Thursday, May 23, 2019


The Webster dictionary defines adventurism as "improvisation or experimentation as in politics, military or foreign affairs in the absence or in defiance of accepted plans, and disregard of accepted standards of behavior".  There's no denying it, the entire world today is living through a major reshuffle of the balance of power and the centres of influence.

The US and some of its presumed allies, militarily and economically practically dominated the geopolitical and economical scene of international politics for the past century. The show is changing as some new or at least reemerging powers are now in ascendance, while some like Europe is in decline as an international influence and their divisions while pursuing their economic independence from the US.

America is plunging into a deeper isolation and chaos following Washington's bizarre policies toward its allies and competitors, plus a very egotistical stand vis-a-vis its interests and economical goals and choices of allies and partners. It's all personal, and not in the interests of the nation or the world.

Take for instance the relatively new emancipation of the BRIES, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, where all our reactions to them came in some regime change in Brazil, re empowering the army and the Evangelical right. The Shanghai cooperation organization, the Asian infrastructure bank, the Eurasian union, and all individual Asian power houses, like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan are all seeking more independence from the US. And more so from a present administration that is not offering any type of reassurance or long term alliance of any type.

Strategies to build new replacements to the classic Western/American control of shipping routes and naval domination that are becoming semi obsolete, by the fixed realities of building huge faster and cheaper land roads and adapting new ports in practically all strategic parts of the glob, further weakening the total domination of international trade by the US. The old Western/American military domination of most of the world under the strategy of insuring various countries security is eroding, as its demand of creating continual wars is not economical to the welfare of the West.

The US Dollar as an irreplaceable and unique currency for international trade, exchanges and reserves is being lost slowly and surely. And the banking messaging and control SWIFT system is itself being bypassed and maybe eventually replaced by most of the above mentioned countries. Even by some of our traditionally most trusted European partners, like Germany, France and Great Britain, when dealing with our fictional and delusional tariffs against the world and sanctions against Iran, Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela and Cuba, plus an array of other small players. Even the Palestinian authority and the UN agencies serving the people got their share of revenge and punishment .

We always had the tendency of dominating the whole show, but the Trump administration pushed the game to new dangerous levels. So instead of the game being America facing the world, the scene is turning into "the world facing America" I don't think it's in our best interests economically, monetarily or militarily to play this game, under the pretense of our presumed total power and supremacy.

We have lost more wars lately in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, to name a few, that creating new ones in Iran, Venezuela and north Korea are definitely not safe for the country or the world. Unless it's a point to prove our arrogance and ignorance and start again reviving the old adage of the "ugly American".  While a large segment of the American population is evolving politically and socially and globally, some who are headed by pure demagogy and false pretenses, religion, fear and pseudo patriotism remain stubbornly steady.

We are still being played systematically by fascist leaderships, only capable of destruction and poor judgment for their egoistical survival. our only allies left, constitute of some rogue neo fascist crazy leaders, like Netanyahu and MBS. destroying their countries and everyone near them. Another good way to name adventurism is; "It is a willingness to experiment and behave irresponsibly especially to obtain unfair advantages in politics or business, actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially dangerous.
                                         All my thanks to all my good readers and friends.                       

Monday, May 13, 2019


We owe the term "Newspeak" to George Orwell chilling portrait of the totalitarian state; 1984. In recent times, newspeak ideologies and tactics are a sure recurrent and being reinvented and reenacted in many spots around the world. The US is a blatant and obvious example, Israel and all other theocracies like Iran, Saudi and aspiring Turkey, even some smaller entities like Lebanon, they all are headed solidly into the total manipulations of newspeak.

The many ultra right emerging political movements all through Europe, Brazil and India are all using and applying all forms of newspeak language, tactics and ideologies. Governed by an all ultra right machine, including the media, the religious hierarchies, the army and executive branches of government, plus a well greased ultra conservative war vehicle.

All these together rely heavily on religion and religious blindness to spread their power and dominance, always encouraging views such as "All associations and governing bodies not loyal and controlled by the righteous leaders or the elite club and the pious elements are a danger to the state, to their neighbors and selves. In these days Venezuela, Cuba and the under illegal occupation Syrian and Palestinian lands are all justified and fall clearly within these newspeak tactics and language.

These are not truth seeking, but power seeking words and acts, words that take more aim in bringing others down than in raising themselves, and when these acts and arguments fail as invariably sometimes they do, newspeak reverts back to old adage and dogmas of white supremacy, pure faith and blind obedience, plus the very much in use lately "Judeo/Christian" and Western civilization heritage.

The newspeak and its tactics that tend to elevate literal theism, savage capitalism, corporate elitist mentality, perpetual warring, are progressing into very dubious and dangerous political alliances, internally and internationally, and shape them all as the political force, the governing machine, capable of progress and economically viable. All of course at the expense of the majority of the citizenry forming the middle-classes and poorer segments of the population, their social benefits and popular projects.

