Saturday, November 29, 2014


We can not admire nor excuse the brutal , blind and fanatic leader , who wrecks and  destroys his country and  the fabric of its society and peoples , for love of another world of his own liking and interests . Rulers and regimes  that wreck and sacrifice the very existence of humanity out of hatred for the other .

The thing to be considered nowadays all across the Middle-East , is the fact that the same attitudes reign and hold true for all parties , whether we bring the Assad president and his regime , the ISIS gangs and their rogue leaders in their quest of reinstating their Caliphate , or Netanyahu and his right wing religious neocons with their apartheid treatment of their Arab Israeli citizens or their under occupation Palestinian population . Many other leaders and regimes stand to view .

The notions of  dignity and basic human rights , democracy and rule of law and so on , are systematically reduced and eliminated , and always turned to a deceptive mask for the carrying of day to day tactics and long term goals  of all these thirsty for dominance regimes .The above mentioned regimes , are continuously orchestrating and conducting  "ethnic/religious" conflicts and crimes , sharing a common strategy of indoctrinating their youth , for the creation of a culture of hatred and brutality towards the other .

BE it called a Sunni Islamo-fascist fundamentalism , a Shiia or Jewish fascist fundamentalism . It represent the three sides of the same brutal repression . Requiring International , or at least decisive Western interventions .

IN this aspiring Middle-East  of our actual times , it is impossible for any one person to combine simultaneously three features ;  Conviction and loyalty , or call it " belief " in official ideology , Intelligence , and honesty . If one believe and is intelligent , then he is not honest . If one is intelligent and honest , then one couldn't be a believer . And if one is a believer and honest , then he's far from intelligent .

The Assad regime , the Sunni hordes in Iraq and Syria , and the Israeli religious coalition of neocons , share between them some very similar traits , policies and pseudo concepts whose function are strictly to block dialogue and kill peace  with the other side , and only aim at brutally suppress and annihilate the other . While perpetrating a culture of hatred by propagating horrible individual and collective crimes .

The truth of the situation therefore is ,that  Assad , Netanyahu and Baghdadi , are all the same in the long run  , applying the same tactics and methods to terrorize and dehumanize their subjects , peoples and opponents .

Thank you all for listening . 

Saturday, November 22, 2014


As we claim to cherish and hold so dear our relationship with  Israel , and highly approve of all their acts , methods , tactics and policies , almost to inspirational degrees , whereby so many Americans look forward to go visit and establish a living  of some sort in Israel  and its under occupation  cities  and territories ,  the obvious comes to mind , and one could  ask ;

Why  don't we apply  here in the  U.S. , some of their more successful and proven laws , and security measures and tactics , for instance when a crime occurs , and the criminal is apprehended or killed , why don't we go ahead simultaneously  and demolish and erase  the perpetrator's home , his siblings  and  his  parents as well , maybe  even  his  neighbors  homes .  They  are all guilty of  harboring , inciting  and definitely approving some of his acts , are they not ??

Why  don't we learn , how to go effectively after  the  murderous'  mother and father , brothers and sisters , treat them like dirt , jail  and torture them , deny them their civil rights , as they must have had a hand in their sibling's criminal acts , confiscating whole neighborhoods , villages , destroying  their farm trees , their water wells , isolating them within thick walls , just to teach all and everyone that crime doesn't pay in our civilized societies .

A fair number of Americans , without any doubt , believe that in many areas of the country , black people , are responsible for most crimes and acts of violence , except lately in our schools , Why don't our local governments and local law enforcement  agencies , adopt policies of destroying their homes and confiscating their lands collectively as punishment , and maybe rebuild new houses  for more suitable new immigrants . As in the example of Israelis and their troublesome  Palestinian neighbors .

The practice of collective punishments and house demolishing  in Israel is carried out through  the  courts and the governments , so no worry of illegalities , even if it's banned by all international  laws and ours . In the past we have carried some similar actions against native Americans , blacks and even Japanese , whereby today we have no shortage of anti societal elements in our country ; Arabs , Musslems , blacks , Asians and mostly from India , 5 millions Latino criminals .

No house demolition for Baruch Goldstein who killed 29 Palestinians in a mosque in 1996 , nor  the homes of Israeli men who killed and burned a Palestinian teenager earlier this year , or the shooter of a  31 years old Arab who was shot on his roof-top for being suspected of carrying some bad intentions .

