Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Few days back the Times of Israel published an article criticizing Mr. Trump's latest little tirade against four junior members of Congress. I'm copying verbatim some extracts.

U.S. President D. Trump on Friday falsely claimed a group of four Democratic Congresswomen he has repeatedly attacked this week had referred to Jews as "Evil" Speaking to reporters outside the White-House, the President said of the four women, they can't call our country and our people garbage, they can't be anti-Semitic, they can't talk about evil Jews, which is what they say"Evil Jews"

Non of the women has ever been documented referring to "Evil Jews" continues the article, The President may have been referring to Rep Ilhan Omar tweeting in 2012 during a conflict in the Gaza strip; "Israel has hypnotized the world, may God awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." Trump was also misrepresenting the use of the word garbage, which Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not use to denigrate her country or its people, rather she asked in March about her so called radical socialist agenda, she said ;"We've strayed so far away from what has really made us powerful and just, and good and equitable and productive, and so I think all of these things sound radical compared to where we are. But where we are is no good thing, this idea of 10% better from garbage shouldn't be what we settle for.

As noted by several media outlets, Trump has himself in the past referred to"garbage in our society" and accused his predecessor of turning things to garbage.Trump has in recent days repeatedly accused Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, R.Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley of being anti-Semitic and hating Israel, and called on the women of color to go back to their home countries, though all are citizens and three were born in the U.S.

When I hear the way they talk about our country, when I hear the anti-Semitic language they use, when I hear the hatred they have for Israel, I tell you I don't believe this is good...... Omar was accused of anti-Semitism in February after she said that American support for Israel was driven by money from the powerful pro Israel lobbying group AIPAC. Later in May, Tlaib sparked a similar fire storm after she claimed her Palestinian ancestors had to suffer for the Jews to have a safe haven in the wake of the Holocaust, end of quote from the Times of Israel.

Now I have an honest question, while I fully endorse the article and fully approve the legitimate criticism, but I repeat why is it OK. and forgivable for an Israeli news paper to criticize openly the U.S. president, his words and tweets, and policies,accuse him of lying, while here in America, States like Texas criminalize and punish citizens for peacefully criticizing the heinous acts of the Israeli State and regime. Senators like Graham and others, even our President himself forbid anyone from any mention or word of criticism toward Israel or its leadership,brutality, inhumanity, theft, apartheid don't belong to Israel, no matter what.

Would anyone please, tell me why here in the U.S.  it is a crime worthy of harsh punishment to mention Israel in any critical form, or Mr. Netanyahu, while their media can say whatever their conscience dictates, rightly or wrongly. Again the article in its entirety is fully justified and correct, although I don't think Mr. Trump approves of its content or wordings. He even tweeted later, " "Amazing how the fake news media became crazed over the chant"send her back" by a packed arena in North Carolina, but is totally calm and accepting of the most vile and disgusting statements made by our four radical left, anti-Semitic Congresswomen.
                    As always,  my many thanks to all my readers across the world .                           

Saturday, July 13, 2019


The entire country nowadays is in dire need of leadership, sane leadership that is. Our current oligarchy,advisers, president and his family, plus of course all lobbyists and influencers, internally and externally, they all play and experiment with our foreign affairs, interests, and military global presence, And internally at our borders, with our education systems, social welfare, and medical entitlements, our taxes are a ripoff, slowly and surely replaced by Americans paying for futile tariffs on their everyday items. And a total mockery of all our judicial establishment.

One major example of our foreign policies blunders would be the blatant repeat of past adventures throughout the world. And mostly across the Middle-East, where it seems we didn't learn anything by our repeated mistakes and consequent failures, where only the exorbitant cost in many trillions of Dollars is practically bankrupting the nation, while killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians plus many thousands of our uniformed boys and girls.

