Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Mr. Trump is away this week , selling American weaponry to the envy of the watching industrial world, maybe America should have elected him to the post of head arms salesman of the United States of America. Instead of president, one should wonder if these deals will stick if he leaves office or looses the confidence of the American people .

As Aristotle believed ; that watching tragedy we ought to feel pity and fear at the same time.  Mr. Trump is striving to convince the Arab and Musslem world to unify and combat terrorism, forgetting that terrorism has a momentum of its own now after initially being funded by mostly Arab Musslems . And humiliating the Middle-East populations year after year with our policies, helped create and nourish such organizations, and made it far more difficult to combat or defeat .

Ignoring and not solving the Israeli/Palestinian problem, or any other situation in which Musslems and Arabs nowadays feel abused and humiliated would turn the war against terrorism practically to a stand still.  Continually vilifying Iran, even after the moderate election win , is a continuation of blind and naive policies, very short sighted strategy indeed. And only serving Saudi and Israeli narrow interests over solving the real issues, and serving our long terms interests .

The American administration  is playing the local sentiments of the M-E, tribes against each other, forgetting it could be playing with fire, destroying all fantasies of omnipotence and supremacy, and plunging it to its ruin . We are, by watching Mr. Trump's tactics, proving that he is an author of nothing and only an architect of empty spaces .

In America as it is in many spots of the world today, fascism must be resisted, the real question would come to be, are conventional liberalism, humanism, and rational maturity really up to the task ?? As our president elect and his entire team are proving to only believe in power, appetite, self interests,  immediate and quick winning calculations, they are proving to be angelic and demonic at the same time. Putin, Erdogan, Netanyahu, the royal Saudi monarchy and Trump all belong to the same league and follow the same school of thought.

The demonic alliance between a very rich manipulative minority and ultra conservative elite, and the  white rural lower middle classes, whereby the role of the later is to provide some legitimization to the former. Are we in all sincerity creating or recreating a system of the mad, absurd, monstrous, traumatic, surreal and disgusting ?? A regime of status obsessed individuals, a regime that goes in circles rather than moves forward in straight lines, a regime whereby being elected means, the future has already happened .

Mr. Trump and his entire entourage is proving to resemble God, who if he does turn out to exist had absolutely no reason for doing or creating anything , he is his own reason for being or doing, he also created the universe just for fun, and not for some purpose . Mr. Trump is not out there to achieve anything, as achievement belongs to a realm of means and ends, causes and effects, rational calculations and sane behavior, and not his world of deals, greed and benefits and high gambles, as T. Eagleton very well expressed it in his Evil book .

Mr. president, your trip, the multi tens of millions of Dollars as personal presents and even the billions in arms sales you've achieved will not make the American people forget or let go of what you and/or your entire entourage are entangled in or planning to implement in America . Not very good news for our leadership .

My usual many thanks to all .....          

Saturday, May 13, 2017


" Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty "  This idiom was said, used and repeated since the days of the founding fathers of the republic. American democracy must be defended from Americans who could exploit its freedoms to bring about undesirable changes and possibly its end . The mistake is to assume that rulers who won power through democratic institutions cannot alter or destroy those very same institutions .

Any single party, oligarchy, theocracy or even a family, could seize power in some combination of an election joined by a coup-d'etat and a high-jack of power motivated by ideology, profit, and love of supremacy. It could change the system from within totally to suit their longer terms purposes.

The party that exercises such control, generally comes up with very few policies and legislation that are really popular, but always the contrary, that is why they fear the same democracy that brought them initially, and invariably work on weakening it.

1920 Italian fascism, 1930 Nazis, 1937 Stalinist communism, later all theocracies, and in our times Islamic modern caliphates, plus lately many European attempts, Israeli continual playing on all these chords, and of course our famous American 2016 elections, all share something in common.

The Russian oligarchy established after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the ascent to absolute power by Mr. Putin in the aftermath of 1998, continues to function on these basis, promoting foreign policies destined to destroy democracies elsewhere.  Turkey's last events are shaping its leader as an absolute dictator, eliminating and impoverishing whole segments of the opposing population.

The present American administration, backed by the traditional GOP leadership are mostly focusing  on producing more often than not, less popular legislation and policies, avoiding more democracy and voting, GOP town halls meetings are slowly becoming a thing of the past.

When Western and Eastern Europe in the last century turned in many instances and against every logic into a one sided party system with dictatorial applications, propaganda and policies, everyone thought it's temporary and going to fade soon. But soon didn't materialize, on the contrary the systems became stronger and more entrenched in their positions, and its grip over every aspect of life became stronger, demanding blind loyalty from all. Only tragic horrors followed in every instance. They all managed to create obedient and loyal civil servants and an obedient war machine and populace.