So let's adopt some of these proven to work procedures and policies of collective punishments , and apply them locally for our security . Naturally common sense requires us to adopt these Israeli effective methods  in their entirety and  apply them strictly and only against enemies of peace and harmony , and not its defenders .

Again , as I was lately  asked why am I focusing many of my blogs on the Israeli/Palestinian issues , frankly , because I'm appalled by the happenings and our utter silence , my usual many thanks .   


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Throughout the human race modern history , some 6000 years , man  had always this fantasy of creating  a superior and higher than himself creature , a god  he later called it , an Omni entity that would be responsible for all and everything , that would be our creator , inspirer and our salvage , responsible for the salvation of our actual world and the one after .

Man gave and described his  created gods in the most  desirable and dream-like fantasies , filled  with  terrestrial  pleasures  and wishes , mostly  unobtainable here on earth by the majority  of mortals . Living as well with his wrath , anger and brutality , perfectly reflecting and mirroring ours .

Originally  mythical gods  were  more  civilized , as they  mostly attended to their own affairs , pleasures and brutal  fights and mutual destruction , thus  giving us  men  here on earth  a live example  of how to behave and conduct our lives .

Then  appeared our actual only one  god !!!  The only  and sole creator of everything with his rigid rules and ethics , the Pharaoh Khufu  had a strong hand in shaping the idea , a god that fulfilled  the aspirations of many by force or through the influence of time , spreading into larger areas , and different peoples . Eventually into world wide arrogant dogmas and creeds , rules and ethics . Into hatred , into pseudo love and forgiveness , that never lasted long as human nature was never compatible enough .

This same Omni all and everything  god , managed to steal man's  imagination for centuries , mostly with his brutal ways and behaviors , commanding and asking for the annihilation of everyone not within its grip or sect , contradicting himself in his eternal messages more often than not . Man was always his faithful and blind executor .

Why do we keep at it , and so blindly  and faithfully , whether Pharaonic , Hebraic , Christian or Islamic , it is the same  Omni and ominous one . As expected ,  gods and their disciples flourish mostly in troubled areas , take actual or whatever is left of Syria for an example , where the cultured secular , modern democratic figures of society , were the easiest to beat and eliminate from the game , only the godly religious remained  on all sides , all under a perfect umbrella of politics , Sunni  Musslems majority fighting Shiia Alawite Musslems and some other scared minorities . Iraq , Libya ,Yemen , and  many other hot spots of the world , not excluding the ex Soviet Union  nor Israel and Palestine ,  are all having their godly moments with  all its brutality and blindness .

Everything  about our lives , our understanding of mater and mind , of ourselves , is more or less maturing and advancing , except our core religious beliefs and behavior unfortunately . Isn't it high time we  seriously reconsider that old Divine Spark , dating thousands of years back in antiquity . Humanity is getting better, smarter and more accomplished over time , we don't need Sparks to direct and guide our actual times and lives , whether Divine or self made .

My usual  appreciation and thanks for your time with me .   


Saturday, November 8, 2014


We  all  realize  and know  by now  that  the Republican  party  won  the  midterm  elections  for 2014 , won  both  houses  of  congress , secured  many  governing  positions  in  many  States ,  clearly  rendering  them  the  governing  real  power  more  or  less  across  most of  the  country .

Next !!!  what  is  their  real  agenda , their  concrete  strategic  policies  for  the  future  and  advancement  of  the  country .  We  all understand  that  most  if  not  all  campaign  slogans  and  advertisement  efforts  were  simply  tactical  little  games , for  the  sole  purpose  of  igniting  the  electorates .

One  inspired  Republican  aspirant , for  example  was  calling  for  the  abolition  of  the  minimum  wage , in  trying  to  oppose  the  proposed  hike in  minimum  wages  proposed  by  the  administration  and  many  Democrats . Some  other  campaign  advertisements and  slogans  were  not  less  strange  and  unrealistic .  But  most  of  these  , strictly  for  campaign  purposes , proved  to  be  useful as  winning  tools in  a  more  than  ever  divided  country , politically  and  economically , widening  the  margins  between  the  different  American  classes  and  the  few super  rich , individuals  and  corporations .

Some  further  analysis lead  one  to  conclude  that  the  general  traditional  Anglo Saxon  constituency , is  steadily and  stubbornly  drifting  back  into  its  historical  traditional  conservatism , and  these  are  served  best  by  the  Republican propaganda machine .

