Tuesday, June 23, 2020


How do today racists, supremacists, apartheidists and genocidists  falsify, evade and twist the conflict between their actions and a universal code of ethics ?? They resort to one of several types of rationalization, all of which are a variation on a simple psychological theme ; "Blame the victim." Jared Diamond continues by saying even Hitler claimed self defense in starting world war 2 , he went to the trouble of faking a Polish attack on a German border post.

Possessing the right religion or race or political belief and motivation or claim, whether historical, divine or racist, all based on the vanity to represent progress or a higher level of civilization, is a second traditional justification for doing anything, including barbaric brutality and cruelty, theft and genocide, to all those possessing the wrong principle or those who happen to be on the weaker side.

Adherents to any major religion world wide, and more so Jews, Muslems and Christians, invariably try to accuse and label each other as irredeemably lower humans, justifying horrific actions of genocides and annihilation toward the others, the them.

Our ethical codes regard animals and humans differently. Thus modern genocidists routinely compare their victims to animals, in order to better justify the killings and brutality. Zionism in our actual times typify this attitude versus Arab Palestinians in the illegal occupied territories. White supremacists and some Evangelicals think and behave the same way against blacks and other minorities.

Historically Nazis considered Jews to be subhuman lice, the French settlers of Algeria referred to local Muslem Arabs as ratons, (rats), Boers called African indigents baboons, the English language as any other Semitic or non Semitic language is full with animal attributes used as pejorative to lower the other to subhuman levels, you pig, you ape, bitch, cur, dog, ox, rat, swine, vermin or snake.

Americans and European history of genocides is plentiful, not very discussed though in modern times, but they constitute the best indication of complicity and indirect encouragement of the Zionist Israeli behavior toward Arabs. Justifying most of the time the total silence and ignoring the criminal acts of one group of people toward another in our 21st century .

Apartheid, racism and sheer brutality in Israel, the U.S. or any country for that matter is not an accident, nor a passing little malaise, not even a temporary situation, it is a well planned strategy through years of indoctrination to form young minds and a whole class of aggressive settlers, police, and zealots' militias, it's all by design, all to achieve certain dubious goals of annihilation and total supremacy in the land. And this exact model is being recreated and reassembled in several parts of the world.

In today's world, genocide, brutality and apartheid are more accurately described as one race of civilian peasants and settlers exterminating another for their lands, waters and wealth. And modern man like his predecessor have a gift to reconcile genocide with the universal code of ethics, the solution is always to plead self defense, viewing and picturing the victims as savages and animals, or the post modern vocabulary of "terrorists", a very convenient new adjective to some, indeed.
                    All my thanks to you all, stay safe.               

Saturday, June 13, 2020


In the U.S. now the system maintains roughly 18000 confirmed police stations, at all levels of county, State and Federal levels, employing more that 1,2 million agent, full and part time, compared to 1.6 millions in China which is 4.5 times as populated. They are all extremely well armed, almost to army standards with war gear and equipment matching those of the best armed forces of the world, maybe only short of nuclear power. It's becoming a too strong and dangerous force by itself, especially with the type of funding, training, brainwashing, and background of their white dominance and majority.

The same proportions are applicable in many countries, huge police forces backed tightly by secret services agencies and private and public paramilitary organisations. all these and we're not talking about incarceration and prisons, which are in America both private business and federal. They have their own trained guards and police forces, all licensed to arrest and kill.

Enumerating them all here is beyond our scope, but Syria, Israel, Russia, China, most Latin America and the US.of A. are all maintaining very well equipped and well funded Police forces, strengthened, armed and militarized to better dominate their populations, or at least parts of them, the less fortunate ones, while they faithfully serve the ruling classes, and their economical cartels and corporations, thus actively helping create and widen the existing inequalities in every society.

The new political trends in America and many parts of the world are a somewhat return to fascism, replacing the older classical military coup, and dictatorships, nowadays we see many politicians elected democratically by using naive and tired populations and promising them riches and past glory and domination, using demagogy and faking it all the way.