Unfortunately all religious theocracies, like the Evangelical majority in the US and other parts, the Zionist's Hebraica of Israel, and the Muslem clerics in more than a few places, invariably put themselves readily in the service of these extreme demagogues, and become the leading engines of these political takeover and its new language and false ideologies.

Loyalty to family, Church, country, our values and our way of life, obedience, are all words to hide and camouflage the newspeak language, and its own philosophy, only to automatically classify the adversary. Specific terminology as in fake news, enemies of the people, left liberal, terrorists, Islamists and immigrants are invariably nowadays terms of abuse, lies and synonym of hatred.

These newspeak powers are trying individually and collectively to seriously debunk all social, tolerant and liberal achievement of many decades of the last century and the new one. To destroy every positive human advancement in social, intellectual, scientific and even at all levels of climate change, only to gain power over public and private life.

Should the world return and revisit philosophies of governance where the tight relationship between the theological and the political were the norms, where the political is subservient to the theological and our nations are governed by fanatics commanded by fascism and Godly inspiration, in some places we already have them, as in Vise-president Pence, Secretary Pompeo, Mr. Netanyahu, the Ayatollahs in Iran, Mr. Erdogan in Turkey, and the ultra right movements sprouting all over from Brazil to Europe, and brexit UK to Hungary and Eastern-Europe to most of the Middle-East. All of them aspiring and almost ready to espouse fascism openly or discretely, further enrich the elite, and dream of conquering the world. 

Was it not that the word "Fascism" have been too condemned after world war two, but who knows, in our times the power of newspeak could easily overcome and fascism could become a lovable word again.  Will our politicians come up with some prohibiting legislations to prevent a possible and probable chaotic and very destructive war in  the  Persian  golf !!! I wonder . 
                           Many thanks to all my good readers worldwide.                            

Friday, May 3, 2019


For thousands of years, Sapiens and more so the male side of them, aspired to play actively the role of God here on earth, and to regulate according to their imagination all relations between all men, between all women, and between the two genders, separating them according to men's powers and wishes.

Religions were created and theocracy got elevated, dominating social laws and rules, with all different monotheistic or other denominations and sects. All using the same imagination in enacting or asserting God's attributed desires. One of the major rules attributed to God and adopted by all constitutions and judiciary legislations was and still is murder and the killing of others, intentionally, accidentally individually or collectively.

Exceptions to these as in wars were always exempted, and in our modern times war crimes are defended by all rules and powers behind them, even in the most advanced democracies. But individual crimes are still considered as some of the gravest and most punished by Godly or civil laws. Maybe confirming the famous Stalin words, "The killing of one individual is a grave crime, while the killing of thousands is a statistical affair".

As in the past few months and even years, and more so with every election year here in America, we see the debate about abortion rise and ignite between all types of accusers and defenders, but if we think it correctly, we could reach the decision that the alleged atrocity and the labeling of murder doesn't actually stick, except for the Godly playing pretense.

Different societies in the country, as elsewhere throughout the world, give a living human being his or her legal status, his or her name, his or her social position only after the moment of birth and never before. I still have to see one legislation that admits a 10, 15 or 20 weeks old foetus in her mother's womb any official status or even a name. It is strictly still a matter between the mother, possibly her parents and partner on one side and God and his techniques to instill life in it and make it functional on the other side.

We even in most cases call it "it" and not really he or she. The officialdom doesn't recognize this it entity, at least not until it's born, and out breathing the same combination of oxygen and nitrogen we all do. The central nervous system of any foetus does not begin to evolve or start controlling basic bodily functions until the foetus is at least five months old, before that it has no consciousness.

A foetus that dies of natural causes in his mother's womb, and sometimes killing the mother with it, isn't necessarily caused by God's wrath, or any divine interference, so let's not mix theology with our human evolution and daily life here on earth, moral rules are evolved social rules, and all of it is a human business. So why in God's name do we act so aggressively promulgating the fiction that aborting a foetus is a crime, punishable by the harshest methods imagined by humans and attributed to God.

Wouldn't common sense dictate that we take care of murders and murderers who kill recognized people, individually or en mass, or people under occupation, and even entire populations, and all the atrocities taking place every day, due to planned policies, in so many places of our globe, and leave the judgment and punishment of aborted foetuses to God himself and the mother carrying it. And it could be here in this life, or in the next one as the Almighty might dictate. Why do we have to play his part and judge and condemn in his place, trying to execute ourselves what we assume to be his wishes.

This lie, carried out mostly by men, of forbidding women abortions in some special cases, date back historically to the origins of religions. But was never such a big issue, nowadays and again in election years, it becomes the slogan of most pseudo religious, Godly right wingers, who want to dominate societies and women for their pure domination and running the show and political demagogy. Whereby every other argument would be harshly condemned and put down, even by force, all of course in the name of God and our own interpretation of his institution of justice.
                             My as always many thanks to all my esteemed readers.