Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Every difficulty in life present us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources, the trials we endure can and should introduce us  to our strengths.

WE ought to be normally suspicious of the murky ideas laid down in pure academic and philosophical debates, exposes and  some dry texts.

I personally passionately denounce display of cleverness for it's own sake. One should be committed to non patronizing explanations of helpful ideas for living better. One would consider himself  successful when his ideas are easily grasped and put to use in someones real life where they could actually do some good elevating out character.

The art of living is actually a philosophy of inner freedom and tranquility, based on moral teachings stripped of sentimentality, piousness and metaphysical mambo jumbo.

Happiness and  personal fulfillment are the natural consequences of doing the right thing. Unlike many of  our days thinkers, we ought to be less concerned with seeking  to preach and lecture the world , than with identifying the specific steps to take in the pursuit of betterment and moral progress.

Seeking moral progress over the seeking of moral perfection is a sure sign of the higher life serenity. Moral progress results in freedom from inner turmoil,  we can stop fretting about this and that.

Spiritual progress requires  us to highlight what is essential, and to disregard everything else as trivial and  unworthy of our attention.

Let's quit trying to be something ultra-special , to be saints or mystics, or even  heroes, living our lives through useless continuous competitions, and instead try our best  and utmost to be honorable decent people, living upright  and decent lives, becoming our best  possible selves.

Rightness is what satisfies  the person for the sake of his own mind.

My thanks as usual for your time and patience, salamat.