Again the U.S. Israel, Brazil and Hungary, even democracies like India or Britain, they all share these new modern trends. All playing and applying from the same book, the same tunes, the same political games and rhetoric. all striving to achieve the exact same end-results, remaining in power, and achieving their interests, with their oligarchies and families as a sole priority.

They are all using police forces as the ideal tool to keep everyone under tight control, as police forces are more maniable than big armies and armed forces, and having less competition from generals and higher ranks. In today's world and times we all cannot afford anymore Trumps, Assads, Netanyahus, Bolsonaros, Urbans, Erdogans and Putins. Nor the classical theocracies of the Middle-East, Islamic or Zionist. 

This situation reminds me of several other political similar issues in the Trump era, like health care and immigration, wealth inequality, corporate power and total social neglect at all levels of the population. On all these issues progressives are pushing for policy changes that are popular with most voters, as in fairer taxation, better police accountability, healthcare to all, affordable education and not just elitist products all over, but the most dangerous would be the stealing of the position and power should he loose the election, and he will need a machine like the police forces.

We cannot afford opportunistic profiteers, we're too crowded of a world, and we need economical stability, less armament and more fair equality, we need more cooperation and better global visions. Do we need aliens and space invaders to unite us ?? Do we always need enemies, foreign or domestic to unite and think commonly ?? Isn't it high time to wise up and mature and show less greed??
         My usual many thanks to all, stay safe.       

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


After the barbaric murder of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis by sheer police brutality and cold blooded meditated act, plus two almost similar cases, one in Georgia where three armed white men, a father, his son and a third accomplice followed and murdered a black young jogger in the same cold blooded and intentional act. A third case where a young black woman was killed in her own home by a police force braking into her house, at night, and started shooting at anyone resisting or even mistaking them for thieves or thugs vandalizing people.

Everyone from within these communities and outside, normal citizens, politicians, business people rich or poor heard the pain and grief, the anger and exhaustion, the helplessness and despair addressing the futile and devastating loss of life, perpetrated by the same police who have sworn to protect and defend the citizens. As well as the officials, local and Federal at all levels of government who have the power of condemning and putting a stop to all such cruel and barbaric acts of legal violence.

As a country, we're having so much difficulty facing the racism that is America's history. In other places we look at it and call it apartheid, but in both cases, we try to find excuses and justifications rather than facing the injustice full on, and we invariably end up doing nothing. I'm referring here apart from Minneapolis, Louisville, Georgia and Florida and multiple other cities and States all over the American continent, to what happens practically everyday in Israel and the Palestinian occupied territories.

Yes, the Palestinian population, undergoing the same brutality and barbarism by similar brain washed police forces and army troops officially having a license to kill, brutalize, jail and torture every Palestinian (black) and other under privileged minority. The same tactics are copied by settlers and other Zionist zealots and thugs, with no shame or remorse what so ever, all against whoever is not pure and openly pro Zionist. Gideon Levy, the famous Israeli columnist commented in Haaretz;" Being black in America shouldn't be a death sentence, what about being Palestinian." 

In America, all politicians, at all levels, acknowledge the sayings of Dr. M. L. King who once said; " A riot is the language of the unheard." And what is it that America has failed to hear ?? that the promises of freedom and justice to all have not been met. Israel and its Zionist leadership is at a neck to neck race with all of these policies and racist actions, what's mind boggling and vexing is when parties, groups  and individuals give themselves a right and legal justification for this supremacy.

Here in America, this present administration and its affiliated politicians and their judicial system, are all trying their best to incite and bring this same attitude of white, Evangelical ultra-right supremacy, it's paying mostly against blacks, brown immigrants and Jews.

This president is turning the White House and all major departments and agencies into purveyors of racism, death and destruction. To make it right, we need consequences and accountability, not explanations and excuses. We should all aim to root out the culture of racism, apartheid and abuse of power by a majority group against other minorities.

           My profound thanks to all my good readers, stay strong and safe.