My case here is about the Iran war, being strongly advocated, planned and orchestrated by a whole bunch; John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, our ambassador to Israel, Netanyahu, AIPAC, and Mohammad Bin Salman. Plus a complete plethora in the Trump administration, they are all rapidly escalating the conflict with Iran, after imposing devastating sanctions and years of oppression exactly like we did in Iraq killing more than a 100k of their children and repeating it all now in Yemen.

Until recently, Iran held up their end of the nuclear agreement, even after and despite Trump's unprovoked decision to renege. And Mr. Trump's continued antagonism has left practically all our traditional allies deeply skeptical of American policy and tactics and objectives.

Military direct action against Iran would inevitably kill very large numbers of civilians, be phenomenally expensive, kill too many of our uniformed men and women, and probably drag for years to come. Bring international condemnation as well as a world-wide total financial collapse, and foster even more hatred toward the United States. Even the Trump hotels and properties will suffer.

 Most experts, civilians and military, believe a war with Iran and its sympathizers would be more devastating and drag longer than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. This is obviously not a war to start now, especially not for the sake of Israel's Netanyahu, nor Saudia's Bin Salman, even not for Mr. trump's reelection bid. It's simply not in our American interest .
                                                 My usual many thanks to all for following. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A MEMO TO Mr. PENCE ............

No Mr. Pence, we don't have the safest and cleanest air and water in the world, as you lately declared, as a matter of fact we don't have the best and most affordable health care in the world, and Mr. Pence we surely don't have the best educational system in the world either, Nor the affordability for it by the majority of our higher level students to go through it and graduate in dignity without a life time debt. 

Mr. Pence , in a few and short words, we literally have non of the best in anything anymore, that used to be in the far past, in your youth, in different times, today the majority of the advanced and industrialized world has or are achieving better records than ourselves, at literally all levels. 

Mr. Pence, what we have instead and a lot of , is hypocrisy, few very rich and a lot of poor, a tremendous military expenditure and a war machine that is eating all our hard earned tax Dollars and savings, but making your boss the president proud while forgiving his dodging and eloping his military services. 

While you and your patron, keep cutting taxes to all rich and very rich individuals and corporate and Wall-Street figures, plus any special interests across the country who knocks on your doors. While continuing your predecessors very costly adventures in more than several spots of the world, While proudly creating new ones . 

Our present cost estimates of our adventures, the continuation of them, and the creating of new permanent wars somewhere, anywhere, is in the tens of trillions of Dollars, too many trillions indeed, in my earlier times, the numbers expressing one trillion was a bit incomprehensible, so are most developing countries of the world, we are proudly trying to buy Palestinian sovereignty, liberty dignity and existence for 50 billions !!!!  go figure.   

Now we look at it all, coldly, and admit simply that we're leaving our kids ten, twenty , or more trillions of Dollars in debts, even Lebanon didn't achieve such a high degree of hypocrisy, they are leaving their kids only a 100 billions of debt. 

Keep going Mr. Pence with your Lord Patron, and all his brilliant advisers, keep creating adventure after adventure , after all it's our motto in life as Americans, keep alienating our allies and trade partners, our neighbors, and far away partners, it surely might bring you two back to power , unless the patron decides to topple you, or simply drop and trade you for a greater adventure warrior or a full fledged credited neocon, just after Bolton anyway,  All for his pleasure and his destructive visions to the country, its people and the entire world, something of a Nero and his beloved Rome, but let's remember ; Nero died and Rome survived.  

I believe you call it Apocalypse, while addressing your beloved congregation, one would think and correctly so, that your Christian morals and beliefs and often your parroted values, would at least, some of the times, put you as a wake up call to many of the atrocities and vulgarities perpetuated by this administration of yours, but no one have seen any sign of compassion or love or understanding of the needy, of the weaker, the poorer, the oppressed or the losers, only arrogance. 

Finally , all I can say in all honesty is; good for you and him, good for your entire oligarchy and your families, especially his, but , as a matter of fact it's far from good for all of us, Americans and world wide citizens. 
                                    My many thanks to all for following....