Let's  admit  though , that  too  many  discouraging  events took  place  affecting  American  lives and  psyche  for  the  past  14 years , terrorism , wars  that  were  unworkable and not winnable , fundamental Islamism  that  is  increasingly threatening  our  way  of  life , some  very  intransigent  allies that are  constantly undermining  our  interests  in  many  regions , a  black president as well  as a possible Musslem according to  many. Policies and adventures demanding higher taxes to fund and cover , and  an  economically harsh meltdown  resulting  in  a diminished market  for  better  paying  jobs  and  positions .

We  all genuinely agree though, that  we  are  steadily  progressing  to  better  state of affairs  and  levels , if  not presently enjoying  the  best times of  the  past  12 years .

When  back  in  1969 , Gen. De Gaull , the  French  super  hero , the  savior  and  creator  of  modern  France , lost office to  a  humiliating  electoral  defeat , the  French  invented  then , the  theory  of  electorate  tiredness , the  people  being  drained , bored and dulled  of  the  actual  state of affairs  , irrelevant of  how  good  or  bad  it  is , the  want  to  change  at  any  coast , with  no  real  rational  explanations , I  believe  something  of  the sort  is taking  place  in  this  country as well .

The  reasons  for  massive  Republican  win over , will be  debated  and  argued  by  many  future  historians . The  main  questions now  remain , are  the  republicans , their  Tea Party  associates , and  some of their very  angry  extreme  right  leaning  newcomers , are all  these  different  legislators  a sufficiently  coherent  force  to  govern , to legislate ,  and  lead  the  country  and  its  future  in  the  right  direction ??  Or  are  we going  to  live  some  further  indecisive  wishy washy  few  years to come ,  filled  with  lots  of  governing  experiments  and  adventurism .

Let's  not  turn our whole political  scene and  future , strictly  into  efforts  of  futility , destruction  of  the  actual president  and  his administration , exorcism and grandiose dreams  of  impeachments or other , but look  into  the real needs of our nation , its youth , and  future needs of infrastructures and stability . Only  then the American peoples can ascertain that a good thing came out of their electoral decisions and the elections results in general.

A not so comfortable political situation and divide America is living nowadays, thanks for your attention .          

Sunday, November 2, 2014


In a recent conversation with  my son , who made his career in  solar energy  and its derivatives , more so in the single house self  sufficiency in generating electricity , by installing  photovoltaic panels  on one's home roof , and connecting  to  the  main common grid , or using rechargeable batteries .

I expressed astonishment as  most  of his latest meetings were with builders and installing companies  in the Northern parts of  the  U.S. , and  the North East more particularly , and asked him to explain  why weren't the southern parts of  the  country  with  their  abundance of  sun power most  of the year , show more obvious interest , compared to a relatively poorer North in sun ray availability.

Mostly he explained , it's due to the facts that Northern states and local governments help and encourage their normal households by subsidies and  tax  relief  programs  for renewable energy  projects . Whereby Southern States in general don't , rendering it harder for people to make the switch .

He  went on  wondering himself ; how come the generally Southern conservatives  don't  show more enthusiasm and interest toward the ideas of energy independence by installing panels on  their roof tops , and reducing classical electricity  generated  mostly  by  fossil  fuels . He thought Southern  conservative populations , would welcome this Independence more than their northern  counterparts .

Reflecting  on the subject , I reached some further conclusions of how , right wing and corporate political hegemony  is taking over the South , slowly and surely , against  all  other considerations , beliefs and benefits .

Solar energy is one clear example of this new state of affairs ,  it's becoming associated with liberalism , the left  and surely is more Democratic and not Republican . Oil cartels , fossil fuel energy corporations and right wing politicians are instilling  some kind of enmity against renewable energy , whereby the motto is that clean energy is almost unethical and against the real American dream , powering your home or hometown by solar is almost  un-American , surely not southern .

Oil and coal are in the same boat  with the blind right to bear arms , and general  Tea Party  ideologies , Republicans  and right wing  conservatives simply follow and let  themselves be influenced  and  brain washed .  Nowhere  else , more  than the south of the U.S. can one witness and live  this mentality and ideology taking hold of people  and electorate , politically , economically  and  socially .   

My as always many thanks to all  for your time .