Legislating laws that meant to secure and serve the ruling class, the affluent elite, and of course what was good for them became the law of the land. To serve their purposes, they wouldn't hesitate saying and doing things that they could have thought unimaginable previously. The Nazis, their SS and multi organizations started within the law, then transcended the law, and ended up undoing the law.

Abandoning democracy for some form of authoritarianism happened in many parts of Europe last century, some of them are still attempting it. While in America a growing tendency for the same under the guise of depraved white rural America and greedy big money.

Hanna Arendt, explained that totalitarianism removes the difference between the private and public, not just to make individuals less free, but to draw whole societies away from rational politics, and toward conspiracy theories, and fall victims of hidden realities, fake news and dark conspiracies . Arab populations and Semites are especially prone to these .

Most new appointees of the new present administration in the U.S. are playing within the norms and limits of destroying all rules, a known Nazi policy, and invoking danger and terrorism and fear . But surrendering freedom and good judgment in the name of safety should not be an option, there shouldn't be necessarily a trade off between the two side .

Democracy failed big times in Europe of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, it is failing in parts of modern Europe, and in many parts of the world, Syria, Turkey and Russia are only some typical examples, it is surely possible to fail in Israel, the whole Middle-East, and sadly the U.S. " Let's not say it cannot happen here, because it can." 

This blog was inspired by alarming events all over the 21st century world, and by a recent booklet by T. Snider, called Tyranny, all my thanks to the author and to my good readers .                   

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


The strong belief of many or most Zionists zealots of the coming of " Malkuta de-Adonai" or the kingdom of God, is only matched in our modern times by Musslem zealots, expressed by jihadies and terrorists, reenacting their caliphate. Both sides are enthusiastically willing to commit the worst atrocities to attain their thousands of years old godly inspired aspirations . Against each other, their neighbors, their compatriots and all of humanity if and when divinely ordered .

It's common knowledge that Israeli foreign and military policies going back to the days of Ben Gorion, have been exceedingly opportunistic, brutal and immoral, as his old and infamous saying proves it amply; " Were I to know that all German Jewish children could be rescued by transferring them to England, and only half of them by transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the later, because our real concern is not the personal interest of these children, but the historic interest of the Jewish people and its dreams."

It's so brutal and calculative when considering Israel's or the Islamists cynical motives and choices, in addressing their interests, their military adventures, their apartheid and population transfer policies, all minutely executed under an extremely well used shield of "Anti Islam, or anti Semitism." All rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-semitism are allegedly against Jewish groups, but obviously not exclusively, as non Jewish individuals and populations, their properties, community institutions, villages and towns and religious facilities are as threatened daily by Israeli Jews .

A clear definition of "Semite" by Merriam Webster  A; a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient south-western Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs. B; a descendant of these people. 2, A member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language. It goes without saying that ; A Semite is a member of a group of people originally of South-Western Asia,that include Jews and Arabs."

President Trump, few days ago in a speech addressed to Holocaust survivors, strongly condemned those who deny the holocaust, and pledged to confront anti-Semitism . The president added , we must never, ever shrink away from  telling the truth in our time. He also pledged that as a president of the U.S. will always stand with the Jewish people, but not the Semitic people. I wonder what is he telling the Palestinian president today at the White house !!!

All very well, very noble and worthy words and sentiments, expressed by the American president, in the name of America and Americans, the problem we find in these words is clearly in the correct definition of words, or the not so clear definitions in the president's and many Americans minds .

The numbers of hate crimes recorded in the past year, in Trump America, Brexit Britain, and Europe in general, exceeds 11 or 12 % from the previous years. Efforts are being systematically conducted, at least in Europe, to separate and clarify the difference between speech and criticism against the state  of Israel, and hate speech labeled as Anti Semite. It is important in the whole discussion of not conflating or mixing the totality of the Jewish people  with Israel, nor the totality of the Arab peoples or Musslems with ISIS or the Islamic Theocracies.

With humanity still scarred by wars, genocide, ethnic cleansing, refugees, racism, anti-Semitism, apartheid and xenophobia. The international community and the advanced powers share a clear responsibility to fight those evils, wherever they exist and are found. Together we must all rid the world of these sick ticking bombs threatening the world's well fare, peace and continuity .

Generally speaking , our lives may only form a tiny flash of our collective existence on earth and in the universe, but thanks to our brainpower, we at least have the power and opportunity to redefine and correct our place within it all, and to find and point the absurd from the normal path of life .

My as always many thanks for your time and help spread the blog.