soldier.
Rule number 6: Israelis have the right to kidnap as many Palestinians as they want (around 12,000 prisoners to date). There are no limits and there is no need to provide any proof of the guilt of the abductees. All you have to do is say the magic word “terrorist”.
Rule number 7: When you say "Resistance", you must always add the expression "supported by Syria and Iran".
Rule number 8: When you say "Israel", you should definitely not add after: "supported by the United States, France and Europe", because one could believe that it is an unbalanced conflict .
Rule number 9: Never speak of “occupied territories”, nor of UN resolutions, nor of violations of international law, nor of the Geneva conventions. This risks disturbing the viewer and listener of the US or of Europe.
Rule number 10: Israelis speak English and French better than Arabs. This explains why they and their supporters are given the floor as often as possible. So, they can explain the previous rules to us (from 1 to 9). This is called journalistic neutrality.
Rule number 11: If you do not agree with its rules or if you find that they favor one party in the conflict against another, then you are a dangerous anti-Semite!!!
A horribly bad situation in the making, let's hope it doesn't lead to another disaster,  all my thanks to my good readers all over. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023



It makes one wonder, why the US and some of the European countries stand behind the escalation and barbarism and apartheid that the extreme right wing fascist government of Israel is following and conducting toward stealing more lands, without their people!!!!  Who's directing who ??? and who's drawing the blue print here . One could only wonder. Most people agree, but not the media nor the administration and the official representatives.....

          This blog was published October the 10th, I'm reproducing it as still very appropriate, in an ongoing miserable situation...... 

Here is an interesting comment I just received from a European-Palestinian friend.

War and all acts of violence are terrible events which create intolerable suffering, human tragedies and destruction in all its forms. As it goes, the attack this week by Hamas on Israel is no different. It is however right to remind ourselves, in the cacophony of Western media and US and Western European politicians (plus Zelensky of all people!!) falling over each other to condemn Hamas, giving Israel a green light to wage a new war on Palestinians, while repeating the tired mantra that Israel has the right to defend itself -- but the Palestinians who have been subjected to a most brutal occupation, dispossession and apartheid do not!! -- it is right to remind ourselves that the root cause of this war is Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories for the past 50 years in total disregard of all UN resolutions, its effective siege and imprisonment of a population of over 2 million people in Gaza for the past 15 years, and it and its settlers continuing to steal Palestinian land and water in the West Bank and oppressing the Palestinian people.

The West and the US in particular, and Western media, have aided Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people for the past 75 years. The Palestinian people are refusing to die and a nation resisting aggression, defending its human rights, national rights and dignity is not a terrorist nation. Resistance is a right enshrined in the UN charter. The West cannot on the one hand brand the Ukrainian people defending their land as Heroes ( and I support this), then turn around and brand Palestinian fighters defending their nation's very existence as Terrorists. Any objective observer would qualify this as hypocritic, disingenuous, totally lacking in morality.

Israel ethnically cleansed 750'000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and conquered 78% of Palestine's territory. Gaza's population is made up with over 75% of refugees who had been forced to flee their homes in pre-1948 Palestine (areas currently within Israel). Since then, Israel has grabbed substantially more Palestinian land, notably in the West Bank and its evident long-term vision is to conquer all of Palestine -- without the Palestinians. I am not making this up. Ministers in Israel's current extreme fascist government have declared this openly on several occasions. This would imply a new ethnic cleansing campaign to get rid of several million Palestinians.

The URL link below addresses this issue and the possibility of Israel using the attack it has suffered to carry out such a campaign. I do not know how things will unfold in the coming days/weeks. Israel will certainly unleash on Gaza and its fighters plus its civilians, all its might, its superior weaponry and firepower, air power and missiles, its total control over Gaza's electric grid and water, etc. It has already destroyed 2 hospitals there. Meetings will be held in the UN which will accomplish little. There will be several thousand additional deaths and untold tragedies and human suffering. I really do ask myself: Why doesn't the US and Western European powers join the rest of the world in forcing Israel to cease its occupation of Palestinian Territories, and its continuous aggression, and allowing a decent 2-state solution to take place?


Here, exclusively, are these rules that everyone must have "in mind" when watching the Television News in the evening. Everything will become easier!
Rule number 1: In the Middle East, it is always the Arabs who attack first and it is always Israel which defends itself. This is called retaliation.
Rule number 2: Arabs, Palestinians or Lebanese do not have the right to kill civilians from the other side. It's called terrorism.
Rule number 3: Israel has the right to kill Arab civilians. This is called self-defense.
Rule number 4: When Israel kills too many civilians, Western powers call on it to show restraint. This is called the reaction of the international community.
Rule number 5: Palestinians and Lebanese do not have the right to capture Israeli soldiers, even if their number is very limited and does not exceed one soldier.
Rule number 6: Israelis have the right to kidnap as many Palestinians as they want (around 12,000 prisoners to date). There are no limits and there is no need to provide any proof of the guilt of the abductees. All you have to do is say the magic word “terrorist”.
Rule number 7: When you say "Resistance", you must always add the expression "supported by Syria and Iran".
Rule number 8: When you say "Israel", you should definitely not add after: "supported by the United States, France and Europe", because one could believe that it is an unbalanced conflict .
Rule number 9: Never speak of “occupied territories”, nor of UN resolutions, nor of violations of international law, nor of the Geneva conventions. This risks disturbing the viewer and listener of the US or of Europe.
Rule number 10: Israelis speak English and French better than Arabs. This explains why they and their supporters are given the floor as often as possible. So, they can explain the previous rules to us (from 1 to 9). This is called journalistic neutrality.
Rule number 11: If you do not agree with its rules or if you find that they favor one party in the conflict against another, then you are a dangerous anti-Semite!!!
A horribly bad situation in the making, let's hope it doesn't lead to another disaster,  all my thanks to my good readers all over. 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Kevin McCarthy Parody

Kevin McCarthy Parody
I have decided to open an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden. We don’t have any specific charges, but if we scream about Hunter Biden enough, it just may seem credible. We’ve been investigating President Biden for his entire Presidency, and nothing’s turned up. So we’ve decided impeachment is justified because Donald Trump told us to do so. Donate to Late Breakers PAC to elect Democrats across the country!
While I may not have any "evidence" of wrongdoing, I do have an unhinged far-right caucus that can take away my job at any moment. I need to appease them, so here we are.
In fact, all this talk of “evidence” is pointless. Here’s a comprehensive list of high crimes President Biden is guilty of:
  • Standing by a son who has struggled with addiction
  • Being a Democrat
  • Beating President Trump in an election
  • Being better looking than me at age 80
Now that I’ve announced this impeachment effort, my far-right overlords have given me 93.5 more hours as speaker before they threaten to remove me again. Totally worth it.
It would be a real shame if you donated to Late Breakers PAC and helped them elect Democrats to take away my majority.
Kevin McCarthy (parody)
Late Breakers PAC
PO BOX 15320
Ha ha ha ......  and the masquerade continues big time, while pretending to save the country from defaulting by forcing a government shutdown, and now the extreme  right Republican Trumpists threatening to remove Mr. McCarthy from his leadership position this week..... 
All this was unnecessary. The parties had worked out a suitable agreement back in May. But in the race to please Trump and his ambitions, and confirm his tactics and policies, GOP extremists renegaded and threatened to tie America to the tracks again. 
The deal to avert a shutdown was only a temporary fix. Republicans are poised to push the country to the brink again next month. The only long term solution is to remember these facts come next month, November 2024, and vote accordingly and responsibly, vote to save, and not to destroy America.   
As always my usual many thanks to all for following, be safe and well.